[igt-dev] [PATCH i-g-t] tests/kms_yuv: Add yuv specific tests.

Maarten Lankhorst maarten.lankhorst at linux.intel.com
Thu Feb 14 15:29:08 UTC 2019

Add tests excercising switching between various scaled/unscaled
transitions to and from various nv12 formats, since some of the
workarounds mention this may fail.

We also add NV12 specific clipping/scaling tests, to make sure
that YUV src coordinates are always programmed as a multiple of 2
correctly, and verify scaling/clipping works with CRC tests.

crop-scale-bug shows a corruption when scaling and cropping at the
same time.

The subpixel clip test rotates and clips a rectangle on each side,
which should produce the same CRC as when that part of the rectangle
is hidden by a cursor and a whole 2x2 pixel is hidden.

Signed-off-by: Maarten Lankhorst <maarten.lankhorst at linux.intel.com>
 tests/Makefile.sources |   1 +
 tests/kms_yuv.c        | 845 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/meson.build      |   1 +
 3 files changed, 847 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/kms_yuv.c

diff --git a/tests/Makefile.sources b/tests/Makefile.sources
index a234fa5dd553..d8eb58a85ed2 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.sources
+++ b/tests/Makefile.sources
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ TESTS_progs = \
 	kms_universal_plane \
 	kms_vblank \
 	kms_vrr \
+	kms_yuv \
 	kms_sequence \
 	meta_test \
 	perf \
diff --git a/tests/kms_yuv.c b/tests/kms_yuv.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9a0483f1631e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kms_yuv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
+ * Copyright © 2019 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ *    Maarten Lankhorst <maarten.lankhorst at linux.intel.com>
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "igt.h"
+#include <cairo.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+typedef struct {
+	igt_display_t display;
+	igt_pipe_crc_t *pipe_crc;
+	struct igt_fb fb[6];
+} data_t;
+static bool plane_supports_format(igt_plane_t *plane, uint32_t format)
+	int i;
+	if (!igt_fb_supported_format(format))
+		return false;
+	for (i = 0; i < plane->drm_plane->count_formats; i++)
+		if (plane->drm_plane->formats[i] == format)
+			return true;
+	return false;
+static bool pipe_supports_format(igt_display_t *display, enum pipe pipe, uint32_t format)
+	igt_plane_t *plane;
+	for_each_plane_on_pipe(display, pipe, plane)
+		if (plane_supports_format(plane, format))
+			return true;
+	return false;
+static void remove_fbs(data_t *data)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data->fb); i++)
+		igt_remove_fb(data->display.drm_fd, &data->fb[i]);
+static void prepare_crtc(data_t *data, enum pipe pipe, igt_output_t *output)
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	remove_fbs(data);
+	igt_display_reset(display);
+	igt_output_set_pipe(output, pipe);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	igt_pipe_crc_free(data->pipe_crc);
+	data->pipe_crc = igt_pipe_crc_new(display->drm_fd, pipe, INTEL_PIPE_CRC_SOURCE_AUTO);
+static void set_fb(igt_plane_t *plane, struct igt_fb *fb, bool scaled)
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, fb);
+	if (scaled && fb)
+		igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, fb->width, 16);
+	if (fb && fb->tiling == LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED) {
+		igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, IGT_ROTATION_90);
+		igt_plane_set_size(plane, fb->height, fb->width);
+	} else
+		igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, IGT_ROTATION_0);
+static void yuv_rgb_switch(data_t *data, enum pipe pipe, igt_output_t *output, bool scaled, unsigned format)
+	drmModeModeInfo *mode = igt_output_get_mode(output);
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_plane_t *plane;
+	int i;
+	igt_crc_t ref_crc[4], crc;
+	prepare_crtc(data, pipe, output);
+	igt_create_pattern_fb(display->drm_fd, mode->hdisplay, mode->vdisplay,
+			      format, LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED,
+			      &data->fb[0]);
+	igt_create_pattern_fb(display->drm_fd, mode->vdisplay, mode->hdisplay,
+			      format, LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED,
+			      &data->fb[1]);
+	igt_create_pattern_fb(display->drm_fd, mode->hdisplay, mode->vdisplay,
+			      &data->fb[2]);
+	igt_create_pattern_fb(display->drm_fd, mode->vdisplay, mode->hdisplay,
