[igt-dev] [PATCH i-g-t 3/4] lib/igt_fb: Add support for Y21x formats as well.

Sharma, Swati2 swati2.sharma at intel.com
Wed Feb 6 06:47:37 UTC 2019

On 05-Feb-19 8:01 PM, Maarten Lankhorst wrote:
> Op 05-02-2019 om 14:14 schreef Sharma, Swati2:
>> On 01-Feb-19 4:45 PM, Maarten Lankhorst wrote:
>>> Those formats are packed like YUYV, but only 16 bits per component.
>>> Signed-off-by: Maarten Lankhorst <maarten.lankhorst at linux.intel.com>
>>> ---
>>>    include/drm-uapi/drm_fourcc.h |   6 +-
>>>    lib/igt_color_encoding.c      |   3 +
>>>    lib/igt_fb.c                  | 146 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>    3 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>> diff --git a/include/drm-uapi/drm_fourcc.h b/include/drm-uapi/drm_fourcc.h
>>> index c9a5e5787031..8f1b5f832a09 100644
>>> --- a/include/drm-uapi/drm_fourcc.h
>>> +++ b/include/drm-uapi/drm_fourcc.h
>>> @@ -149,10 +149,14 @@ extern "C" {
>>>    #define DRM_FORMAT_YVYU        fourcc_code('Y', 'V', 'Y', 'U') /* [31:0] Cb0:Y1:Cr0:Y0 8:8:8:8 little endian */
>>>    #define DRM_FORMAT_UYVY        fourcc_code('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y') /* [31:0] Y1:Cr0:Y0:Cb0 8:8:8:8 little endian */
>>>    #define DRM_FORMAT_VYUY        fourcc_code('V', 'Y', 'U', 'Y') /* [31:0] Y1:Cb0:Y0:Cr0 8:8:8:8 little endian */
>>> -
>>>    #define DRM_FORMAT_AYUV        fourcc_code('A', 'Y', 'U', 'V') /* [31:0] A:Y:Cb:Cr 8:8:8:8 little endian */
>>>    #define DRM_FORMAT_XYUV8888    fourcc_code('X', 'Y', 'U', 'V') /* [31:0] X:Y:Cb:Cr 8:8:8:8 little endian */
>>>    +/* Like YUYV, but 16 bpc, lowest bits unused like in DRM_FORMAT_P01X */
>>> +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y210        fourcc_code('Y', '2', '1', '0')
>>> +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y212        fourcc_code('Y', '2', '1', '2')
>>> +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y216        fourcc_code('Y', '2', '1', '6')
>>> +
>>>    /*
>>>     * packed YCbCr420 2x2 tiled formats
>>>     * first 64 bits will contain Y,Cb,Cr components for a 2x2 tile
>>> diff --git a/lib/igt_color_encoding.c b/lib/igt_color_encoding.c
>>> index b7a12a1e07f7..6f82fcec62e4 100644
>>> --- a/lib/igt_color_encoding.c
>>> +++ b/lib/igt_color_encoding.c
>>> @@ -144,6 +144,9 @@ static const struct color_encoding_format {
>>>        { DRM_FORMAT_P010, 65472.f, 4096.f, 60160.f, 4096.f, 32768.f, 61440.f },
>>>        { DRM_FORMAT_P012, 65520.f, 4096.f, 60160.f, 4096.f, 32768.f, 61440.f },
>>>        { DRM_FORMAT_P016, 65535.f, 4096.f, 60160.f, 4096.f, 32768.f, 61440.f },
>>> +    { DRM_FORMAT_Y210, 65472.f, 4096.f, 60160.f, 4096.f, 32768.f, 61440.f },
>>> +    { DRM_FORMAT_Y212, 65520.f, 4096.f, 60160.f, 4096.f, 32768.f, 61440.f },
>>> +    { DRM_FORMAT_Y216, 65535.f, 4096.f, 60160.f, 4096.f, 32768.f, 61440.f },
>>>    };
>>>      static const struct color_encoding_format *lookup_fourcc(uint32_t fourcc)
>>> diff --git a/lib/igt_fb.c b/lib/igt_fb.c
>>> index 8bd0420fc2e4..c14cc10d1b73 100644
>>> --- a/lib/igt_fb.c
>>> +++ b/lib/igt_fb.c
>>> @@ -151,6 +151,18 @@ static const struct format_desc_struct {
>>>          .cairo_id = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
>>>          .num_planes = 1, .plane_bpp = { 16, },
>>>        },
>>> +    { .name = "Y210", .depth = -1, .drm_id = DRM_FORMAT_Y210,
>>> +      .cairo_id = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB96F,
>>> +      .num_planes = 1, .plane_bpp = { 32, },
>>> +    },
>>> +    { .name = "Y212", .depth = -1, .drm_id = DRM_FORMAT_Y212,
>>> +      .cairo_id = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB96F,
>>> +      .num_planes = 1, .plane_bpp = { 32, },
>>> +    },
>>> +    { .name = "Y216", .depth = -1, .drm_id = DRM_FORMAT_Y216,
>>> +      .cairo_id = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB96F,
>>> +      .num_planes = 1, .plane_bpp = { 32, },
>>> +    },
>>>        { .name = "P010", .depth = -1, .drm_id = DRM_FORMAT_P010,
>>>          .cairo_id = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB96F,
>>>          .num_planes = 2, .plane_bpp = { 16, 32 },
>>> @@ -553,6 +565,13 @@ static int create_bo_for_fb(struct igt_fb *fb)
>>>                        fb->offsets[1] / sizeof(wchar_t));
>>>                    wmemset(ptr + fb->offsets[1], 0x80008000,
>>>                        DIV_ROUND_UP(fb->height,2) * fb->strides[1] / sizeof(wchar_t));
>>> +            case DRM_FORMAT_Y210:
>>> +            case DRM_FORMAT_Y212:
>>> +            case DRM_FORMAT_Y216:
>>> +                wmemset(ptr + fb->offsets[0],
>>> +                    full_range ? 0x80000000 : 0x80001000,
>>> +                    fb->strides[0] * fb->plane_height[0] / sizeof(wchar_t));
>>> +                break;
>>>                }
>>>                gem_munmap(ptr, fb->size);
>> Hi Maarten,
>> While testing Y210 pixel format, IGT is failing with debug message showing igt_create_fb() failure
>> (kms_plane:3974) igt_fb-CRITICAL: Test assertion failure function igt_create_fb_with_bo_size, file ../lib/igt_fb.c:1051:
>> (kms_plane:3974) igt_fb-CRITICAL: Failed assertion: (__kms_addfb(fb->fd, fb->gem_handle, fb->width, fb->height, fb->drm_format, fb->tiling, fb->strides, fb->offsets, fb->num_planes, flags, &fb->fb_id)) == 0
>> (kms_plane:3974) igt_fb-CRITICAL: Last errno: 22, Invalid argument
>> dmesg showing bad pitch 12800 for Y210 pixel format
>> [  634.066608] [drm:drm_internal_framebuffer_create] bad pitch 12800 for plane 0
>> [  634.104444] [IGT] kms_plane: exiting, ret=99
>> Can you please confirm whether changes needs to be done from igt or some issue with Y2xx driver patches?
