[HarfBuzz] harfbuzz: Branch 'master' - 3 commits

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sat Sep 15 17:14:12 UTC 2018

 src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh |  257 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 230 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 9ff76c6025b55d184c96b193f23aa935ab32f1fc
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org>
Date:   Sat Sep 15 18:31:14 2018 +0200

    [morx] Respect default feature settings
    Does NOT apply user-selected features.  But at least now enables
    correct subtables.

diff --git a/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh b/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
index 52de7bcd..c544cb37 100644
--- a/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
+++ b/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
@@ -760,11 +760,6 @@ struct ChainSubtable
     Insertion		= 5
-  inline void apply (hb_aat_apply_context_t *c) const
-  {
-    dispatch (c);
-  }
   template <typename context_t>
   inline typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c) const
@@ -810,21 +805,38 @@ struct Chain
   inline void apply (hb_aat_apply_context_t *c) const
+    uint32_t flags = defaultFlags;
+    {
+      /* Compute applicable flags.  TODO Should move this to planning
+       * stage and take user-requested features into account. */
+      unsigned int count = featureCount;
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++)
+      {
+        const Feature &feature = featureZ[i];
+	if (false) /* XXX Check if feature enabled... */
+	{
+	  flags &= feature.disableFlags;
+	  flags |= feature.enableFlags;
+	}
+      }
+    }
     const ChainSubtable *subtable = &StructAtOffset<ChainSubtable> (&featureZ, featureZ[0].static_size * featureCount);
     unsigned int count = subtableCount;
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+      if (!(subtable->subFeatureFlags & flags))
+        goto skip;
       if (!c->buffer->message (c->font, "start chain subtable %d", c->lookup_index))
-      {
-	c->set_lookup_index (c->lookup_index + 1);
-	continue;
-      }
+        goto skip;
-      subtable->apply (c);
-      subtable = &StructAfter<ChainSubtable> (*subtable);
+      subtable->dispatch (c);
       (void) c->buffer->message (c->font, "end chain subtable %d", c->lookup_index);
+    skip:
+      subtable = &StructAfter<ChainSubtable> (*subtable);
       c->set_lookup_index (c->lookup_index + 1);
commit 2f97da6e2d6629e112789d399765d90f96952c0a
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org>
Date:   Sat Sep 15 14:51:50 2018 +0200

    [aat] Change version field

diff --git a/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh b/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
index 82e1d13f..52de7bcd 100644
--- a/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
+++ b/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ struct Chain
   inline unsigned int get_size (void) const { return length; }
-  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int major) const
+  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int version) const
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
     if (!length.sanitize (c) ||
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ struct Chain
   UnsizedArrayOf<Feature>	featureZ;	/* Features. */
 /*ChainSubtable	firstSubtable;*//* Subtables. */
-/*subtableGlyphCoverageArray*/	/* Only if major == 3. */
+/*subtableGlyphCoverageArray*/	/* Only if version >= 3. We don't use. */
@@ -892,8 +892,7 @@ struct morx
   inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
-    if (!version.sanitize (c) ||
-	(version.major >> (sizeof (HBUINT32) == 4 ? 1 : 0)) != 1 ||
+    if (!version.sanitize (c) || version < 2 ||
 	!chainCount.sanitize (c))
       return_trace (false);
@@ -901,7 +900,7 @@ struct morx
     unsigned int count = chainCount;
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
-      if (!chain->sanitize (c, version.major))
+      if (!chain->sanitize (c, version))
 	return_trace (false);
       chain = &StructAfter<Chain> (*chain);
@@ -910,8 +909,9 @@ struct morx
-  FixedVersion<>version;	/* Version number of the glyph metamorphosis table.
-				 * 1 for mort, 2 or 3 for morx. */
+  HBUINT16	version;	/* Version number of the glyph metamorphosis table.
+				 * 2 or 3. */
+  HBUINT16	unused;		/* Set to 0. */
   HBUINT32	chainCount;	/* Number of metamorphosis chains contained in this
 				 * table. */
   Chain		firstChain;	/* Chains. */
commit 29c2bd1795b933a611512af50a14f25e25d43159
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org>
Date:   Sat Sep 15 14:47:18 2018 +0200