+			      &data->fb[3]);
+	for_each_plane_on_pipe(display, pipe, plane) {
+		if (!plane_supports_format(plane, DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888))
+			continue;
+		/* We only have few scalers, don't use 1 for unused planes */
+		if (plane->type != DRM_PLANE_TYPE_CURSOR && !scaled)
+			set_fb(plane, &data->fb[3], false);
+	}
+	for_each_plane_on_pipe(display, pipe, plane) {
+		const int seq[] = {
+			2, 0, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3
+		};
+		if (!plane_supports_format(plane, format))
+			continue;
+		/* Collect reference crc with toggle in between. */
+		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ref_crc); i++) {
+			set_fb(plane, &data->fb[i], scaled);
+			igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+			igt_pipe_crc_collect_crc(data->pipe_crc, &ref_crc[i]);
+			set_fb(plane, NULL, scaled);
+			igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(seq); i++) {
+			int j = seq[i];
+			set_fb(plane, &data->fb[j], scaled);
+			igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+			igt_pipe_crc_collect_crc(data->pipe_crc, &crc);
+			igt_assert_crc_equal(&ref_crc[j], &crc);
+		}
+		/* We only have few scalers, don't use 1 for unused planes */
+		if (scaled)
+			igt_plane_set_fb(plane, NULL);
+	}
+#define assert_collected_crc_equal(pipe_crc, crc, ref_crc) \
+	do { \
+		igt_pipe_crc_get_current(display->drm_fd, pipe_crc, crc);	\
+		igt_assert_crc_equal(ref_crc, crc);	\
+	} while (0)
+static void set_src_coords(igt_plane_t *plane, struct igt_fb *fb,
+			   igt_rotation_t rot, int vis, int hidden)
+	switch (rot) {
+	case IGT_ROTATION_0:
+		igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 - vis, fb->height / 2 - vis);
+		break;
+	case IGT_ROTATION_90:
+		igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 - hidden, fb->height / 2 - vis);
+		break;
+	case IGT_ROTATION_180:
+		igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 - hidden, fb->height / 2 - hidden);
+		break;
+	case IGT_ROTATION_270:
+		igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 - vis, fb->height / 2 - hidden);
+		break;
+	default: igt_assert(0);
+	}
+	igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, vis + hidden, vis + hidden);
+static void yuv_valid_width_plane(data_t *data, drmModeModeInfo *mode,
+				   igt_plane_t *plane, struct igt_fb *fb,
+				   igt_rotation_t rot, igt_crc_t *ref_crc)
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_crc_t crc;
+	struct igt_fb *clip_fb = &data->fb[2];
+	int i, ret;
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, fb);
+	igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, rot);
+	if (rot & (IGT_ROTATION_90 | IGT_ROTATION_270))
+		igt_plane_set_size(plane, fb->height, fb->width);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	/* Just clipping.. */
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, clip_fb);
+	if (rot & (IGT_ROTATION_90 | IGT_ROTATION_270))
+		igt_plane_set_size(plane, clip_fb->height, clip_fb->width);
+	igt_plane_set_position(plane, mode->hdisplay - clip_fb->width / 2, mode->vdisplay - clip_fb->height / 2);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	/* Clipping and scaling. */
+	igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width / 2 - 16, clip_fb->height / 2 - 16);
+	igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, 32, 32);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	/* Try nvalid < 8 src visible. */
+	set_src_coords(plane, clip_fb, rot, 4, 4);
+	igt_display_try_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	/* Try different alignments for x/y to see if any hit underruns */
+	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+		set_src_coords(plane, clip_fb, rot, 16 + 2 * i, 16 - 2 * i);
+		igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+		assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+		/* And also show more of the screen */
+		set_src_coords(plane, clip_fb, rot, 16 + i, 16 + i);
+		ret = igt_display_try_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+		if (ret == -EINVAL) {
+			igt_assert(i % 2 || rot == IGT_ROTATION_270 || rot == (IGT_ROTATION_90 | IGT_REFLECT_X));
+			continue;
+		} else
+			igt_assert_eq(ret, 0);
+		assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * As a final test, try with 16 src visible, and various invisible
+	 * components to check clipping doesn't drop the visible src below 16.
