[igt-dev] [PATCH i-g-t v2 12/12] chamelium: Add a CRC-based display test for randomized planes
Paul Kocialkowski
paul.kocialkowski at bootlin.com
Thu Dec 13 15:55:33 UTC 2018
This introduces a new test for the Chamelium, that sets up planes
with randomized properties such as the format, dimensions, position,
in-framebuffer offsets and stride. The Chamelium capture is checked
against the reference generated by cairo with a CRC.
This test also includes testing of the VC4-specific T-tiled mode
(in XR24 format).
Since this test does not share much with previous CRC-based display
tests (especially regarding KMS configuration), most of the code is
not shared with other tests.
This test can be derived with reproducible properties for regression
testing in the future. For now, it serves as a fuzzing test
Signed-off-by: Paul Kocialkowski <paul.kocialkowski at bootlin.com>
tests/kms_chamelium.c | 296 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 296 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tests/kms_chamelium.c b/tests/kms_chamelium.c
index 7d95a8bc52f3..efd70f0f1b59 100644
--- a/tests/kms_chamelium.c
+++ b/tests/kms_chamelium.c
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "igt.h"
+#include "igt_sysfs.h"
+#include "igt_vc4.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
@@ -703,6 +705,295 @@ test_display_frame_dump(data_t *data, struct chamelium_port *port)
+static uint32_t random_plane_formats[] = {
+static void randomize_plane_dimensions(drmModeModeInfo *mode,
+ uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height,
+ uint32_t *src_x, uint32_t *src_y,
+ uint32_t *crtc_w, uint32_t *crtc_h,
+ int32_t *crtc_x, int32_t *crtc_y)
+ /* Randomize width and height in the mode dimensions range. */
+ *width = (rand() % mode->hdisplay) + 1;
+ *height = (rand() % mode->vdisplay) + 1;
+ /*
+ * Randomize source offset, but keep at least half of the
+ * original size.
+ */
+ *src_x = rand() % (*width / 2);
+ *src_y = rand() % (*height / 2);
+ /*
+ * The on-crtc size does not include the source offset, so it
+ * needs to be subtracted to avoid scaling.
+ */
+ *crtc_w = *width - *src_x;
+ *crtc_h = *height - *src_y;
+ /*
+ * Randomize the on-crtc position and allow the plane to go
+ * off-display by up to half of its width and height.
+ */
+ *crtc_x = (rand() % mode->hdisplay) - *width / 2;
+ *crtc_y = (rand() % mode->vdisplay) - *height / 2;
+static void blit_plane_cairo(data_t *data, cairo_surface_t *result,
+ uint32_t src_x, uint32_t src_y,
+ uint32_t crtc_w, uint32_t crtc_h,
+ int32_t crtc_x, int32_t crtc_y,
+ struct igt_fb *fb)
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ int32_t x, y;
+ cairo_t *cr;
+ surface = igt_get_cairo_surface(data->drm_fd, fb);
+ x = crtc_x - (int32_t) src_x;
+ y = crtc_y - (int32_t) src_y;
+ cr = cairo_create(result);
+ cairo_set_source_surface(cr, surface, x, y);
+ cairo_surface_destroy(surface);
+ /* Clip the surface to a rectangle if needed. */
+ if (src_x || src_y) {
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, crtc_x, crtc_y, crtc_w, crtc_h);
+ cairo_clip(cr);
+ }
+ cairo_paint(cr);
+ cairo_destroy(cr);
+static void configure_plane(igt_plane_t *plane, uint32_t src_x, uint32_t src_y,
+ uint32_t crtc_w, uint32_t crtc_h, int32_t crtc_x,