    [morx] Add stub for InsertionChain

diff --git a/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh b/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
index e4774c4c..82e1d13f 100644
--- a/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
+++ b/src/hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ struct RearrangementSubtable
   struct driver_context_t
     static const bool in_place = true;
-    enum Flags {
+    enum Flags
+    {
       MarkFirst		= 0x8000,	/* If set, make the current glyph the first
 					 * glyph to be rearranged. */
       DontAdvance	= 0x4000,	/* If set, don't advance to the next glyph
@@ -196,7 +197,8 @@ struct ContextualSubtable
   struct driver_context_t
     static const bool in_place = true;
-    enum Flags {
+    enum Flags
+    {
       SetMark		= 0x8000,	/* If set, make the current glyph the marked glyph. */
       DontAdvance	= 0x4000,	/* If set, don't advance to the next glyph before
 					 * going to the new state. */
@@ -329,7 +331,8 @@ struct LigatureSubtable
   struct driver_context_t
     static const bool in_place = false;
-    enum Flags {
+    enum Flags
+    {
       SetComponent	= 0x8000,	/* Push this glyph onto the component stack for
 					 * eventual processing. */
       DontAdvance	= 0x4000,	/* Leave the glyph pointer at this glyph for the
@@ -338,7 +341,8 @@ struct LigatureSubtable
 					 * group. */
       Reserved		= 0x1FFF,	/* These bits are reserved and should be set to 0. */
-    enum LigActionFlags {
+    enum LigActionFlags
+    {
       LigActionLast	= 0x80000000,	/* This is the last action in the list. This also
 					 * implies storage. */
       LigActionStore	= 0x40000000,	/* Store the ligature at the current cumulated index
@@ -517,19 +521,205 @@ struct NoncontextualSubtable
 struct InsertionSubtable
+  struct EntryData
+  {
+    HBUINT16	currentInsertIndex;	/* Zero-based index into the insertion glyph table.
+					 * The number of glyphs to be inserted is contained
+					 * in the currentInsertCount field in the flags.
+					 * A value of 0xFFFF indicates no insertion is to
+					 * be done. */
+    HBUINT16	markedInsertIndex;	/* Zero-based index into the insertion glyph table.
+					 * The number of glyphs to be inserted is contained
+					 * in the markedInsertCount field in the flags.
+					 * A value of 0xFFFF indicates no insertion is to
+					 * be done. */
+    public:
+  };
+  struct driver_context_t
+  {
+    static const bool in_place = false;
+    enum Flags
+    {
+      SetMark		= 0x8000,	/* If set, mark the current glyph. */
+      DontAdvance	= 0x4000,	/* If set, don't advance to the next glyph before
+					 * going to the new state.  This does not mean
+					 * that the glyph pointed to is the same one as
+					 * before. If you've made insertions immediately
+					 * downstream of the current glyph, the next glyph
+					 * processed would in fact be the first one
+					 * inserted. */
+      CurrentIsKashidaLike= 0x2000,	/* If set, and the currentInsertList is nonzero,
+					 * then the specified glyph list will be inserted
+					 * as a kashida-like insertion, either before or
+					 * after the current glyph (depending on the state
+					 * of the currentInsertBefore flag). If clear, and
+					 * the currentInsertList is nonzero, then the
+					 * specified glyph list will be inserted as a
+					 * split-vowel-like insertion, either before or
+					 * after the current glyph (depending on the state
+					 * of the currentInsertBefore flag). */
+      MarkedIsKashidaLike= 0x1000,	/* If set, and the markedInsertList is nonzero,
+					 * then the specified glyph list will be inserted
+					 * as a kashida-like insertion, either before or
+					 * after the marked glyph (depending on the state
+					 * of the markedInsertBefore flag). If clear, and
+					 * the markedInsertList is nonzero, then the
+					 * specified glyph list will be inserted as a
+					 * split-vowel-like insertion, either before or
+					 * after the marked glyph (depending on the state
+					 * of the markedInsertBefore flag). */
+      CurrentInsertBefore= 0x0800,	/* If set, specifies that insertions are to be made
+					 * to the left of the current glyph. If clear,
+					 * they're made to the right of the current glyph. */
+      MarkedInsertBefore= 0x0400,	/* If set, specifies that insertions are to be
+					 * made to the left of the marked glyph. If clear,
+					 * they're made to the right of the marked glyph. */