>>> @@ -2139,6 +2158,120 @@ static void convert_float_to_p01X(struct fb_convert *cvt)
>>>        }
>>>    }
>>>    +
>>> +static void convert_Y21X_to_float(struct fb_convert *cvt)
>>> +{
>>> +    int i, j;
>>> +    const uint16_t *yuyv;
>>> +    uint16_t *buf;
>>> +    float *ptr = cvt->dst.ptr;
>>> +    unsigned int float_stride = cvt->dst.fb->strides[0] / sizeof(*ptr);
>>> +    unsigned int yuyv_stride = cvt->src.fb->strides[0] / sizeof(*yuyv);
>>> +    struct igt_mat4 m = igt_ycbcr_to_rgb_matrix(cvt->src.fb->drm_format,
>>> +                            cvt->dst.fb->drm_format,
>>> +                            cvt->src.fb->color_encoding,
>>> +                            cvt->src.fb->color_range);
>>> +
>>> +    igt_assert((cvt->src.fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_Y210 ||
>>> +            cvt->src.fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_Y212 ||
>>> +            cvt->src.fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_Y216) &&
>>> +           cvt->dst.fb->drm_format == IGT_FORMAT_FLOAT);
>>> +
>>> +    yuyv = buf = convert_src_get(cvt);
>>> +
>>> +    for (i = 0; i < cvt->dst.fb->height; i++) {
>>> +        for (j = 0; j < cvt->dst.fb->width / 2; j++) {
>>> +            /* Convert 2x1 pixel blocks */
>>> +            struct igt_vec4 yuv[2];
>>> +            struct igt_vec4 rgb[2];
>>> +
>>> +            yuv[0].d[0] = yuyv[j * 4 + 0];
>>> +            yuv[1].d[0] = yuyv[j * 4 + 2];
>>> +            yuv[0].d[1] = yuv[1].d[1] = yuyv[j * 4 + 1];
>>> +            yuv[0].d[2] = yuv[1].d[2] = yuyv[j * 4 + 3];
>>> +            yuv[0].d[3] = yuv[1].d[3] = 1.0f;
>>> +
>>> +            rgb[0] = igt_matrix_transform(&m, &yuv[0]);
>>> +            rgb[1] = igt_matrix_transform(&m, &yuv[1]);
>>> +
>>> +            write_rgbf(&ptr[j * 6 + 0], &rgb[0]);
>>> +            write_rgbf(&ptr[j * 6 + 3], &rgb[1]);
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +        if (cvt->dst.fb->width & 1) {
>>> +            struct igt_vec4 yuv;
>>> +            struct igt_vec4 rgb;
>>> +
>>> +            yuv.d[0] = yuyv[j * 4 + 0];
>>> +            yuv.d[1] = yuyv[j * 4 + 1];
>>> +            yuv.d[2] = yuyv[j * 4 + 3];
>>> +            yuv.d[3] = 1.0f;
>>> +
>>> +            rgb = igt_matrix_transform(&m, &yuv);
>>> +
>>> +            write_rgbf(&ptr[j * 6 + 0], &rgb);
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +        ptr += float_stride;
>>> +        yuyv += yuyv_stride;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    convert_src_put(cvt, buf);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void convert_float_to_Y21X(struct fb_convert *cvt)
>>> +{
>>> +    int i, j;
>>> +    uint16_t *yuyv = cvt->dst.ptr;
>>> +    const float *ptr = cvt->src.ptr;
>>> +    unsigned float_stride = cvt->src.fb->strides[0] / sizeof(*ptr);
>>> +    unsigned yuyv_stride = cvt->dst.fb->strides[0] / sizeof(*yuyv);
>>> +    struct igt_mat4 m = igt_rgb_to_ycbcr_matrix(cvt->src.fb->drm_format,
>>> +                            cvt->dst.fb->drm_format,
>>> +                            cvt->dst.fb->color_encoding,
>>> +                            cvt->dst.fb->color_range);
>>> +
>>> +    igt_assert(cvt->src.fb->drm_format == IGT_FORMAT_FLOAT &&
>>> +           (cvt->dst.fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_Y210 ||
>>> +            cvt->dst.fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_Y212 ||
>>> +            cvt->dst.fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_Y216));
>>> +
>>> +    for (i = 0; i < cvt->dst.fb->height; i++) {
>>> +        for (j = 0; j < cvt->dst.fb->width / 2; j++) {
>>> +            /* Convert 2x1 pixel blocks */
>>> +            struct igt_vec4 rgb[2];
>>> +            struct igt_vec4 yuv[2];
>>> +
>>> +            read_rgbf(&rgb[0], &ptr[j * 6 + 0]);
>>> +            read_rgbf(&rgb[1], &ptr[j * 6 + 3]);
>>> +
>>> +            yuv[0] = igt_matrix_transform(&m, &rgb[0]);
>>> +            yuv[1] = igt_matrix_transform(&m, &rgb[1]);
>>> +
>>> +            yuyv[j * 4 + 0] = yuv[0].d[0];
>>> +            yuyv[j * 4 + 2] = yuv[1].d[0];
>>> +            yuyv[j * 4 + 1] = (yuv[0].d[1] + yuv[1].d[1]) / 2.0f;
>>> +            yuyv[j * 4 + 3] = (yuv[0].d[2] + yuv[1].d[2]) / 2.0f;
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +        if (cvt->dst.fb->width & 1) {
>>> +            struct igt_vec4 rgb;
>>> +            struct igt_vec4 yuv;
>>> +
>>> +            read_rgbf(&rgb, &ptr[j * 6 + 0]);
>>> +
>>> +            yuv = igt_matrix_transform(&m, &rgb);
>>> +
>>> +            yuyv[j * 4 + 0] = yuv.d[0];
>>> +            yuyv[j * 4 + 1] = yuv.d[1];
>>> +            yuyv[j * 4 + 3] = yuv.d[2];
>>> +        }
>>> +
>>> +        ptr += float_stride;
>>> +        yuyv += yuyv_stride;
>>> +    }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>    static void convert_pixman(struct fb_convert *cvt)
>>>    {
>>>        pixman_format_code_t src_pixman = drm_format_to_pixman(cvt->src.fb->drm_format);
>>> @@ -2221,6 +2354,11 @@ static void fb_convert(struct fb_convert *cvt)
>>>            case DRM_FORMAT_P016:
>>>                convert_p01X_to_float(cvt);
>>>                return;
>>> +        case DRM_FORMAT_Y210:
>>> +        case DRM_FORMAT_Y212:
>>> +        case DRM_FORMAT_Y216:
>>> +            convert_Y21X_to_float(cvt);
>>> +            return;
>>>            }
>>>        } else if (cvt->src.fb->drm_format == IGT_FORMAT_FLOAT) {
>>>            switch (cvt->dst.fb->drm_format) {
>>> @@ -2229,6 +2367,11 @@ static void fb_convert(struct fb_convert *cvt)
>>>            case DRM_FORMAT_P016:
>>>                convert_float_to_p01X(cvt);
>>>                return;
>>> +        case DRM_FORMAT_Y210:
>>> +        case DRM_FORMAT_Y212:
>>> +        case DRM_FORMAT_Y216:
>>> +            convert_float_to_Y21X(cvt);
>>> +            return;
>>>            }
>>>        }
>>>    @@ -2583,6 +2726,9 @@ bool igt_format_is_yuv(uint32_t drm_format)
>>>        case DRM_FORMAT_P010:
>>>        case DRM_FORMAT_P012:
>>>        case DRM_FORMAT_P016:
>>> +    case DRM_FORMAT_Y210:
>>> +    case DRM_FORMAT_Y212:
>>> +    case DRM_FORMAT_Y216:
>>>        case DRM_FORMAT_YUYV:
>>>        case DRM_FORMAT_YVYU:
>>>        case DRM_FORMAT_UYVY:
> Can I get the full IGT / dmesg logs? I can't see what the fb dimensions they are.

