[HarfBuzz] Exposing attachment tree / Arabic joining to shaping clients

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at behdad.org
Thu Oct 31 19:42:21 UTC 2019


For reason that many of you know (letter-spacing, Arabic elongation, other
postprocessing) I like to expose attachment data to the shaping clients.
There's two separate pieces so far:

- The Arabic joining info, which is applicable to all Arabic-like fonts
even the ones that do NOT use cursive joining.

- Mark attachment and cursive attachment.  These form a tree with a
attachment-type enum.

I'm not sure which slots in the pos buffer to expose this in.  The latter
definitely belongs to the pos buffer, whereas the former is more a property
of the text.  So I feel like we should expose them separately.


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