[igt-dev] [PATCH i-g-t v4 07/11] tests/i915/vm_bind: Add basic VM_BIND test support

Niranjana Vishwanathapura niranjana.vishwanathapura at intel.com
Tue Oct 25 07:06:12 UTC 2022

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 05:27:56PM +0100, Matthew Auld wrote:
>On 18/10/2022 08:17, Niranjana Vishwanathapura wrote:
>>Add basic tests for VM_BIND functionality. Bind the buffer objects in
>>device page table with VM_BIND calls and have GPU copy the data from a
>>source buffer object to destination buffer object.
>>Test for different buffer sizes, buffer object placement and with
>>multiple contexts.
>>v2: Add basic test to fast-feedback.testlist
>>v3: Run all tests for different memory types,
>>     pass VA instead of an array for batch_address
>>v4: Iterate for memory region types instead of hardcoding,
>>     use i915_vm_bind library functions
>>Signed-off-by: Niranjana Vishwanathapura <niranjana.vishwanathapura at intel.com>
>Unwanted change?


>>  tests/i915/i915_vm_bind_basic.c       | 522 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>  tests/intel-ci/fast-feedback.testlist |   1 +
>>  tests/meson.build                     |   1 +
>>  3 files changed, 524 insertions(+)
>>  create mode 100644 tests/i915/i915_vm_bind_basic.c
>>diff --git a/tests/i915/i915_vm_bind_basic.c b/tests/i915/i915_vm_bind_basic.c
>>new file mode 100644
>>index 0000000000..ede76ba095
>>--- /dev/null
>>+++ b/tests/i915/i915_vm_bind_basic.c
>>@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
>>+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
>>+ * Copyright © 2022 Intel Corporation
>>+ */
>>+/** @file i915_vm_bind_basic.c
>>+ *
>>+ * This is the basic test for VM_BIND functionality.
>>+ *
>>+ * The goal is to ensure that basics work.
>>+ */
>>+#include <sys/poll.h>
>>+#include "i915/gem.h"
>>+#include "i915/i915_vm_bind.h"
>>+#include "igt.h"
>>+#include "igt_syncobj.h"
>>+#include <unistd.h>
>>+#include <stdlib.h>
>>+#include <stdint.h>
>>+#include <stdio.h>
>>+#include <string.h>
>>+#include <fcntl.h>
>>+#include <inttypes.h>
>>+#include <errno.h>
>>+#include <sys/stat.h>
>>+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
>>+#include "drm.h"
>>+#include "i915/gem_vm.h"
>>+IGT_TEST_DESCRIPTION("Basic test for vm_bind functionality");
>>+#define PAGE_SIZE   4096
>>+#define PAGE_SHIFT  12
>>+#define GEN9_XY_FAST_COPY_BLT_CMD       (2 << 29 | 0x42 << 22)
>>+#define BLT_DEPTH_32                    (3 << 24)
>>+#define SZ_64K             (16 * PAGE_SIZE)
>>+#define SZ_2M              (512 * PAGE_SIZE)
>>+#define MAX_CTXTS   2
>>+#define MAX_CMDS    4
>>+#define BATCH_FENCE  0
>>+#define SRC_FENCE    1
>>+#define DST_FENCE    2
>>+#define EXEC_FENCE   3
>>+#define NUM_FENCES   4
>>+enum {
>>+	SRC_MAP,
>>+struct mapping {
>>+	uint32_t  obj;
>>+	uint64_t  va;
>>+	uint64_t  offset;
>>+	uint64_t  length;
>>+	uint64_t  flags;
>>+#define SET_MAP(map, _obj, _va, _offset, _length, _flags)   \
>>+{                                  \
>>+	(map).obj = _obj;          \
>>+	(map).va = _va;            \
>>+	(map).offset = _offset;	   \
>>+	(map).length = _length;	   \
>>+	(map).flags = _flags;	   \
>>+#define MAX_BATCH_DWORD    64
>>+#define abs(x) ((x) >= 0 ? (x) : -(x))
>>+#define TEST_LMEM             BIT(0)
>>+#define TEST_SKIP_UNBIND      BIT(1)
>>+#define TEST_SHARE_VM         BIT(2)
>>+#define is_lmem(cfg)        ((cfg)->flags & TEST_LMEM)
>>+#define do_unbind(cfg)      (!((cfg)->flags & TEST_SKIP_UNBIND))
>>+#define do_share_vm(cfg)    ((cfg)->flags & TEST_SHARE_VM)
>>+struct test_cfg {
>>+	const char *name;
>>+	uint32_t size;
>>+	uint8_t num_cmds;
>>+	uint32_t num_ctxts;
>>+	uint32_t flags;
>>+static uint64_t
>>+	struct timespec current;
>>+	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &current);
>>+	return (uint64_t)current.tv_sec * NSEC_PER_SEC + current.tv_nsec;
>>+static bool syncobj_busy(int fd, uint32_t handle)
>>+	bool result;
>>+	int sf;
>>+	sf = syncobj_handle_to_fd(fd, handle,
>>+	result = poll(&(struct pollfd){sf, POLLIN}, 1, 0) == 0;
>>+	close(sf);
>>+	return result;
>>+static inline void vm_bind(int fd, uint32_t vm_id, struct mapping *m,
>>+			   struct drm_i915_gem_timeline_fence *fence)
>>+	uint32_t syncobj = 0;
>>+	if (fence) {
>>+		syncobj =  syncobj_create(fd, 0);
>>+		fence->handle = syncobj;
>>+		fence->flags = I915_TIMELINE_FENCE_WAIT;
>>+		fence->value = 0;
>>+	}
>>+	igt_info("VM_BIND vm:0x%x h:0x%x v:0x%lx o:0x%lx l:0x%lx\n",
>>+		 vm_id, m->obj, m->va, m->offset, m->length);
>This igt_info() and elsewhere are not too loud? Maybe just igt_debug() 
>for some of these? Looks quite noisy when running this test locally.