IGT Logs:

(kms_plane:4960) INFO: Testing format Y210 (0x30313259) on A.0
(kms_plane:4960) igt_fb-DEBUG: igt_create_fb_with_bo_size(width=3200, 
height=1800, format=0x30313259, tiling=0x0, size=0)
(kms_plane:4960) igt_fb-DEBUG: igt_create_fb_with_bo_size(handle=2, 
(kms_plane:4960) ioctl_wrappers-DEBUG: Test requirement passed: 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_fb-CRITICAL: Test assertion failure function 
igt_create_fb_with_bo_size, file ../lib/igt_fb.c:1051:
(kms_plane:4960) igt_fb-CRITICAL: Failed assertion: (__kms_addfb(fb->fd, 
fb->gem_handle, fb->width, fb->height, fb->drm_format, fb->tiling, 
fb->strides, fb->offsets, fb->num_planes, flags, &fb->fb_id)) == 0
(kms_plane:4960) igt_fb-CRITICAL: Last errno: 22, Invalid argument
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO: Stack trace:
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #0 ../lib/igt_core.c:1474 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #1 ../lib/igt_fb.c:1053 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #2 ../lib/igt_fb.c:1078 igt_create_fb()
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #3 ../lib/igt_fb.c:1113 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #4 ../tests/kms_plane.c:417 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #5 ../tests/kms_plane.c:556 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #6 ../tests/kms_plane.c:587 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #7 ../tests/kms_plane.c:602 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #8 ../tests/kms_plane.c:657 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #9 ../tests/kms_plane.c:642 main()
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #10 ../csu/libc-start.c:325 
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #11 [_start+0x29]
(kms_plane:4960) igt_core-INFO:   #12 [<unknown>+0x0]
****  END  ****

Dmesg Logs: Attached y210_dmesg_failure.txt

> ~Maarten
Thanks and Regards,

-------------- next part --------------
[60955.650072] Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x25
[60955.650083] [IGT] kms_plane: executing
[60955.683244] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:195:DP-2]
[60955.683248] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:195:DP-2]
[60955.683250] [drm:intel_power_well_enable] enabling AUX B
[60955.683276] [drm:intel_power_well_disable] disabling AUX B
[60955.683307] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:195:DP-2] disconnected
[60955.683350] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:202:HDMI-A-1]
[60955.683352] [drm:intel_hdmi_detect] [CONNECTOR:202:HDMI-A-1]
[60955.683370] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:202:HDMI-A-1] disconnected
[60955.683411] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:208:DP-3]
[60955.683416] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:208:DP-3]
[60955.704207] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.724982] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.745760] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.766535] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.787310] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.808085] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.828863] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.849639] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.870415] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.891190] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.911968] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.932745] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.953522] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.974297] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60955.995075] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.015856] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.036636] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.057412] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.078190] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.098965] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.119741] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.140523] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.161297] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.182072] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.202848] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.223630] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.244405] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.265181] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.285957] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.306732] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.327506] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.348280] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.348284] [drm:drm_dp_dpcd_access] Too many retries, giving up. First error: -110
[60956.348287] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:208:DP-3] disconnected
[60956.348382] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:218:DP-4]
[60956.348384] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:218:DP-4]
[60956.348386] [drm:intel_power_well_enable] enabling AUX D
[60956.369167] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.389945] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.410720] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.431497] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.452275] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.473050] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.493825] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.514600] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.535379] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.556155] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.576932] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.597707] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.618483] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.639258] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.660035] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.680810] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.701588] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.722365] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.743141] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.763918] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.784696] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.805472] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.826254] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.847031] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.867807] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.888583] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.909358] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.930138] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.950913] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.971687] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60956.992462] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.013237] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.013241] [drm:drm_dp_dpcd_access] Too many retries, giving up. First error: -110
[60957.013243] [drm:intel_power_well_disable] disabling AUX D
[60957.013246] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:218:DP-4] disconnected
[60957.013313] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:224:HDMI-A-3]
[60957.013314] [drm:intel_hdmi_detect] [CONNECTOR:224:HDMI-A-3]
[60957.025565] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc2] timed out after NAK
[60957.025591] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc2] NAK for addr: 0050 w(1)
[60957.038202] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc2] timed out after NAK
[60957.038228] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc2] NAK for addr: 0050 w(1)
[60957.088598] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc2] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 10
[60957.104680] [drm:drm_do_probe_ddc_edid] drm: skipping non-existent adapter i915 gmbus tc2
[60957.104685] [drm:intel_hdmi_set_edid] HDMI GMBUS EDID read failed, retry using GPIO bit-banging
[60957.104690] [drm:intel_gmbus_force_bit] enabling bit-banging on i915 gmbus tc2. force bit now 1
[60957.120655] [drm:drm_do_probe_ddc_edid] drm: skipping non-existent adapter i915 gmbus tc2
[60957.120662] [drm:intel_gmbus_force_bit] disabling bit-banging on i915 gmbus tc2. force bit now 0
[60957.171590] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc2] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 10
[60957.187624] [drm:drm_dp_dual_mode_detect] DP dual mode HDMI ID:  (err -6)
[60957.187632] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:224:HDMI-A-3] disconnected
[60957.187832] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:228:DP-5]
[60957.187838] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:228:DP-5]
[60957.187844] [drm:intel_power_well_enable] enabling AUX F
[60957.187854] [drm:intel_digital_port_connected] DP PHY for TC port 3 not ready
[60957.187855] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[60957.187856] WARN_ON(dig_port->tc_legacy_port)
[60957.187875] WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 4960 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:5163 intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60957.187876] Modules linked in: x86_pkg_temp_thermal efivarfs
[60957.187884] CPU: 6 PID: 4960 Comm: kms_plane Tainted: G     U  W         5.0.0-rc4+ #7
[60957.187886] Hardware name: Intel Corporation Ice Lake Client Platform/IceLake U DDR4 SODIMM PD RVP, BIOS ICLSFWR1.R00.2513.A01.1812192053 12/19/2018
[60957.187890] RIP: 0010:intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60957.187893] Code: c0 89 54 24 04 e8 ab 5f b0 ff 0f 0b 8b 54 24 04 e9 64 fc ff ff 48 c7 c6 60 24 85 90 48 c7 c7 f5 ca 86 90 31 c0 e8 8b 5f b0 ff <0f> 0b 31 c0 e9 56 f9 ff ff 66 90 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 55 53 48