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) {
+		set_src_coords(plane, clip_fb, rot, 16, i);
+		if (rot & (IGT_ROTATION_90 | IGT_ROTATION_270))
+			igt_plane_set_size(plane, (clip_fb->height / 32) * (16 + i),
+					   (clip_fb->width / 32) * (16 + i));
+		else
+			igt_plane_set_size(plane, (clip_fb->width / 32) * (16 + i),
+					   (clip_fb->height / 32) * (16 + i));
+		igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+		assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	}
+static void yuv_valid_width(data_t *data, enum pipe pipe, igt_output_t *output, unsigned format)
+	drmModeModeInfo *mode = igt_output_get_mode(output);
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_plane_t *plane;
+	struct igt_fb *clip_fb = &data->fb[2];
+	struct igt_fb *ref_fb = &data->fb[3];
+	prepare_crtc(data, pipe, output);
+	igt_create_pattern_fb(display->drm_fd, mode->hdisplay, mode->vdisplay,
+			      format, LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED,
+			      &data->fb[0]);
+	igt_create_pattern_fb(display->drm_fd, mode->vdisplay, mode->hdisplay,
+			      format, LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED,
+			      &data->fb[1]);
+	igt_create_fb(display->drm_fd, 64, 64, format,
+		      LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED, ref_fb);
+	igt_create_fb(display->drm_fd, 2 * ref_fb->width,
+		      2 * ref_fb->height, format,
+		      LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED, clip_fb);
+	igt_pipe_crc_start(data->pipe_crc);
+	for_each_plane_on_pipe(display, pipe, plane) {
+		igt_crc_t ref_crc[4];
+		cairo_t *cr;
+		static const double colors[4][3] = {
+			{ 1., 0., 0. },
+			{ 0., 1., 0. },
+			{ 0., 0., 1. },
+			{ 1., 1., 1. }
+		};
+		int i;
+		if (!plane_supports_format(plane, format))
+			continue;
+		/* Draw the FB that will be used for clipping tests. */
+		cr = igt_get_cairo_ctx(display->drm_fd, clip_fb);
+		igt_paint_color(cr, 0, 0, clip_fb->width / 2, clip_fb->height / 2,
+				colors[0][0], colors[0][1], colors[0][2]);
+		igt_paint_color(cr, clip_fb->width / 2, 0,
+				clip_fb->width / 2, clip_fb->height / 2,
+				colors[1][0], colors[1][1], colors[1][2]);
+		igt_paint_color(cr, clip_fb->width / 2, clip_fb->height / 2,
+				clip_fb->width / 2, clip_fb->height / 2,
+				colors[2][0], colors[2][1], colors[2][2]);
+		igt_paint_color(cr, 0, clip_fb->height / 2,
+				clip_fb->width / 2, clip_fb->height / 2,
+				colors[3][0], colors[3][1], colors[3][2]);
+		igt_put_cairo_ctx(display->drm_fd, clip_fb, cr);
+		/* Draw all reference FB's to collect the CRC. */
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+			cr = igt_get_cairo_ctx(display->drm_fd, ref_fb);
+			igt_paint_color(cr, 0, 0, ref_fb->width, ref_fb->height,
+					colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2]);
+			igt_put_cairo_ctx(display->drm_fd, &data->fb[3], cr);
+			if (!i) {
+				igt_plane_set_fb(plane, ref_fb);
+				igt_plane_set_position(plane, mode->hdisplay - ref_fb->width, mode->vdisplay - ref_fb->height);
+				igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+			} else {
+				igt_dirty_fb(display->drm_fd, ref_fb);
+				igt_wait_for_vblank(display->drm_fd, pipe);
+			}
+			igt_pipe_crc_drain(data->pipe_crc);
+			igt_pipe_crc_get_single(data->pipe_crc, &ref_crc[i]);
+		}
+		igt_plane_set_fb(plane, NULL);
+		igt_plane_set_position(plane, 0, 0);
+		yuv_valid_width_plane(data, mode, plane, &data->fb[0], IGT_ROTATION_0, &ref_crc[0]);
+		yuv_valid_width_plane(data, mode, plane, &data->fb[1], IGT_ROTATION_90, &ref_crc[1]);
+		yuv_valid_width_plane(data, mode, plane, &data->fb[0], IGT_ROTATION_180, &ref_crc[2]);
+		yuv_valid_width_plane(data, mode, plane, &data->fb[1], IGT_ROTATION_270, &ref_crc[3]);
+		igt_plane_set_fb(plane, NULL);
+	}
+static bool yuv_commit_rotated(igt_display_t *display, igt_rotation_t rot)
