[igt-dev] ✗ Fi.CI.BAT: failure for series starting with [i-g-t,1/2] tests/kms_frontbuffer_tracking: Update check for PSR status

Patchwork patchwork at emeril.freedesktop.org
Sat Mar 17 00:23:58 UTC 2018

== Series Details ==

Series: series starting with [i-g-t,1/2] tests/kms_frontbuffer_tracking: Update check for PSR status
URL   : https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/40137/
State : failure

== Summary ==

IGT patchset tested on top of latest successful build
98f7614bd725afaae48f7b70d18329149075661b lib: Parse plane IN_FORMATS blobifiers into a nicer form

with latest DRM-Tip kernel build CI_DRM_3944
639c78d2805b drm-tip: 2018y-03m-16d-23h-05m-00s UTC integration manifest

No testlist changes.

---- Possible new issues:

Test kms_chamelium:
        Subgroup common-hpd-after-suspend:
                pass       -> INCOMPLETE (fi-skl-6700k2)

---- Known issues:

Test kms_chamelium:
        Subgroup hdmi-hpd-fast:
                skip       -> FAIL       (fi-kbl-7500u) fdo#102672
Test kms_pipe_crc_basic:
        Subgroup suspend-read-crc-pipe-a:
                pass       -> DMESG-WARN (fi-cnl-y3) fdo#103191
        Subgroup suspend-read-crc-pipe-b:
                incomplete -> PASS       (fi-snb-2520m) fdo#103713

fdo#102672 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=102672
fdo#103191 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103191
fdo#103713 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103713

fi-bdw-5557u     total:292  pass:264  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:28  time:434s
fi-bdw-gvtdvm    total:292  pass:261  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:31  time:443s
fi-blb-e6850     total:292  pass:220  dwarn:1   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:71  time:383s
fi-bsw-n3050     total:292  pass:239  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:53  time:542s
fi-bwr-2160      total:292  pass:180  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:112 time:301s
fi-bxt-dsi       total:292  pass:255  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:37  time:517s
fi-bxt-j4205     total:292  pass:256  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:36  time:515s
fi-byt-j1900     total:292  pass:250  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:42  time:522s
fi-byt-n2820     total:292  pass:246  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:46  time:509s
fi-cfl-8700k     total:292  pass:257  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:35  time:411s
fi-cfl-s2        total:292  pass:266  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:26  time:641s
fi-cfl-u         total:292  pass:261  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:31  time:545s
fi-cnl-drrs      total:292  pass:254  dwarn:3   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:35  time:523s
fi-cnl-y3        total:292  pass:265  dwarn:1   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:26  time:654s
fi-elk-e7500     total:292  pass:225  dwarn:1   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:66  time:430s
fi-gdg-551       total:292  pass:176  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:1   skip:115 time:322s
fi-glk-1         total:292  pass:259  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:33  time:574s
fi-hsw-4770      total:292  pass:258  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:34  time:404s
fi-ilk-650       total:292  pass:225  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:67  time:422s
fi-ivb-3520m     total:292  pass:256  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:36  time:470s
fi-ivb-3770      total:292  pass:252  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:40  time:441s
fi-kbl-7500u     total:292  pass:260  dwarn:1   dfail:0   fail:1   skip:30  time:478s
fi-kbl-7567u     total:292  pass:265  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:27  time:472s
fi-kbl-r         total:292  pass:260  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:32  time:545s
fi-pnv-d510      total:292  pass:219  dwarn:1   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:72  time:671s
fi-skl-6260u     total:292  pass:265  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:27  time:446s
fi-skl-6600u     total:292  pass:260  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:32  time:564s
fi-skl-6700hq    total:292  pass:261  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:31  time:585s
fi-skl-6700k2    total:207  pass:190  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:16 
fi-skl-6770hq    total:292  pass:265  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:27  time:502s
fi-skl-guc       total:292  pass:257  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:35  time:430s
fi-skl-gvtdvm    total:292  pass:262  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:30  time:452s
fi-snb-2520m     total:292  pass:245  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:47  time:594s
fi-snb-2600      total:292  pass:245  dwarn:0   dfail:0   fail:0   skip:47  time:407s

== Logs ==

For more details see: https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/IGTPW_1157/issues.html

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