[60957.187895] RSP: 0018:ffff9ec641bafb28 EFLAGS: 00010292
[60957.187898] RAX: 0000000000000021 RBX: ffff93e6e3f78000 RCX: 0000000000000000
[60957.187899] RDX: 0000000000000021 RSI: ffffffff910bee61 RDI: ffffffff910bf261
[60957.187901] RBP: 0000000000000008 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffffebd834e11c
[60957.187902] R10: 0000000000000021 R11: 0000000000001cc5 R12: ffff93e6e3ec3000
[60957.187904] R13: 0000000000000003 R14: 0000000000000005 R15: ffffffff90697f00
[60957.187907] FS:  00007fc735e0aa40(0000) GS:ffff93e6e7f80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
[60957.187909] CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
[60957.187910] CR2: 00007ffa3af84710 CR3: 0000000275ef0006 CR4: 0000000000760ee0
[60957.187912] PKRU: 55555554
[60957.187913] Call Trace:
[60957.187920]  intel_dp_detect+0xa5/0x5c0
[60957.187924]  ? drm_modeset_lock+0x31/0xc0
[60957.187928]  drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes+0xc4/0x660
[60957.187934]  ? lookup_fast+0xb6/0x290
[60957.187939]  drm_mode_getconnector+0x454/0x4a0
[60957.187945]  ? _cond_resched+0x10/0x20
[60957.187948]  ? ww_mutex_lock+0xd/0x70
[60957.187953]  ? drm_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x30/0x30
[60957.187956]  drm_ioctl_kernel+0x85/0xd0
[60957.187960]  drm_ioctl+0x2ef/0x387
[60957.187964]  ? drm_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x30/0x30
[60957.187970]  ? selinux_file_ioctl+0x11d/0x1e0
[60957.187973]  do_vfs_ioctl+0x8d/0x5e0
[60957.187978]  ksys_ioctl+0x5b/0x90
[60957.187981]  __x64_sys_ioctl+0x11/0x20
[60957.187985]  do_syscall_64+0x44/0xf0
[60957.187988]  entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xa9
[60957.187992] RIP: 0033:0x7fc735340f47
[60957.187994] Code: 00 00 00 48 8b 05 51 6f 2c 00 64 c7 00 26 00 00 00 48 c7 c0 ff ff ff ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 b8 10 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 21 6f 2c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48
[60957.187996] RSP: 002b:00007fff8be34648 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000010
[60957.187999] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 00007fc735340f47
[60957.188000] RDX: 00007fff8be34680 RSI: 00000000c05064a7 RDI: 0000000000000003
[60957.188001] RBP: 00007fff8be34680 R08: 0000000001c59b20 R09: 0000000000000000
[60957.188003] R10: 0000000000000004 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00000000c05064a7
[60957.188004] R13: 0000000000000003 R14: 00007fff8be34680 R15: 0000000000000003
[60957.188010] WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 4960 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:5163 intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60957.188011] ---[ end trace be686e381b2eacad ]---
[60957.188017] [drm:intel_power_well_disable] disabling AUX F
[60957.188024] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:228:DP-5] disconnected
[60957.188170] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:233:HDMI-A-4]
[60957.188174] [drm:intel_hdmi_detect] [CONNECTOR:233:HDMI-A-4]
[60957.188180] [drm:intel_digital_port_connected] DP PHY for TC port 3 not ready
[60957.188181] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[60957.188182] WARN_ON(dig_port->tc_legacy_port)
[60957.188195] WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 4960 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:5163 intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60957.188196] Modules linked in: x86_pkg_temp_thermal efivarfs
[60957.188200] CPU: 6 PID: 4960 Comm: kms_plane Tainted: G     U  W         5.0.0-rc4+ #7
[60957.188202] Hardware name: Intel Corporation Ice Lake Client Platform/IceLake U DDR4 SODIMM PD RVP, BIOS ICLSFWR1.R00.2513.A01.1812192053 12/19/2018
[60957.188205] RIP: 0010:intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60957.188207] Code: c0 89 54 24 04 e8 ab 5f b0 ff 0f 0b 8b 54 24 04 e9 64 fc ff ff 48 c7 c6 60 24 85 90 48 c7 c7 f5 ca 86 90 31 c0 e8 8b 5f b0 ff <0f> 0b 31 c0 e9 56 f9 ff ff 66 90 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 55 53 48
[60957.188209] RSP: 0018:ffff9ec641bafb68 EFLAGS: 00010296
[60957.188211] RAX: 0000000000000021 RBX: ffff93e6e3f78000 RCX: 0000000000000000
[60957.188213] RDX: 0000000000000021 RSI: ffffffff910bee61 RDI: ffffffff910bf261
[60957.188214] RBP: 0000000000000008 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffffebd834e11c
[60957.188216] R10: 0000000000000021 R11: 0000000000001cf8 R12: ffff93e6e3ec3000
[60957.188217] R13: 0000000000000003 R14: 0000000000000005 R15: ffffffff90698700
[60957.188219] FS:  00007fc735e0aa40(0000) GS:ffff93e6e7f80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
[60957.188221] CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
[60957.188222] CR2: 0000000001c5a038 CR3: 0000000275ef0006 CR4: 0000000000760ee0
[60957.188224] PKRU: 55555554
[60957.188225] Call Trace:
[60957.188229]  intel_hdmi_detect+0x49/0xc0
[60957.188234]  drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes+0xc4/0x660
[60957.188238]  ? lookup_fast+0xb6/0x290
[60957.188242]  drm_mode_getconnector+0x454/0x4a0
[60957.188247]  ? drm_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x30/0x30
[60957.188249]  drm_ioctl_kernel+0x85/0xd0
[60957.188252]  drm_ioctl+0x2ef/0x387
[60957.188256]  ? drm_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x30/0x30
[60957.188260]  ? selinux_file_ioctl+0x11d/0x1e0
[60957.188264]  do_vfs_ioctl+0x8d/0x5e0
[60957.188267]  ksys_ioctl+0x5b/0x90
[60957.188270]  __x64_sys_ioctl+0x11/0x20
[60957.188273]  do_syscall_64+0x44/0xf0
[60957.188276]  entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xa9
[60957.188277] RIP: 0033:0x7fc735340f47
[60957.188280] Code: 00 00 00 48 8b 05 51 6f 2c 00 64 c7 00 26 00 00 00 48 c7 c0 ff ff ff ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 b8 10 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 21 6f 2c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48
[60957.188281] RSP: 002b:00007fff8be34648 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000010
[60957.188283] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 00007fc735340f47
[60957.188285] RDX: 00007fff8be34680 RSI: 00000000c05064a7 RDI: 0000000000000003
[60957.188286] RBP: 00007fff8be34680 R08: 0000000001c58fc0 R09: 0000000000000000
[60957.188287] R10: 0000000000000004 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00000000c05064a7
[60957.188289] R13: 0000000000000003 R14: 00007fff8be34680 R15: 0000000000000003
[60957.188293] WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 4960 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:5163 intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60957.188295] ---[ end trace be686e381b2eacae ]---
[60957.188300] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:233:HDMI-A-4] disconnected
[60957.188567] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:190:DP-1]
[60957.188580] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:190:DP-1]
[60957.189039] [drm:intel_dp_read_dpcd] DPCD: 12 14 c4 41 00 00 01 c0 02 00 00 00 1f 0b 00
[60957.189348] [drm:intel_dp_print_rates] source rates: 162000, 216000, 270000, 324000, 432000, 540000
[60957.189352] [drm:intel_dp_print_rates] sink rates: 162000, 270000, 540000
[60957.189356] [drm:intel_dp_print_rates] common rates: 162000, 270000, 540000
[60957.189762] [drm:drm_dp_read_desc] DP sink: OUI 00-22-b9 dev-ID sivarT HW-rev 0.0 SW-rev 0.0 quirks 0x0001
[60957.190066] [drm:intel_dp_detect] MST support? port A: no, sink: no, modparam: yes
[60957.192075] [drm:drm_dp_i2c_do_msg] native defer
[60957.193359] [drm:drm_dp_i2c_do_msg] native defer
[60957.194654] [drm:drm_dp_i2c_do_msg] native defer
[60957.195997] [drm:drm_dp_i2c_do_msg] native defer
[60957.197286] [drm:drm_dp_i2c_do_msg] native defer
[60957.198578] [drm:drm_dp_i2c_do_msg] native defer
[60957.199985] [drm:drm_dp_i2c_do_msg] native defer
[60957.201275] [drm:drm_dp_i2c_do_msg] native defer
[60957.202621] [drm:drm_add_display_info] non_desktop set to 0
[60957.202629] [drm:drm_add_edid_modes] ELD: no CEA Extension found
[60957.202631] [drm:drm_add_display_info] non_desktop set to 0
[60957.202721] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:190:DP-1] probed modes :
[60957.202727] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "3200x1800": 60 361310 3200 3248 3280 3316 1800 1802 1807 1816 0x48 0xa
[60957.202732] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "3200x1800": 52 361310 3200 3248 3280 3424 1800 1802 1807 2045 0x40 0xa
[60957.202752] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:195:DP-2]
[60957.202757] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:195:DP-2]
[60957.202761] [drm:intel_power_well_enable] enabling AUX B
[60957.202812] [drm:intel_power_well_disable] disabling AUX B
[60957.202831] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:195:DP-2] disconnected
[60957.202846] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:202:HDMI-A-1]
[60957.202850] [drm:intel_hdmi_detect] [CONNECTOR:202:HDMI-A-1]
[60957.202876] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:202:HDMI-A-1] disconnected
[60957.202885] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:208:DP-3]
[60957.202888] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:208:DP-3]