+	if (igt_display_try_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC) < 0) {
+		igt_debug("Skipping rotated test, alignment is wrong.\n");
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+static void yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data_t *data, drmModeModeInfo *mode,
+				      igt_plane_t *plane, struct igt_fb *fb,
+				      igt_rotation_t rot, igt_crc_t *ref_crc)
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_crc_t crc;
+	int ofs[] = { 0, 1, -1, 2, -2 };
+	int i, j;
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, fb);
+	igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, rot);
+	igt_plane_set_position(plane, 64, 64);
+	igt_plane_set_size(plane, 256, 256);
+	igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 4, fb->height / 4);
+	igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, fb->width / 2, fb->height / 2);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	/* Make sure boundaries match */
+	igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 4 - 2, fb->height / 4 - 2);
+	igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 + 4, fb->height / 2 + 4);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ofs); i++) {
+		igt_debug("Testing with rot %x and extra %i on the left side\n", rot, ofs[i]);
+		igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 4 + ofs[i], fb->height / 4 - 2);
+		igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 + 2 - ofs[i], fb->height / 2 + 4);
+		if (yuv_commit_rotated(display, rot))
+			assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+		igt_debug("Testing with rot %x and extra %i on the top side\n", rot, ofs[i]);
+		igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 4 - 2, fb->height / 4 + ofs[i]);
+		igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 + 4, fb->height / 2 + 2 - ofs[i]);
+		if (yuv_commit_rotated(display, rot))
+			assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+		igt_debug("Testing with rot %x and extra %i on the right side\n", rot, ofs[i]);
+		igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 4 - 2, fb->height / 4);
+		igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 + 2 + ofs[i], fb->height / 2);
+		if (yuv_commit_rotated(display, rot))
+			assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+		igt_debug("Testing with rot %x and extra %i on the bottom side\n", rot, ofs[i]);
+		igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 4 - 2, fb->height / 4 - 2);
+		igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 + 4, fb->height / 2 + 2 + ofs[i]);
+		if (yuv_commit_rotated(display, rot))
+			assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ofs); i++)
+		for (j = !i; j < ARRAY_SIZE(ofs); j++) {
+			igt_debug("Testing with rot %x and extra (%i, %i) at the edges\n", rot, ofs[i], ofs[j]);
+			igt_fb_set_position(fb, plane, fb->width / 4 + ofs[i], fb->height / 4 + ofs[j]);
+			igt_fb_set_size(fb, plane, fb->width / 2 - 2 * ofs[i], fb->height / 2 - 2 * ofs[j]);
+			if (yuv_commit_rotated(display, rot))
+				assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+		}
+static void draw_clip_fb(igt_display_t *display, struct igt_fb *clip_fb)
+	cairo_t *cr = igt_get_cairo_ctx(display->drm_fd, clip_fb);
+	igt_paint_color(cr, 0, 0, clip_fb->width, clip_fb->height, .0, .0, .5);
+	igt_paint_color(cr, clip_fb->width / 4 - 2, clip_fb->height / 4 - 2,
+			clip_fb->width / 2 + 4, clip_fb->height / 2 + 4, 1., 1., 1.);
+	igt_put_cairo_ctx(display->drm_fd, clip_fb, cr);
+static void yuv_crop_scale_bug(data_t *data, enum pipe pipe, igt_output_t *output, unsigned format)
+	drmModeModeInfo *mode = igt_output_get_mode(output);
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_plane_t *plane, *primary = igt_pipe_get_plane_type(&display->pipes[pipe], DRM_PLANE_TYPE_PRIMARY);
+	struct igt_fb *ref_fb = &data->fb[2];
+	struct igt_fb *clip_fb = &data->fb[3];
+	struct igt_fb *clip_fb_xtiled = &data->fb[4];