+ int32_t crtc_y, struct igt_fb *fb)
+ igt_plane_set_fb(plane, fb);
+ igt_plane_set_position(plane, crtc_x, crtc_y);
+ igt_plane_set_size(plane, crtc_w, crtc_h);
+ igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, src_x, src_y);
+ /* Framebuffer source size set to on-CRTC size to avoid scaling. */
+ igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, crtc_w, crtc_h);
+static void test_display_planes_random(data_t *data,
+ struct chamelium_port *port,
+ enum chamelium_check check)
+ igt_output_t *output;
+ drmModeModeInfo *mode;
+ igt_plane_t *primary_plane;
+ struct igt_fb primary_fb;
+ struct igt_fb result_fb;
+ struct igt_fb *overlay_fbs;
+ igt_crc_t *crc;
+ igt_crc_t *expected_crc;
+ struct chamelium_fb_crc_async_data *fb_crc;
+ unsigned int overlay_planes_max = 0;
+ unsigned int overlay_planes_count;
+ cairo_surface_t *result_surface;
+ int captured_frame_count;
+ unsigned int i;
+ int fb_id;
+ igt_assert(check == CHAMELIUM_CHECK_CRC);
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ reset_state(data, port);
+ /* Find the connector and pipe. */
+ output = prepare_output(data, port);
+ mode = igt_output_get_mode(output);
+ /* Get a framebuffer for the primary plane. */
+ primary_plane = igt_output_get_plane_type(output, DRM_PLANE_TYPE_PRIMARY);
+ igt_assert(primary_plane);
+ fb_id = chamelium_get_pattern_fb(data, mode->hdisplay, mode->vdisplay,
+ DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888, 64, &primary_fb);
+ igt_assert(fb_id > 0);
+ /* Get a framebuffer for the cairo composition result. */
+ fb_id = igt_create_fb(data->drm_fd, mode->hdisplay,
+ mode->vdisplay, DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888,
+ igt_assert(fb_id > 0);
+ result_surface = igt_get_cairo_surface(data->drm_fd, &result_fb);
+ /* Paint the primary framebuffer on the result surface. */
+ blit_plane_cairo(data, result_surface, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &primary_fb);
+ /* Configure the primary plane. */
+ igt_plane_set_fb(primary_plane, &primary_fb);
+ overlay_planes_max =
+ igt_output_count_plane_type(output, DRM_PLANE_TYPE_OVERLAY);
+ /* Limit the number of planes to a reasonable scene. */
+ if (overlay_planes_max > 4)
+ overlay_planes_max = 4;
+ overlay_planes_count = (rand() % overlay_planes_max) + 1;
+ igt_debug("Using %d overlay planes\n", overlay_planes_count);
+ overlay_fbs = calloc(sizeof(struct igt_fb), overlay_planes_count);
+ for (i = 0; i < overlay_planes_count; i++) {
+ struct igt_fb *overlay_fb = &overlay_fbs[i];
+ igt_plane_t *plane;
+ struct igt_fb pattern_fb;
+ uint32_t overlay_fb_w, overlay_fb_h;
+ int32_t overlay_crtc_x, overlay_crtc_y;
+ uint32_t overlay_crtc_w, overlay_crtc_h;
+ uint32_t overlay_src_x, overlay_src_y;
+ unsigned int index;
+ unsigned int stride_min;
+ unsigned int stride;
+ bool vc4_t_tiled;
+ uint32_t format;
+ plane = igt_output_get_plane_type_index(output,
+ i);
+ igt_assert(plane);
+ randomize_plane_dimensions(mode, &overlay_fb_w, &overlay_fb_h,
+ &overlay_src_x, &overlay_src_y,
+ &overlay_crtc_w, &overlay_crtc_h,
+ &overlay_crtc_x, &overlay_crtc_y);
+ igt_debug("Plane %d: on-crtc size %dx%d\n", i, overlay_crtc_w,
+ overlay_crtc_h);
+ igt_debug("Plane %d: on-crtc position %dx%d\n", i,
+ overlay_crtc_x, overlay_crtc_y);