[60957.223700] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.244505] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.265296] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.286076] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.306856] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.327636] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.348417] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.369198] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.389979] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.410763] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.431543] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.452325] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.473107] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.493889] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.514671] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.535451] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.556233] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.577013] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.597793] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.618574] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.639354] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.660135] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.680914] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.701695] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.722481] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.743262] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.764043] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.784824] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.805604] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.826385] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.847165] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.867947] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.867950] [drm:drm_dp_dpcd_access] Too many retries, giving up. First error: -110
[60957.867953] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:208:DP-3] disconnected
[60957.867963] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:214:HDMI-A-2]
[60957.867967] [drm:intel_hdmi_detect] [CONNECTOR:214:HDMI-A-2]
[60957.879517] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc1] timed out after NAK
[60957.879542] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc1] NAK for addr: 0050 w(1)
[60957.905970] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc1] NAK for addr: 0040 w(1)
[60957.905973] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc1] NAK on first message, retry
[60957.906160] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc1] NAK for addr: 0040 w(1)
[60957.906163] [drm:drm_dp_dual_mode_detect] DP dual mode HDMI ID:  (err -6)
[60957.906166] [drm:drm_detect_monitor_audio] Monitor has basic audio support
[60957.906169] [drm:drm_add_display_info] non_desktop set to 0
[60957.906171] [drm:drm_add_display_info] HDMI: DVI dual 0, max TMDS clock 225000 kHz
[60957.906176] [drm:drm_add_edid_modes] ELD monitor LG TV
[60957.906178] [drm:drm_add_edid_modes] HDMI: latency present 0 0, video latency 0 0, audio latency 0 0
[60957.906179] [drm:drm_add_edid_modes] ELD size 28, SAD count 1
[60957.906180] [drm:drm_add_display_info] non_desktop set to 0
[60957.906181] [drm:drm_add_display_info] HDMI: DVI dual 0, max TMDS clock 225000 kHz
[60957.906297] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:214:HDMI-A-2] probed modes :
[60957.906300] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1360x768": 60 85500 1360 1424 1536 1792 768 771 777 795 0x48 0x5
[60957.906303] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080": 60 148500 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1096 1116 1125 0x40 0x5
[60957.906305] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080": 60 148500 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
[60957.906307] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080": 60 148352 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
[60957.906309] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080": 60 138620 1920 1968 2000 2080 1080 1082 1087 1111 0x40 0x9
[60957.906311] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080i": 60 74250 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 0x40 0x15
[60957.906314] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080i": 60 74250 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 0x40 0x15
[60957.906316] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080i": 60 74176 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 0x40 0x15
[60957.906318] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080": 30 74250 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
[60957.906320] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080": 30 74176 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
[60957.906323] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080": 24 74250 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
[60957.906325] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1920x1080": 24 74176 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
[60957.906327] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1280x720": 60 74250 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 0x40 0x5
[60957.906329] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1280x720": 60 74250 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 0x40 0x5
[60957.906331] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1280x720": 60 74176 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 0x40 0x5
[60957.906333] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1024x768": 60 65000 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 0x40 0xa
[60957.906335] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "800x600": 60 40000 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 0x40 0x5
[60957.906337] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "720x480": 60 27027 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
[60957.906339] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "720x480": 60 27027 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
[60957.906341] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "720x480": 60 27000 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
[60957.906343] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "720x480": 60 27000 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
[60957.906345] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "720x480": 60 27000 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
[60957.906347] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "640x480": 60 25200 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 0x40 0xa
[60957.906349] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "640x480": 60 25175 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 0x40 0xa
[60957.906352] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "720x400": 70 28320 720 738 846 900 400 412 414 449 0x40 0x6
[60957.906373] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:218:DP-4]
[60957.906376] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:218:DP-4]
[60957.906379] [drm:intel_power_well_enable] enabling AUX D
[60957.927166] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.947944] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.968721] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60957.989496] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.010270] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.031043] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.051818] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.072594] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.093369] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.114145] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.134918] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.155692] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.176467] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.197247] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.218029] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.238809] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.259593] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.280373] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.301155] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.321937] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.342719] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.363503] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.384283] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.405069] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.425849] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.446632] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.467412] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.488193] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.508974] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.529755] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.550535] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.571314] [drm:intel_dp_aux_xfer] dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x7d4003ff
[60958.571318] [drm:drm_dp_dpcd_access] Too many retries, giving up. First error: -110
[60958.571321] [drm:intel_power_well_disable] disabling AUX D
[60958.571324] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:218:DP-4] disconnected
[60958.571338] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:224:HDMI-A-3]
[60958.571339] [drm:intel_hdmi_detect] [CONNECTOR:224:HDMI-A-3]
[60958.623874] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc2] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 10
[60958.639650] [drm:drm_do_probe_ddc_edid] drm: skipping non-existent adapter i915 gmbus tc2
[60958.639655] [drm:intel_hdmi_set_edid] HDMI GMBUS EDID read failed, retry using GPIO bit-banging
[60958.639660] [drm:intel_gmbus_force_bit] enabling bit-banging on i915 gmbus tc2. force bit now 1
[60958.655634] [drm:drm_do_probe_ddc_edid] drm: skipping non-existent adapter i915 gmbus tc2
[60958.655641] [drm:intel_gmbus_force_bit] disabling bit-banging on i915 gmbus tc2. force bit now 0
[60958.707526] [drm:do_gmbus_xfer] GMBUS [i915 gmbus tc2] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 10
[60958.723636] [drm:drm_dp_dual_mode_detect] DP dual mode HDMI ID:  (err -6)