+	struct igt_fb *clip_fb_ytiled = &data->fb[5];
+	prepare_crtc(data, pipe, output);
+	igt_create_color_fb(display->drm_fd, mode->hdisplay, mode->vdisplay,
+			    format, LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED, .5, .5, .5, &data->fb[0]);
+	igt_create_color_fb(display->drm_fd, 256, 256, format,
+			    LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED, 1., 1., 1., ref_fb);
+	igt_create_fb(display->drm_fd, 80, 128, format,
+		      LOCAL_DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NONE, clip_fb);
+	igt_create_fb(display->drm_fd, 80, 128, format,
+		      LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED, clip_fb_xtiled);
+	igt_create_fb(display->drm_fd, 80, 128, format,
+		      LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED, clip_fb_ytiled);
+	draw_clip_fb(display, clip_fb);
+	draw_clip_fb(display, clip_fb_xtiled);
+	draw_clip_fb(display, clip_fb_ytiled);
+	igt_plane_set_fb(primary, &data->fb[0]);
+	for_each_plane_on_pipe(display, pipe, plane) {
+		igt_crc_t ref_crc;
+		if (!plane_supports_format(plane, format))
+			continue;
+		igt_plane_set_fb(plane, ref_fb);
+		igt_plane_set_position(plane, 64, 64);
+		igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+		igt_pipe_crc_start(data->pipe_crc);
+		igt_pipe_crc_get_single(data->pipe_crc, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data, mode, plane, clip_fb, IGT_ROTATION_0, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data, mode, plane, clip_fb_xtiled, IGT_ROTATION_0, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data, mode, plane, clip_fb_ytiled, IGT_ROTATION_0, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data, mode, plane, clip_fb_ytiled, IGT_ROTATION_90, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data, mode, plane, clip_fb, IGT_ROTATION_180, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data, mode, plane, clip_fb_xtiled, IGT_ROTATION_180, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data, mode, plane, clip_fb_ytiled, IGT_ROTATION_180, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_crop_scale_bug_plane(data, mode, plane, clip_fb_ytiled, IGT_ROTATION_270, &ref_crc);
+		igt_plane_set_fb(plane, plane != primary ? NULL : &data->fb[0]);
+		break;
+	}
+static void yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_with_cursor(data_t *data,
+							igt_plane_t *plane,
+							struct igt_fb *clip_fb,
+							igt_plane_t *cursor,
+							struct igt_fb *cursor_fb,
+							igt_crc_t *ref_crc,
+							int cursor_x, int cursor_y)
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, clip_fb);
+	igt_plane_set_position(plane, 64, 64);
+	igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, IGT_ROTATION_0);
+	igt_plane_set_fb(cursor, cursor_fb);
+	igt_plane_set_position(cursor, cursor_x, cursor_y);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	igt_pipe_crc_drain(data->pipe_crc);
+	igt_pipe_crc_get_single(data->pipe_crc, ref_crc);
+	igt_plane_set_fb(cursor, NULL);
+static bool yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_right(data_t *data,
+						 igt_rotation_t rotation,
+						 igt_plane_t *plane,
+						 struct igt_fb *clip_fb,
+						 igt_crc_t *ref_crc)
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_crc_t crc = {};
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, clip_fb);
+	igt_plane_set_position(plane, 64, 64);
+	igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, rotation);
+	igt_plane_set_size(plane, clip_fb->width - 1, clip_fb->height);
+	switch (rotation) {
+	case IGT_ROTATION_180:
+		igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, 1, 0);
+	case IGT_ROTATION_0:
+		igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width - 1, clip_fb->height);
+		break;
+	case IGT_ROTATION_270:
+		igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, 0, 1);
+	case IGT_ROTATION_90:
+		igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width, clip_fb->height - 1);
+		break;
+	default:
+		igt_assert_f(0, "Unhandled rotation %x\n", rotation);
+	}
+	if (igt_display_try_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC) < 0)
+		return false;
+	assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	return true;
+static bool yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_bottom(data_t *data,
+						  igt_rotation_t rotation,
+						  igt_plane_t *plane,
+						  struct igt_fb *clip_fb,
+						  igt_crc_t *ref_crc)
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_crc_t crc = {};
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, clip_fb);
+	igt_plane_set_position(plane, 64, 64);
+	igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, rotation);
+	igt_plane_set_size(plane, clip_fb->width, clip_fb->height - 1);
+	switch (rotation) {
+	case IGT_ROTATION_180:
+		igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, 0, 1);
+	case IGT_ROTATION_0:
+		igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width, clip_fb->height - 1);
+		break;
+	case IGT_ROTATION_90:
+		igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, 1, 0);
+	case IGT_ROTATION_270:
+		igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width - 1, clip_fb->height);
+		break;
+	default:
+		igt_assert_f(0, "Unhandled rotation %x\n", rotation);
+	}
+	if (igt_display_try_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC) < 0)
+		return false;
+	assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	return true;
+static bool yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_left(data_t *data,
+						igt_rotation_t rotation,
+						igt_plane_t *plane,
+						struct igt_fb *clip_fb,
+						igt_crc_t *ref_crc)
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_crc_t crc = {};
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, clip_fb);
+	igt_plane_set_position(plane, 65, 64);
+	igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, rotation);
+	igt_plane_set_size(plane, clip_fb->width - 1, clip_fb->height);
+	switch (rotation) {
+	case IGT_ROTATION_0:
+		igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, 1, 0);
+	case IGT_ROTATION_180:
+		igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width - 1, clip_fb->height);
+		break;
+	case IGT_ROTATION_90:
+		igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, 0, 1);
+	case IGT_ROTATION_270:
+		igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width, clip_fb->height - 1);
+		break;
+	default:
+		igt_assert_f(0, "Unhandled rotation %x\n", rotation);
+	}
+	if (igt_display_try_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC) < 0)
+		return false;
+	assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	return true;
+static bool yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_top(data_t *data,
+					      igt_rotation_t rotation,
+					      igt_plane_t *plane,
+					      struct igt_fb *clip_fb,
+					      igt_crc_t *ref_crc)
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_crc_t crc = {};
+	igt_plane_set_fb(plane, clip_fb);
+	igt_plane_set_position(plane, 64, 65);
+	igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, rotation);
+	igt_plane_set_size(plane, clip_fb->width, clip_fb->height - 1);
+	switch (rotation) {
+	case IGT_ROTATION_0:
+		igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, 0, 1);
+	case IGT_ROTATION_180:
+		igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width, clip_fb->height - 1);
+		break;
+	case IGT_ROTATION_270:
+		igt_fb_set_position(clip_fb, plane, 1, 0);
+	case IGT_ROTATION_90:
+		igt_fb_set_size(clip_fb, plane, clip_fb->width - 1, clip_fb->height);
+		break;
+	default:
+		igt_assert_f(0, "Unhandled rotation %x\n", rotation);
+	}
+	if (igt_display_try_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC) < 0)
+		return false;
+	assert_collected_crc_equal(data->pipe_crc, &crc, ref_crc);