+      CurrentInsertCount= 0x3E0,	/* This 5-bit field is treated as a count of the
+					 * number of glyphs to insert at the current
+					 * position. Since zero means no insertions, the
+					 * largest number of insertions at any given
+					 * current location is 31 glyphs. */
+      MarkedInsertCount= 0x001F,	/* This 5-bit field is treated as a count of the
+					 * number of glyphs to insert at the marked
+					 * position. Since zero means no insertions, the
+					 * largest number of insertions at any given
+					 * marked location is 31 glyphs. */
+    };
+    inline driver_context_t (const InsertionSubtable *table,
+			     hb_aat_apply_context_t *c_) :
+	ret (false),
+	c (c_),
+	mark_set (false),
+	mark (0),
+	insertionAction (table+table->insertionAction) {}
+    inline bool is_actionable (StateTableDriver<EntryData> *driver,
+			       const Entry<EntryData> *entry)
+    {
+      return (entry->flags & (CurrentInsertCount | MarkedInsertCount)) &&
+	     (entry->data.currentInsertIndex != 0xFFFF ||entry->data.markedInsertIndex != 0xFFFF);
+    }
+    inline bool transition (StateTableDriver<EntryData> *driver,
+			    const Entry<EntryData> *entry)
+    {
+      hb_buffer_t *buffer = driver->buffer;
+      unsigned int flags = entry->flags;
+#if 0
+      if (flags & SetComponent)
+      {
+        if (unlikely (match_length >= ARRAY_LENGTH (match_positions)))
+	  return false;
+	/* Never mark same index twice, in case DontAdvance was used... */
+	if (match_length && match_positions[match_length - 1] == buffer->out_len)
+	  match_length--;
+	match_positions[match_length++] = buffer->out_len;
+      }
+      if (flags & PerformAction)
+      {
+	unsigned int end = buffer->out_len;
+	unsigned int action_idx = entry->data.ligActionIndex;
+	unsigned int action;
+	unsigned int ligature_idx = 0;
+        do
+	{
+	  if (unlikely (!match_length))
+	    return false;
+	  buffer->move_to (match_positions[--match_length]);
+	  const HBUINT32 &actionData = ligAction[action_idx];
+	  if (unlikely (!actionData.sanitize (&c->sanitizer))) return false;
+	  action = actionData;
+	  uint32_t uoffset = action & LigActionOffset;
+	  if (uoffset & 0x20000000)
+	    uoffset += 0xC0000000;
+	  int32_t offset = (int32_t) uoffset;
+	  unsigned int component_idx = buffer->cur().codepoint + offset;
+	  const HBUINT16 &componentData = component[component_idx];
+	  if (unlikely (!componentData.sanitize (&c->sanitizer))) return false;
+	  ligature_idx += componentData;
+	  if (action & (LigActionStore | LigActionLast))
+	  {
+	    const GlyphID &ligatureData = ligature[ligature_idx];
+	    if (unlikely (!ligatureData.sanitize (&c->sanitizer))) return false;
+	    hb_codepoint_t lig = ligatureData;
+	    match_positions[match_length++] = buffer->out_len;
+	    buffer->replace_glyph (lig);
+	    //ligature_idx = 0; // XXX Yes or no?
+	  }
+	  else
+	  {
+	    buffer->skip_glyph ();
+	    end--;
+	  }
+	  /* TODO merge_clusters / unsafe_to_break */
+	  action_idx++;
+	}
+	while (!(action & LigActionLast));
+	buffer->move_to (end);
+      }
+      if (flags & SetMark)
+      {
+	mark_set = true;
+	mark = buffer->idx;
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+    public:
+    bool ret;
+    private:
+    hb_aat_apply_context_t *c;
+    bool mark_set;
+    unsigned int mark;
+    const UnsizedArrayOf<GlyphID> &insertionAction;
+  };
   inline bool apply (hb_aat_apply_context_t *c) const
     TRACE_APPLY (this);
-    /* TODO */
-    return_trace (false);
+    driver_context_t dc (this, c);
+    StateTableDriver<EntryData> driver (machine, c->buffer, c->face);
+    driver.drive (&dc);
+    return_trace (dc.ret);
   inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
-    /* TODO */
-    return_trace (true);
+    /* The rest of array sanitizations are done at run-time. */
+    return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && machine.sanitize (c) &&
+		  insertionAction);
+  protected:
+  StateTable<EntryData>
+		machine;
+  LOffsetTo<UnsizedArrayOf<GlyphID> >
+		insertionAction;	/* Byte offset from stateHeader to the start of
+					 * the insertion glyph table. */
+  public:
@@ -561,7 +751,8 @@ struct ChainSubtable
   inline unsigned int get_size (void) const { return length; }
   inline unsigned int get_type (void) const { return coverage & 0xFF; }
-  enum Type {
+  enum Type
+  {
     Rearrangement	= 0,
     Contextual		= 1,
     Ligature		= 2,

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