[igt-dev] [i-g-t] tests/kms_cursor_crc: Drop max-size test

Juha-Pekka Heikkila juhapekka.heikkila at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 15:31:59 UTC 2022

On 9.8.2022 18.08, Modem, Bhanuprakash wrote:
> On Tue-09-08-2022 08:06 pm, Juha-Pekka Heikkila wrote:
>> On 27.7.2022 21.42, Sharma, Swati2 wrote:
>>> LGTM
>>> Reviewed-by:  Swati Sharma <swati2.sharma at intel.com>
>>> On 26-Jul-22 8:41 AM, Bhanuprakash Modem wrote:
>>>> As we already covering it by the other tests, there is no point in
>>>> doing the "max-size" test. Hence dropping it.
>> This doesn't look correct.
>>>> This patch will also do some cleanup to avoid skips in igt_dynamic.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Bhanuprakash Modem <bhanuprakash.modem at intel.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>   tests/kms_cursor_crc.c | 47 
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
>>>>   1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/tests/kms_cursor_crc.c b/tests/kms_cursor_crc.c
>>>> index f07a045a..14d4c4ca 100644
>>>> --- a/tests/kms_cursor_crc.c
>>>> +++ b/tests/kms_cursor_crc.c
>>>> @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ static void test_cursor_opaque(data_t *data)
>>>>       test_cursor_alpha(data);
>>>>   }
>>>> -static void require_cursor_size(data_t *data, int w, int h)
>>>> +static bool require_cursor_size(data_t *data, int w, int h)
>>>>   {
>>>>       igt_fb_t primary_fb;
>>>>       drmModeModeInfo *mode;
>>>> @@ -618,14 +618,11 @@ static void require_cursor_size(data_t *data, 
>>>> int w, int h)
>>>>       igt_remove_fb(data->drm_fd, &primary_fb);
>>>>       igt_output_set_pipe(output, PIPE_NONE);
>>>> -    igt_skip_on_f(ret, "Cursor size %dx%d not supported by 
>>>> driver\n", w, h);
>>>> +    return !!ret;
>>>>   }
>>>>   static void run_test(data_t *data, void (*testfunc)(data_t *), int 
>>>> cursor_w, int cursor_h)
>>>>   {
>>>> -    if (data->fb.fb_id != 0)
>>>> -        require_cursor_size(data, cursor_w, cursor_h);
>>>> -
>>>>       prepare_crtc(data, cursor_w, cursor_h);
>>>>       testfunc(data);
>>>>       cleanup_crtc(data);
>>>> @@ -696,24 +693,15 @@ static void run_size_tests(data_t *data, void 
>>>> (*testfunc)(data_t *),
>>>>       char name[32];
>>>>       enum pipe pipe;
>>>> -    if (w == 0 && h == 0)
>>>> -        strcpy(name, "max-size");
>>>> -    else
>>>> -        snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%dx%d", w, h);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (w == 0 && h == 0) {
>>>> -        w = data->cursor_max_w;
>>>> -        h = data->cursor_max_h;
>>>> -        /*
>>>> -         * No point in doing the "max-size" test if
>>>> -         * it was already covered by the other tests.
>>>> -         */
>>>> -        igt_require_f(w != h || w > 512 || h > 512 ||
>>>> -                  !is_power_of_two(w) || !is_power_of_two(h),
>>>> -                  "Cursor max size %dx%d already covered by other 
>>>> tests\n",
>>>> -                  w, h);
>> Reading from above, for cursor maximum size if any of:
>> * width is not equal to height
>> * width > 512 or height > 512
>> * (width & (width - 1)) != 0 or (height & (height - 1)) != 0
>> then maximum cursor size was not covered by any other test. You can 
>> see from where run_size_tests is called why these conditions.
>  From the called function, max cursor size is configured as 64x64. So 
> the condition for igt_require_f() isn't met (all above mentioned 
> conditions were failed), means 64x64 is already covered.
> igt_main() {
>   867         uint64_t cursor_width = 64, cursor_height = 64;
>   887         data.cursor_max_w = cursor_width;
>   888         data.cursor_max_h = cursor_height;
> }

Between those lines you pasted there's these lines where cursor size is 
asked from kernel:

876 ret = drmGetCap(data.drm_fd, DRM_CAP_CURSOR_WIDTH, &cursor_width);
879 ret = drmGetCap(data.drm_fd, DRM_CAP_CURSOR_HEIGHT, &cursor_height);

That initially set default value of 64 is coming from drm, you can see 
from drm_ioctl.c on kernel side why 64. 64 is not what most drivers give 
and also i915 support larger cursor size than 64x64.


>>>> -    }
>>>> +    snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%dx%d", w, h);
>>>> +
>>>>       create_cursor_fb(data, w, h);
>>>> +    if (require_cursor_size(data, w, h)) {
>>>> +        igt_debug("Cursor size %dx%d not supported by driver\n", w, 
>>>> h);
>>>> +
>>>> +        igt_remove_fb(data->drm_fd, &data->fb);
>>>> +        return;
>>>> +    }
>>>>       for_each_pipe(&data->display, pipe) {
>>>>           data->pipe = pipe;
>>>> @@ -807,6 +795,12 @@ static void run_tests_on_pipe(data_t *data)
>>>>               data->pipe = pipe;
>>>>               data->flags = TEST_DPMS;
>>>> +            if (require_cursor_size(data, data->cursor_max_w, 
>>>> data->cursor_max_h)) {
>>>> +                igt_debug("Cursor size %dx%d not supported by 
>>>> driver\n",
>>>> +                      data->cursor_max_w, data->cursor_max_h);
>>>> +                continue;
>>>> +            }
>>>> +
>>>>               igt_dynamic_f("pipe-%s-%s",
>>>>                         kmstest_pipe_name(pipe),
>>>>                         data->output->name)
>>>> @@ -822,6 +816,12 @@ static void run_tests_on_pipe(data_t *data)
>>>>               data->pipe = pipe;
>>>>               data->flags = TEST_SUSPEND;
>>>> +            if (require_cursor_size(data, data->cursor_max_w, 
>>>> data->cursor_max_h)) {
>>>> +                igt_debug("Cursor size %dx%d not supported by 
>>>> driver\n",
>>>> +                      data->cursor_max_w, data->cursor_max_h);
>>>> +                continue;
>>>> +            }
>>>> +
>>>>               igt_dynamic_f("pipe-%s-%s",
>>>>                         kmstest_pipe_name(pipe),
>>>>                         data->output->name)
>>>> @@ -855,9 +855,6 @@ static void run_tests_on_pipe(data_t *data)
>>>>                       igt_subtest_group
>>>>                           run_size_tests(data, 
>>>> size_tests[i].testfunc, w, h);
>>>>                   }
>>>> -
>>>> -                igt_subtest_group
>>>> -                    run_size_tests(data, size_tests[i].testfunc, 0, 
>>>> 0);
>>>>               }
>>>>           }
>>>>       }

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