+	return true;
+static void yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip(data_t *data, enum pipe pipe, igt_output_t *output, unsigned format)
+	drmModeModeInfo *mode = igt_output_get_mode(output);
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_pipe_t *pipe_obj = &display->pipes[pipe];
+	struct igt_fb *bg_fb = &data->fb[0];
+	struct igt_fb *bg_cursor_fb = &data->fb[1];
+	struct igt_fb *black_cursor_fb = &data->fb[2];
+	struct igt_fb *clip_fb = &data->fb[3];
+	igt_plane_t *primary = igt_pipe_get_plane_type(pipe_obj, DRM_PLANE_TYPE_PRIMARY);
+	igt_plane_t *cursor = igt_pipe_get_plane_type(pipe_obj, DRM_PLANE_TYPE_CURSOR);
+	igt_plane_t *plane;
+	cairo_t *cr;
+	bool ret = false;
+	prepare_crtc(data, pipe, output);
+	igt_create_color_fb(display->drm_fd, mode->hdisplay, mode->vdisplay,
+			    .0, .0, 1., bg_fb);
+	igt_create_color_fb(display->drm_fd, 256, 256,
+			    .0, .0, 1., bg_cursor_fb);
+	igt_create_color_fb(display->drm_fd, 256, 256,
+			    .0, .0, .0, black_cursor_fb);
+	igt_create_fb(display->drm_fd, 256, 256,
+		      format, LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED, clip_fb);
+	/* Draw the FB that will be used for clipping the chroma subpixel test. */
+	cr = igt_get_cairo_ctx(display->drm_fd, clip_fb);
+	igt_paint_color(cr, 0, 0, clip_fb->width, clip_fb->height, 1., 0., 0.);
+	igt_paint_color(cr, 2, 2, clip_fb->width - 4, clip_fb->height - 4, 0., 1., 1.);
+	igt_paint_color(cr, 4, 4, clip_fb->width - 8, clip_fb->height - 8, .75, .75, 1.);
+	/* White dots in the corners. */
+	igt_paint_color(cr, 0, 0, 6, 6, 1., 1., 1.);
+	igt_paint_color(cr, clip_fb->width - 6, 0, 6, 6, 1., 1., 1.);
+	igt_paint_color(cr, 0, clip_fb->height - 6, 6, 6, 1., 1., 1.);
+	igt_paint_color(cr, clip_fb->width - 6, clip_fb->height - 6, 6, 6, 1., 1., 1.);
+	igt_put_cairo_ctx(display->drm_fd, clip_fb, cr);
+	igt_pipe_crc_start(data->pipe_crc);
+	igt_plane_set_fb(primary, bg_fb);
+	for_each_plane_on_pipe(display, pipe, plane) {
+		struct igt_fb *cursor_fb = plane == primary ? black_cursor_fb : bg_cursor_fb;
+		igt_crc_t ref_crc;
+		if (!plane_supports_format(plane, format) || plane == cursor)
+			continue;
+		yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_with_cursor(data, plane, clip_fb, cursor, cursor_fb, &ref_crc, 63 + clip_fb->width, 64);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_right(data, IGT_ROTATION_0, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_right(data, IGT_ROTATION_90, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_right(data, IGT_ROTATION_180, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_right(data, IGT_ROTATION_270, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_with_cursor(data, plane, clip_fb, cursor, cursor_fb, &ref_crc, 64, 63 + clip_fb->height);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_bottom(data, IGT_ROTATION_0, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_bottom(data, IGT_ROTATION_90, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_bottom(data, IGT_ROTATION_180, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_bottom(data, IGT_ROTATION_270, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_with_cursor(data, plane, clip_fb, cursor, cursor_fb, &ref_crc, 65 - cursor_fb->width, 64);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_left(data, IGT_ROTATION_0, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_left(data, IGT_ROTATION_90, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_left(data, IGT_ROTATION_180, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_left(data, IGT_ROTATION_270, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_with_cursor(data, plane, clip_fb, cursor, cursor_fb, &ref_crc, 64, 65 - cursor_fb->height);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_top(data, IGT_ROTATION_0, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_top(data, IGT_ROTATION_90, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_top(data, IGT_ROTATION_180, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		ret |= yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip_plane_top(data, IGT_ROTATION_270, plane, clip_fb, &ref_crc);