ok, changed it to igt_debug()

>>+	i915_vm_bind(fd, vm_id, m->va, m->obj, m->offset, m->length, syncobj, 0);
>>+static inline void vm_unbind(int fd, uint32_t vm_id, struct mapping *m)
>>+	/* Object handle is not required during unbind */
>>+	igt_info("VM_UNBIND vm:0x%x v:0x%lx l:0x%lx\n", vm_id, m->va, m->length);
>>+	i915_vm_unbind(fd, vm_id, m->va, m->length);
>>+static void print_buffer(void *buf, uint32_t size,
>>+			 const char *str, bool full)
>>+	uint32_t i = 0;
>>+	igt_debug("Printing %s size 0x%x\n", str, size);
>>+	while (i < size) {
>>+		uint32_t *b = buf + i;
>>+		igt_debug("\t%s[0x%04x]: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x %s\n",
>>+			  str, i, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], full ? "" : "...");
>>+		i += full ? 16 : PAGE_SIZE;
>>+	}
>>+static int gem_linear_fast_blt(uint32_t *batch, uint64_t src,
>>+			       uint64_t dst, uint32_t size)
>>+	uint32_t *cmd = batch;
>>+	*cmd++ = GEN9_XY_FAST_COPY_BLT_CMD | (10 - 2);
>>+	*cmd++ = BLT_DEPTH_32 | PAGE_SIZE;
>>+	*cmd++ = 0;
>>+	*cmd++ = size >> PAGE_SHIFT << 16 | PAGE_SIZE / 4;
>>+	*cmd++ = lower_32_bits(dst);
>>+	*cmd++ = upper_32_bits(dst);
>>+	*cmd++ = 0;
>>+	*cmd++ = PAGE_SIZE;
>>+	*cmd++ = lower_32_bits(src);
>>+	*cmd++ = upper_32_bits(src);
>>+	*cmd++ = MI_BATCH_BUFFER_END;
>>+	*cmd++ = 0;
>>+	return ALIGN((cmd - batch + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t), 8);
>>+static void __gem_copy(int fd, uint64_t src, uint64_t dst, uint32_t size,
>>+		       uint32_t ctx_id, void *batch_addr, unsigned int eb_flags,
>>+		       struct drm_i915_gem_timeline_fence *fence)
>>+	uint32_t len, buf[MAX_BATCH_DWORD] = { 0 };
>>+	struct drm_i915_gem_execbuffer3 execbuf;
>>+	len = gem_linear_fast_blt(buf, src, dst, size);
>>+	memcpy(batch_addr, (void *)buf, len);
>>+	print_buffer(buf, len, "batch", true);
>>+	memset(&execbuf, 0, sizeof(execbuf));
>>+	execbuf.ctx_id = ctx_id;
>>+	execbuf.batch_address = to_user_pointer(batch_addr);
>>+	execbuf.engine_idx = eb_flags;
>>+	execbuf.fence_count = NUM_FENCES;
>>+	execbuf.timeline_fences = to_user_pointer(fence);
>>+	gem_execbuf3(fd, &execbuf);
>>+static void i915_gem_copy(int fd, uint64_t src, uint64_t dst, uint32_t va_delta,
>>+			  uint32_t delta, uint32_t size, const intel_ctx_t **ctx,
>>+			  uint32_t num_ctxts, void **batch_addr, unsigned int eb_flags,
>>+			  struct drm_i915_gem_timeline_fence (*fence)[NUM_FENCES])
>>+	uint32_t i;
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		igt_info("Issuing gem copy on ctx 0x%x\n", ctx[i]->id);
>>+		__gem_copy(fd, src + (i * va_delta), dst + (i * va_delta), delta,
>>+			   ctx[i]->id, batch_addr[i], eb_flags, fence[i]);
>>+	}
>>+static void i915_gem_sync(int fd, const intel_ctx_t **ctx, uint32_t num_ctxts,
>>+			  struct drm_i915_gem_timeline_fence (*fence)[NUM_FENCES])
>>+	uint32_t i;
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		uint64_t fence_value = 0;
>>+		igt_assert(syncobj_timeline_wait(fd, &fence[i][EXEC_FENCE].handle,