[60958.723643] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:224:HDMI-A-3] disconnected
[60958.723675] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:228:DP-5]
[60958.723680] [drm:intel_dp_detect] [CONNECTOR:228:DP-5]
[60958.723686] [drm:intel_power_well_enable] enabling AUX F
[60958.723696] [drm:intel_digital_port_connected] DP PHY for TC port 3 not ready
[60958.723697] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[60958.723698] WARN_ON(dig_port->tc_legacy_port)
[60958.723717] WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 4960 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:5163 intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60958.723719] Modules linked in: x86_pkg_temp_thermal efivarfs
[60958.723726] CPU: 6 PID: 4960 Comm: kms_plane Tainted: G     U  W         5.0.0-rc4+ #7
[60958.723728] Hardware name: Intel Corporation Ice Lake Client Platform/IceLake U DDR4 SODIMM PD RVP, BIOS ICLSFWR1.R00.2513.A01.1812192053 12/19/2018
[60958.723732] RIP: 0010:intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60958.723735] Code: c0 89 54 24 04 e8 ab 5f b0 ff 0f 0b 8b 54 24 04 e9 64 fc ff ff 48 c7 c6 60 24 85 90 48 c7 c7 f5 ca 86 90 31 c0 e8 8b 5f b0 ff <0f> 0b 31 c0 e9 56 f9 ff ff 66 90 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 55 53 48
[60958.723737] RSP: 0018:ffff9ec641bafb28 EFLAGS: 00010292
[60958.723740] RAX: 0000000000000021 RBX: ffff93e6e3f78000 RCX: 0000000000000000
[60958.723741] RDX: 0000000000000021 RSI: ffffffff910bee61 RDI: ffffffff910bf261
[60958.723743] RBP: 0000000000000008 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffffebd834e11c
[60958.723752] R10: 0000000000000021 R11: 0000000000001dc5 R12: ffff93e6e3ec3000
[60958.723754] R13: 0000000000000003 R14: 0000000000000005 R15: ffffffff90697f00
[60958.723767] FS:  00007fc735e0aa40(0000) GS:ffff93e6e7f80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
[60958.723769] CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
[60958.723770] CR2: 0000000001c5a038 CR3: 0000000275ef0006 CR4: 0000000000760ee0
[60958.723772] PKRU: 55555554
[60958.723773] Call Trace:
[60958.723781]  intel_dp_detect+0xa5/0x5c0
[60958.723786]  ? drm_modeset_lock+0x31/0xc0
[60958.723792]  drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes+0xc4/0x660
[60958.723798]  drm_mode_getconnector+0x454/0x4a0
[60958.723805]  ? drm_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x30/0x30
[60958.723809]  drm_ioctl_kernel+0x85/0xd0
[60958.723812]  drm_ioctl+0x2ef/0x387
[60958.723816]  ? drm_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x30/0x30
[60958.723822]  ? selinux_file_ioctl+0x11d/0x1e0
[60958.723827]  do_vfs_ioctl+0x8d/0x5e0
[60958.723831]  ksys_ioctl+0x5b/0x90
[60958.723834]  __x64_sys_ioctl+0x11/0x20
[60958.723838]  do_syscall_64+0x44/0xf0
[60958.723844]  entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xa9
[60958.723848] RIP: 0033:0x7fc735340f47
[60958.723850] Code: 00 00 00 48 8b 05 51 6f 2c 00 64 c7 00 26 00 00 00 48 c7 c0 ff ff ff ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 b8 10 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 21 6f 2c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48
[60958.723852] RSP: 002b:00007fff8be34698 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000010
[60958.723855] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 00007fc735340f47
[60958.723856] RDX: 00007fff8be346d0 RSI: 00000000c05064a7 RDI: 0000000000000003
[60958.723858] RBP: 00007fff8be346d0 R08: 0000000001c59e20 R09: 0000000000000000
[60958.723859] R10: 00007fc735608b78 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00000000c05064a7
[60958.723861] R13: 0000000000000003 R14: 00007fff8be346d0 R15: 0000000000000003
[60958.723866] WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 4960 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:5163 intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60958.723868] ---[ end trace be686e381b2eacaf ]---
[60958.723873] [drm:intel_power_well_disable] disabling AUX F
[60958.723879] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:228:DP-5] disconnected
[60958.723894] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:233:HDMI-A-4]
[60958.723897] [drm:intel_hdmi_detect] [CONNECTOR:233:HDMI-A-4]
[60958.723903] [drm:intel_digital_port_connected] DP PHY for TC port 3 not ready
[60958.723904] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[60958.723905] WARN_ON(dig_port->tc_legacy_port)
[60958.723917] WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 4960 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:5163 intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60958.723918] Modules linked in: x86_pkg_temp_thermal efivarfs
[60958.723922] CPU: 6 PID: 4960 Comm: kms_plane Tainted: G     U  W         5.0.0-rc4+ #7
[60958.723924] Hardware name: Intel Corporation Ice Lake Client Platform/IceLake U DDR4 SODIMM PD RVP, BIOS ICLSFWR1.R00.2513.A01.1812192053 12/19/2018
[60958.723926] RIP: 0010:intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60958.723929] Code: c0 89 54 24 04 e8 ab 5f b0 ff 0f 0b 8b 54 24 04 e9 64 fc ff ff 48 c7 c6 60 24 85 90 48 c7 c7 f5 ca 86 90 31 c0 e8 8b 5f b0 ff <0f> 0b 31 c0 e9 56 f9 ff ff 66 90 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 55 53 48
[60958.723930] RSP: 0018:ffff9ec641bafb68 EFLAGS: 00010296
[60958.723932] RAX: 0000000000000021 RBX: ffff93e6e3f78000 RCX: 0000000000000000
[60958.723933] RDX: 0000000000000021 RSI: ffffffff910bee61 RDI: ffffffff910bf261
[60958.723935] RBP: 0000000000000008 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffffebd834e11c
[60958.723936] R10: 0000000000000021 R11: 0000000000001df5 R12: ffff93e6e3ec3000
[60958.723938] R13: 0000000000000003 R14: 0000000000000005 R15: ffffffff90698700
[60958.723940] FS:  00007fc735e0aa40(0000) GS:ffff93e6e7f80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
[60958.723941] CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
[60958.723943] CR2: 0000000001c5a038 CR3: 0000000275ef0006 CR4: 0000000000760ee0
[60958.723944] PKRU: 55555554
[60958.723945] Call Trace:
[60958.723949]  intel_hdmi_detect+0x49/0xc0
[60958.723954]  drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes+0xc4/0x660
[60958.723958]  drm_mode_getconnector+0x454/0x4a0
[60958.723963]  ? drm_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x30/0x30
[60958.723965]  drm_ioctl_kernel+0x85/0xd0
[60958.723968]  drm_ioctl+0x2ef/0x387
[60958.723971]  ? drm_connector_property_set_ioctl+0x30/0x30
[60958.723976]  ? selinux_file_ioctl+0x11d/0x1e0
[60958.723979]  do_vfs_ioctl+0x8d/0x5e0
[60958.723983]  ksys_ioctl+0x5b/0x90
[60958.723985]  __x64_sys_ioctl+0x11/0x20
[60958.723988]  do_syscall_64+0x44/0xf0
[60958.723991]  entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xa9
[60958.723993] RIP: 0033:0x7fc735340f47
[60958.723994] Code: 00 00 00 48 8b 05 51 6f 2c 00 64 c7 00 26 00 00 00 48 c7 c0 ff ff ff ff c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 b8 10 00 00 00 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 21 6f 2c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48
[60958.723996] RSP: 002b:00007fff8be34698 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000010
[60958.723998] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 00007fc735340f47
[60958.723999] RDX: 00007fff8be346d0 RSI: 00000000c05064a7 RDI: 0000000000000003
[60958.724001] RBP: 00007fff8be346d0 R08: 0000000001c59e20 R09: 0000000000000000
[60958.724002] R10: 00007fc735608b78 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00000000c05064a7
[60958.724004] R13: 0000000000000003 R14: 00007fff8be346d0 R15: 0000000000000003
[60958.724008] WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 4960 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c:5163 intel_digital_port_connected+0x705/0x710
[60958.724009] ---[ end trace be686e381b2eacb0 ]---
[60958.724014] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes] [CONNECTOR:233:HDMI-A-4] disconnected
[60958.724130] [IGT] kms_plane: starting subtest pixel-format-pipe-A-planes
[60958.724296] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:238]
[60958.726657] [drm:intel_atomic_check] New cdclk calculated to be logical 307200 kHz, actual 307200 kHz
[60958.726663] [drm:intel_atomic_check] New voltage level calculated to be logical 0, actual 0
[60958.726708] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:30:plane 1A] ddb (0 - 1429) -> (0 - 992)
[60958.726713] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:79:cursor A] ddb (1429 - 1437) -> (992 - 1024)
[60958.726721] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:83:plane 1B] ddb (1437 - 2040) -> (0 - 0)
[60958.726727] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:132:cursor B] ddb (2040 - 2048) -> (0 - 0)
[60958.743119] [drm:hsw_audio_codec_disable] Disable audio codec on pipe B
[60958.743127] [drm:intel_disable_pipe] disabling pipe B
[60958.757561] [drm:intel_power_well_disable] disabling DDI C IO
[60958.757570] [drm:intel_power_well_disable] disabling AUX C
[60958.757578] [drm:intel_disable_shared_dpll] disable MG PLL 1 (active 2, on? 1) for crtc 135
[60958.757596] [drm:intel_disable_shared_dpll] disabling MG PLL 1
[60958.757606] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:189:DDI A]
[60958.757609] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:194:DDI B]
[60958.757612] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:196:DP-MST A]
[60958.757614] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:197:DP-MST B]
[60958.757616] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:198:DP-MST C]
[60958.757618] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:207:DDI C]
[60958.757623] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:209:DP-MST A]
[60958.757625] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:210:DP-MST B]
[60958.757627] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:211:DP-MST C]