+		/* Reset to defaults */
+		igt_plane_set_position(plane, 0, 0);
+		igt_plane_set_rotation(plane, IGT_ROTATION_0);
+		igt_plane_set_fb(plane, plane == primary ? bg_fb : NULL);
+	}
+	igt_require_f(ret, "Could not test subpixel clipping in any corner\n");
+static void run_tests_for_pipe(data_t *data, enum pipe pipe,
+			const char *fstr, unsigned int format)
+	igt_output_t *output;
+	igt_display_t *display = &data->display;
+	igt_subtest_group {
+		igt_fixture {
+			igt_display_require_output_on_pipe(display, pipe);
+			igt_require(igt_fb_supported_format(format));
+			igt_require(pipe_supports_format(display, pipe, format));
+		}
+		igt_subtest_f("pipe-%s-%s-rgb-switch",
+			kmstest_pipe_name(pipe), fstr)
+			for_each_valid_output_on_pipe(display, pipe, output)
+				yuv_rgb_switch(data, pipe, output, false, format);
+		igt_subtest_f("pipe-%s-%s-rgb-scaled-switch",
+			kmstest_pipe_name(pipe), fstr)
+			for_each_valid_output_on_pipe(display, pipe, output)
+				yuv_rgb_switch(data, pipe, output, true, format);
+		igt_subtest_f("pipe-%s-%s-valid-width",
+			kmstest_pipe_name(pipe), fstr)
+			for_each_valid_output_on_pipe(display, pipe, output)
+				yuv_valid_width(data, pipe, output, format);
+		igt_subtest_f("pipe-%s-%s-crop-scale-bug",
+			kmstest_pipe_name(pipe), fstr)
+			for_each_valid_output_on_pipe(display, pipe, output)
+				yuv_crop_scale_bug(data, pipe, output, format);
+		igt_subtest_f("pipe-%s-%s-chroma-subpixel-clip",
+			kmstest_pipe_name(pipe), fstr)
+			for_each_valid_output_on_pipe(display, pipe, output)
+				yuv_chroma_subpixel_clip(data, pipe, output, format);
+	}
+	data_t data = {};
+	enum pipe pipe;
+	igt_skip_on_simulation();
+	igt_fixture {
+		data.display.drm_fd = drm_open_driver_master(DRIVER_ANY);
+		kmstest_set_vt_graphics_mode();
+		igt_display_require(&data.display, data.display.drm_fd);
+		igt_require(data.display.is_atomic);
+		igt_require_pipe_crc(data.display.drm_fd);
+	}
+	for_each_pipe_static(pipe) {
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "NV12", DRM_FORMAT_NV12);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "NV16", DRM_FORMAT_NV16);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "NV21", DRM_FORMAT_NV21);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "NV61", DRM_FORMAT_NV61);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "YUV420", DRM_FORMAT_YUV420);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "YUV422", DRM_FORMAT_YUV422);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "YVU420", DRM_FORMAT_YVU420);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "YVU422", DRM_FORMAT_YVU422);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "P010", DRM_FORMAT_P010);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "P012", DRM_FORMAT_P012);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "P016", DRM_FORMAT_P016);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "YUYV", DRM_FORMAT_YUYV);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "YVYU", DRM_FORMAT_YVYU);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "UYVY", DRM_FORMAT_UYVY);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "VYUY", DRM_FORMAT_VYUY);
+		run_tests_for_pipe(&data, pipe, "XYUV8888", DRM_FORMAT_XYUV8888);
+	}
+	igt_fixture {
+		igt_display_fini(&data.display);
+		close(data.display.drm_fd);
+	}
diff --git a/tests/meson.build b/tests/meson.build
index 0f12df26d9fb..b44b5a7c4c4f 100644
--- a/tests/meson.build
+++ b/tests/meson.build
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ test_progs = [
+	'kms_yuv',

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