+ igt_debug("Plane %d: in-framebuffer position %dx%d\n", i,
+ overlay_src_x, overlay_src_y);
+ /* Get a pattern framebuffer for the overlay plane. */
+ fb_id = chamelium_get_pattern_fb(data, overlay_fb_w,
+ overlay_fb_h,
+ 32, &pattern_fb);
+ igt_assert(fb_id > 0);
+ /* Randomize the use of tiled mode with a 1/4 probability. */
+ index = rand() % 4;
+ if (is_vc4_device(data->drm_fd) && index == 0) {
+ format = DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888;
+ vc4_t_tiled = true;
+ igt_debug("Plane %d: VC4 T-tiled %s format\n", i,
+ igt_format_str(format));
+ } else {
+ /* Randomize the format to test. */
+ index = rand() % ARRAY_SIZE(random_plane_formats);
+ format = random_plane_formats[index];
+ vc4_t_tiled = false;
+ igt_debug("Plane %d: %s format\n", i,
+ igt_format_str(format));
+ }
+ /* Convert the pattern to the test format if needed. */
+ if (vc4_t_tiled) {
+ fb_id = igt_vc4_fb_t_tiled_convert(overlay_fb,
+ &pattern_fb);
+ igt_assert(fb_id > 0);
+ } else {
+ stride_min = overlay_fb_w *
+ igt_format_plane_bpp(format, 0) / 8;
+ /* Randomize the stride with at most twice the minimum. */
+ stride = (rand() % stride_min) + stride_min;
+ /* Pixman requires the stride to be aligned to 32-byte words. */
+ stride = ALIGN(stride, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ igt_debug("Plane %d: using stride %d\n", i, stride);
+ fb_id = igt_fb_convert_with_stride(overlay_fb,
+ &pattern_fb,
+ format, stride);
+ igt_assert(fb_id);
+ }
+ blit_plane_cairo(data, result_surface, overlay_src_x,
+ overlay_src_y, overlay_crtc_w, overlay_crtc_h,
+ overlay_crtc_x, overlay_crtc_y, &pattern_fb);
+ configure_plane(plane, overlay_src_x, overlay_src_y,
+ overlay_crtc_w, overlay_crtc_h, overlay_crtc_x,
+ overlay_crtc_y, overlay_fb);
+ /* Remove the original pattern framebuffer. */
+ igt_remove_fb(data->drm_fd, &pattern_fb);
+ }
+ cairo_surface_destroy(result_surface);
+ fb_crc = chamelium_calculate_fb_crc_async_start(data->drm_fd,
+ &result_fb);
+ igt_display_commit2(&data->display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+ chamelium_capture(data->chamelium, port, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ crc = chamelium_read_captured_crcs(data->chamelium,
+ &captured_frame_count);
+ igt_assert(captured_frame_count == 1);
+ expected_crc = chamelium_calculate_fb_crc_async_finish(fb_crc);
+ chamelium_assert_crc_eq_or_dump(data->chamelium,
+ expected_crc, crc,
+ &result_fb, i);
+ free(expected_crc);
+ free(crc);
+ for (i = 0; i < overlay_planes_count; i++) {
+ struct igt_fb *overlay_fb = &overlay_fbs[i];
+ igt_plane_t *plane;
+ plane = igt_output_get_plane_type_index(output,
+ i);
+ igt_assert(plane);
+ igt_plane_set_fb(plane, NULL);
+ igt_remove_fb(data->drm_fd, overlay_fb);
+ }
+ free(overlay_fbs);
+ igt_plane_set_fb(primary_plane, NULL);
+ igt_remove_fb(data->drm_fd, &primary_fb);
+ igt_remove_fb(data->drm_fd, &result_fb);
static void
test_hpd_without_ddc(data_t *data, struct chamelium_port *port)
@@ -981,6 +1272,11 @@ igt_main
test_display_one_mode(&data, port, DRM_FORMAT_NV12,
+ connector_subtest("hdmi-crc-planes-random", HDMIA)
+ test_display_planes_random(&data, port,
connector_subtest("hdmi-frame-dump", HDMIA)
test_display_frame_dump(&data, port);
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