✗ Fi.CI.BAT: failure for Add render-copy compression on Xe+ (rev5)

Zbigniew Kempczyński zbigniew.kempczynski at intel.com
Fri May 10 06:17:53 UTC 2024

On Thu, May 09, 2024 at 07:43:57AM +0000, Patchwork wrote:
>    Patch Details
>    Series:  Add render-copy compression on Xe+ (rev5)                       
>    URL:     https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/132902/                
>    State:   failure                                                         
>    Details: https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/IGTPW_11117/index.html 
>              CI Bug Log - changes from CI_DRM_14737 -> IGTPW_11117
> Summary
>    Serious unknown changes coming with IGTPW_11117 absolutely need to be
>    verified manually.
>    If you think the reported changes have nothing to do with the changes
>    introduced in IGTPW_11117, please notify your bug team
>    ('I915-ci-infra at lists.freedesktop.org') to allow them
>    to document this new failure mode, which will reduce false positives in
>    CI.
>    External URL:
>    https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/IGTPW_11117/index.html
> Participating hosts (42 -> 41)
>    Additional (3): fi-glk-j4005 bat-dg2-11 bat-mtlp-6
>    Missing (4): fi-kbl-8809g fi-cfl-8109u fi-snb-2520m bat-adlp-6
> Possible new issues
>    Here are the unknown changes that may have been introduced in IGTPW_11117:
>   IGT changes
>     Possible regressions
>      * igt at dmabuf@all-tests:
>           * bat-jsl-3: NOTRUN -> INCOMPLETE

Unrelated to the change.


> Known issues
>    Here are the changes found in IGTPW_11117 that come from known issues:
>   IGT changes
>     Issues hit
>      * igt at debugfs_test@basic-hwmon:
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#9318)
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#9318)
>      * igt at fbdev@info:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#1849 / i915#2582)
>      * igt at fbdev@write:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#2582) +3 other tests skip
>      * igt at gem_huc_copy@huc-copy:
>           * fi-glk-j4005: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#2190)
>      * igt at gem_lmem_swapping@parallel-random-engines:
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10213) +3 other tests skip
>           * fi-glk-j4005: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4613) +3 other tests skip
>      * igt at gem_lmem_swapping@verify-random:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4613) +3 other tests skip
>      * igt at gem_mmap@basic:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4083)
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4083)
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4083)
>      * igt at gem_render_tiled_blits@basic:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4079) +1 other test skip
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10197 / i915#10211 / i915#4079)
>      * igt at gem_tiled_blits@basic:
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10196 / i915#4077) +2 other
>             tests skip
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4077) +2 other tests skip
>      * igt at gem_tiled_fence_blits@basic:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4077) +2 other tests skip
>      * igt at gem_tiled_pread_basic:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4079) +1 other test skip
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10206 / i915#4079)
>      * igt at i915_pm_rps@basic-api:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#6621)
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10209)
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#6621)
>      * igt at kms_addfb_basic@addfb25-x-tiled-legacy:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4212 / i915#9792) +8 other tests
>             skip
>      * igt at kms_addfb_basic@addfb25-x-tiled-mismatch-legacy:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4212) +7 other tests skip
>      * igt at kms_addfb_basic@addfb25-y-tiled-small-legacy:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#5190 / i915#9792)
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#5190)
>      * igt at kms_addfb_basic@basic-y-tiled-legacy:
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10200) +9 other tests skip
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4215 / i915#5190)
>      * igt at kms_cursor_legacy@basic-busy-flip-before-cursor-atomic:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4103 / i915#4213) +1 other test
>             skip
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10202) +1 other test skip
>      * igt at kms_cursor_legacy@basic-flip-after-cursor-legacy:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#9792) +17 other tests skip
>      * igt at kms_dsc@dsc-basic:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3555 / i915#3840)
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#9886)
>      * igt at kms_flip@basic-flip-vs-dpms:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3637 / i915#9792) +3 other tests
>             skip
>      * igt at kms_force_connector_basic@force-load-detect:
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10207)
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP
>      * igt at kms_force_connector_basic@prune-stale-modes:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#5274 / i915#9792)
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#5274)
>      * igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@basic:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#4342 / i915#5354 / i915#9792)
>      * igt at kms_pipe_crc_basic@nonblocking-crc-frame-sequence:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#9197) +3 other tests skip
>      * igt at kms_pm_backlight@basic-brightness:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#5354)
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#9812)
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#5354 / i915#9792)
>      * igt at kms_psr@psr-cursor-plane-move:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#1072 / i915#9673 / i915#9732 /
>             i915#9792) +3 other tests skip
>      * igt at kms_psr@psr-primary-mmap-gtt:
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#9732) +3 other tests skip
>      * igt at kms_psr@psr-primary-page-flip:
>           * fi-glk-j4005: NOTRUN -> SKIP +10 other tests skip
>      * igt at kms_psr@psr-sprite-plane-onoff:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#1072 / i915#9732) +3 other tests
>             skip
>      * igt at kms_setmode@basic-clone-single-crtc:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3555 / i915#8809 / i915#9792)
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3555)
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10208 / i915#8809)
>      * igt at prime_vgem@basic-fence-flip:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3708)
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3708 / i915#9792)
>      * igt at prime_vgem@basic-fence-mmap:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3708 / i915#4077) +1 other test
>             skip
>      * igt at prime_vgem@basic-fence-read:
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10212 / i915#3708)
>      * igt at prime_vgem@basic-gtt:
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3708 / i915#4077) +1 other test
>             skip
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10196 / i915#3708 / i915#4077)
>             +1 other test skip
>      * igt at prime_vgem@basic-read:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3708) +1 other test skip
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10214 / i915#3708)
>      * igt at prime_vgem@basic-write:
>           * bat-mtlp-6: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10216 / i915#3708)
>           * bat-dg2-11: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#3291 / i915#3708) +2 other tests
>             skip
>           * bat-arls-3: NOTRUN -> SKIP (i915#10216 / i915#3708)
>     Possible fixes
>      * igt at gem_lmem_swapping@basic at lmem0:
>           * bat-dg2-8: FAIL (i915#10378) -> PASS
>      * igt at i915_module_load@load:
>           * bat-arls-3: ABORT (i915#11041) -> PASS
>      * igt at i915_pm_rpm@module-reload:
>           * {bat-mtlp-9}: CRASH (i915#10911) -> PASS
>    {name}: This element is suppressed. This means it is ignored when
>    computing
>    the status of the difference (SUCCESS, WARNING, or FAILURE).
> Build changes
>      * CI: CI-20190529 -> None
>      * IGT: IGT_7843 -> IGTPW_11117
>    CI-20190529: 20190529
>    CI_DRM_14737: 92f877dd46245e4a44b6d24b5e303b8c03c40c75 @
>    git://anongit.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/linux
>    IGTPW_11117: 11117
>    IGT_7843: 0df7b9b97f9da0e364f5ee30fe331004b8c86b56 @
>    https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/igt-gpu-tools.git

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