[60958.757629] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:217:DDI D]
[60958.757632] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:219:DP-MST A]
[60958.757634] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:220:DP-MST B]
[60958.757637] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:221:DP-MST C]
[60958.757639] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:227:DDI F]
[60958.757641] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:229:DP-MST A]
[60958.757643] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:230:DP-MST B]
[60958.757646] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:231:DP-MST C]
[60958.757648] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:195:DP-2]
[60958.757653] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:202:HDMI-A-1]
[60958.757656] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:208:DP-3]
[60958.757659] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:214:HDMI-A-2]
[60958.757662] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:218:DP-4]
[60958.757666] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:224:HDMI-A-3]
[60958.757669] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:228:DP-5]
[60958.757672] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:233:HDMI-A-4]
[60958.757676] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] DPLL 0
[60958.757681] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] DPLL 1
[60958.757684] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] TBT PLL
[60958.757687] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 1
[60958.757689] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 2
[60958.757692] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 3
[60958.757695] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 4
[60958.770815] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [CRTC:135:pipe B]
[60958.770860] [drm:intel_enable_sagv] Enabling the SAGV
[60958.770995] [drm:i915_fifo_underrun_reset_write] Re-arming FIFO underruns on pipe A
[60958.837572] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60959.887599] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60960.937722] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60961.971043] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60963.021135] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60964.071163] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60965.104559] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60966.137853] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60967.171257] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60968.204650] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60969.238026] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60970.271366] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60971.304784] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60972.338176] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60973.371478] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60974.404950] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60975.438596] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60976.471897] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60977.505093] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60978.538671] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60979.571858] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60980.605175] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60981.638540] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60982.671893] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60983.705223] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60985.838521] [drm:drm_crtc_add_crc_entry] *ERROR* Overflow of CRC buffer, userspace reads too slow.
[60987.322076] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60990.922241] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[60994.522439] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[60998.005859] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61001.522684] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61004.989525] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61008.456244] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61011.964193] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61013.715156] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61015.198825] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61016.926709] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61018.393577] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61019.843782] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61021.293495] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61022.780396] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61024.264118] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61025.748849] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61027.230855] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61028.713885] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61030.180712] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61031.647027] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61033.130873] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61034.614257] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61036.098159] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61037.581274] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61039.049380] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61040.531374] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61042.013587] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61043.498156] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61044.981325] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61046.465400] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61047.950569] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61049.449855] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61050.932229] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61052.414760] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61053.879128] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61055.365435] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61056.848359] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61058.332325] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61059.831470] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61060.156400] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61060.156409] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:30:plane 1A] ddb (0 - 992) -> (0 - 379)
[61060.156411] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:65:plane 6A] ddb (0 - 0) -> (379 - 992)
[61061.181373] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61061.513258] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61062.548160] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61062.867165] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61063.897979] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61064.229782] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61065.264414] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61065.591523] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61066.631151] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61066.960161] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61067.998412] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61068.332170] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61069.364898] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61069.686825] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61070.718816] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61071.113295] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61071.113304] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:30:plane 1A] ddb (0 - 379) -> (0 - 415)
[61071.113306] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:65:plane 6A] ddb (379 - 992) -> (415 - 992)
[61072.148660] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61072.514766] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61073.548478] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61073.922800] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61074.956546] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61075.331777] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61076.369181] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61076.758585] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61077.802600] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61078.185443] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61079.219226] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61079.609815] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61080.652391] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61081.041651] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61082.085864] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61082.463015] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61083.503060] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61083.867854] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61084.899076] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61085.259316] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61086.303096] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61086.676928] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61087.719050] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61088.096427] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61089.136057] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61089.513727] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61090.553465] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61090.935738] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61091.969659] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61092.348973] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61093.386427] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61093.772686] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61094.803486] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61095.196167] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61096.236034] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61096.618547] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61097.656945] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61098.045670] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61099.087490] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61099.482096] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61100.519255] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61100.901449] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61101.936723] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:237]
[61102.328623] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61103.373635] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:243]
[61103.752239] [drm:intel_crtc_atomic_check] Using plane 6A as Y plane for plane 1A
[61104.787730] [drm:drm_internal_framebuffer_create] bad pitch 12800 for plane 0
[61104.837640] [IGT] kms_plane: exiting, ret=99
[61104.838231] [drm:intel_hdmi_compute_config] picking bpc to 12 for HDMI output
[61104.838236] [drm:intel_hdmi_compute_config] forcing pipe bpp to 36 for HDMI
[61104.838241] [drm:intel_atomic_check] hw max bpp: 36, pipe bpp: 36, dithering: 0
[61104.838246] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_hdisplay (expected 0, found 1360)
[61104.838248] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_htotal (expected 0, found 1792)
[61104.838250] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_hblank_start (expected 0, found 1360)
[61104.838252] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_hblank_end (expected 0, found 1792)
[61104.838253] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_hsync_start (expected 0, found 1424)
[61104.838255] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_hsync_end (expected 0, found 1536)
[61104.838257] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_vdisplay (expected 0, found 768)
[61104.838259] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_vtotal (expected 0, found 795)
[61104.838261] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_vblank_start (expected 0, found 768)
[61104.838262] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_vblank_end (expected 0, found 795)
[61104.838264] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_vsync_start (expected 0, found 771)
[61104.838266] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_vsync_end (expected 0, found 777)
[61104.838268] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.flags (1) (expected 0, found 1)
[61104.838270] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.flags (4) (expected 0, found 4)
[61104.838274] [drm:pipe_config_err] mismatch in base.adjusted_mode.crtc_clock (expected 0, found 85500)
[61104.838277] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [CRTC:135:pipe B][modeset]
[61104.838280] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] output_types: HDMI (0x40)
[61104.838282] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] output format: RGB
[61104.838285] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] cpu_transcoder: B, pipe bpp: 36, dithering: 0
[61104.838287] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] audio: 1, infoframes: 1
[61104.838289] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] requested mode:
[61104.838297] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1360x768": 60 85500 1360 1424 1536 1792 768 771 777 795 0x48 0x5
[61104.838299] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] adjusted mode:
[61104.838303] [drm:drm_mode_debug_printmodeline] Modeline "1360x768": 60 85500 1360 1424 1536 1792 768 771 777 795 0x48 0x5
[61104.838306] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] crtc timings: 85500 1360 1424 1536 1792 768 771 777 795, type: 0x48 flags: 0x5
[61104.838309] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] port clock: 128250, pipe src size: 1360x768, pixel rate 85500
[61104.838312] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] num_scalers: 2, scaler_users: 0x0, scaler_id: -1
[61104.838315] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] pch pfit: pos: 0x00000000, size: 0x00000000, disabled
[61104.838317] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] ips: 0, double wide: 0
[61104.838323] [drm:icl_dump_hw_state] dpll_hw_state: cfgcr0: 0x0, cfgcr1: 0x0, mg_refclkin_ctl: 0x100, hg_clktop2_coreclkctl1: 0x500, mg_clktop2_hsclkctl: 0x1b200, mg_pll_div0: 0x79400074, mg_pll_div2: 0x21012, mg_pll_lf: 0x27110804, mg_pll_frac_lock: 0x5554a, mg_pll_ssc: 0x8001200, mg_pll_bias: 0x0, mg_pll_tdc_coldst_bias: 0x10000
[61104.838325] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] planes on this crtc
[61104.838328] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [PLANE:83:plane 1B] disabled, scaler_id = -1
[61104.838330] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [PLANE:90:plane 2B] disabled, scaler_id = -1
[61104.838332] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [PLANE:97:plane 3B] disabled, scaler_id = -1
[61104.838334] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [PLANE:104:plane 4B] disabled, scaler_id = -1
[61104.838336] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [PLANE:111:plane 5B] disabled, scaler_id = -1
[61104.838338] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [PLANE:118:plane 6B] disabled, scaler_id = -1
[61104.838340] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [PLANE:125:plane 7B] disabled, scaler_id = -1
[61104.838342] [drm:intel_dump_pipe_config] [PLANE:132:cursor B] disabled, scaler_id = -1
[61104.838371] [drm:intel_atomic_check] New cdclk calculated to be logical 307200 kHz, actual 307200 kHz
[61104.838374] [drm:intel_atomic_check] New voltage level calculated to be logical 0, actual 0
[61104.838390] [drm:intel_find_shared_dpll] [CRTC:135:pipe B] allocated MG PLL 1
[61104.838392] [drm:intel_reference_shared_dpll] using MG PLL 1 for pipe B
[61104.838412] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:30:plane 1A] ddb (0 - 415) -> (0 - 1429)
[61104.838415] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:65:plane 6A] ddb (415 - 992) -> (0 - 0)
[61104.838419] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:79:cursor A] ddb (992 - 1024) -> (1429 - 1437)
[61104.838422] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:83:plane 1B] ddb (0 - 0) -> (1437 - 2040)
[61104.838425] [drm:skl_compute_wm] [PLANE:132:cursor B] ddb (0 - 0) -> (2040 - 2048)
[61104.838503] [drm:intel_disable_sagv] Disabling the SAGV
[61104.838533] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:189:DDI A]
[61104.838536] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:194:DDI B]
[61104.838539] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:196:DP-MST A]
[61104.838541] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:197:DP-MST B]
[61104.838544] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:198:DP-MST C]
[61104.838549] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:207:DDI C]
[61104.838554] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:209:DP-MST A]
[61104.838558] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:210:DP-MST B]
[61104.838562] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:211:DP-MST C]
[61104.838565] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:217:DDI D]
[61104.838572] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:219:DP-MST A]
[61104.838575] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:220:DP-MST B]
[61104.838578] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:221:DP-MST C]
[61104.838582] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:227:DDI F]
[61104.838585] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:229:DP-MST A]
[61104.838589] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:230:DP-MST B]
[61104.838592] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [ENCODER:231:DP-MST C]
[61104.838596] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] DPLL 0
[61104.838603] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] DPLL 1
[61104.838608] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] TBT PLL
[61104.838611] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 1
[61104.838615] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 2
[61104.838620] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 3
[61104.838627] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 4
[61104.843432] [drm:intel_power_well_enable] enabling AUX C
[61104.843442] [drm:intel_enable_shared_dpll] enable MG PLL 1 (active 2, on? 0) for crtc 135
[61104.843444] [drm:intel_enable_shared_dpll] enabling MG PLL 1
[61104.843509] [drm:intel_power_well_enable] enabling DDI C IO
[61104.843532] [drm:icl_ddi_vswing_sequence] DDI translation not found for level 9. Using 8 instead.
[61104.843699] [drm:intel_enable_pipe] enabling pipe B
[61104.843735] [drm:intel_audio_codec_enable] ELD on [CONNECTOR:214:HDMI-A-2], [ENCODER:207:DDI C]
[61104.843739] [drm:hsw_audio_codec_enable] Enable audio codec on pipe B, 28 bytes ELD
[61104.843748] [drm:audio_config_hdmi_pixel_clock] HDMI audio pixel clock setting for 85500 not found, falling back to defaults
[61104.843751] [drm:audio_config_hdmi_pixel_clock] Configuring HDMI audio for pixel clock 25200 (0x00010000)
[61104.843754] [drm:hsw_audio_config_update] using automatic N
[61104.860602] [drm:verify_connector_state.isra.110] [CONNECTOR:214:HDMI-A-2]
[61104.860613] [drm:intel_atomic_commit_tail] [CRTC:135:pipe B]
[61104.860654] [drm:verify_single_dpll_state.isra.143] MG PLL 1
[61104.864730] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 170x48

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