>>+						 (uint64_t *)&fence_value, 1,
>>+						 gettime_ns() + (2 * NSEC_PER_SEC),
>>+		igt_assert(!syncobj_busy(fd, fence[i][EXEC_FENCE].handle));
>>+		igt_info("gem copy completed on ctx 0x%x\n", ctx[i]->id);
>>+	}
>>+static struct igt_collection *get_region_set(int fd, struct test_cfg *cfg, bool lmem_only)
>>+	uint32_t mem_type[] = { I915_SYSTEM_MEMORY, I915_DEVICE_MEMORY };
>>+	uint32_t lmem_type[] = { I915_DEVICE_MEMORY };
>>+	struct drm_i915_query_memory_regions *query_info;
>>+	query_info = gem_get_query_memory_regions(fd);
>>+	igt_assert(query_info);
>>+	if (lmem_only)
>>+		return __get_memory_region_set(query_info, lmem_type, 1);
>>+	else
>>+		return __get_memory_region_set(query_info, mem_type, 2);
>>+static void create_src_objs(int fd, struct test_cfg *cfg, uint32_t src[], uint32_t size,
>>+			    uint32_t num_cmds, void *src_addr[])
>>+	int i;
>>+	struct igt_collection *set = get_region_set(fd, cfg, is_lmem(cfg) && (num_cmds == 1));
>>+	uint32_t region;
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_cmds; i++) {
>>+		region = igt_collection_get_value(set, i % set->size);
>>+		src[i] = gem_create_in_memory_regions(fd, size, region);
>>+		igt_info("Src obj 0x%x created in region 0x%x:0x%x\n", src[i],
>>+		src_addr[i] = gem_mmap__cpu(fd, src[i], 0, size, PROT_WRITE);
>>+	}
>>+static void destroy_src_objs(int fd, struct test_cfg *cfg, uint32_t src[], uint32_t size,
>>+			     uint32_t num_cmds, void *src_addr[])
>>+	int i;
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_cmds; i++) {
>>+		igt_assert(gem_munmap(src_addr[i], size) == 0);
>>+		igt_debug("Closing object 0x%x\n", src[i]);
>>+		gem_close(fd, src[i]);
>>+	}
>>+static uint32_t create_dst_obj(int fd, struct test_cfg *cfg, uint32_t size, void **dst_addr)
>>+	uint32_t dst;
>>+	struct igt_collection *set = get_region_set(fd, cfg, is_lmem(cfg));
>>+	uint32_t region = igt_collection_get_value(set, 0);
>Maybe just use the gem_memory_region and then we don't need this 
>igt_collection stuff here and elsewhere? IMO it's a lot nicer.


>>+	dst = gem_create_in_memory_regions(fd, size, region);
>>+	igt_info("Dst obj 0x%x created in region 0x%x:0x%x\n", dst,
>And then here and elsewhere we can just use gem_memory_region.name, 
>which is a lot more readable for humans :)


>>+	*dst_addr = gem_mmap__cpu(fd, dst, 0, size, PROT_WRITE);
>>+	return dst;
>>+static void destroy_dst_obj(int fd, struct test_cfg *cfg, uint32_t dst, uint32_t size, void *dst_addr)
>>+	igt_assert(gem_munmap(dst_addr, size) == 0);
>>+	igt_debug("Closing object 0x%x\n", dst);
>>+	gem_close(fd, dst);
>>+static void pattern_fill_buf(void *src_addr[], uint32_t size, uint32_t num_cmds, uint32_t npages)
>>+	uint32_t i, j;
>>+	void *buf;
>>+	/* Allocate buffer and fill pattern */
>>+	buf = malloc(size);
>>+	igt_require(buf);
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_cmds; i++) {
>>+		for (j = 0; j < npages; j++)
>>+			memset(buf + j * PAGE_SIZE, i * npages + j + 1, PAGE_SIZE);
>>+		memcpy(src_addr[i], buf, size);
>>+	}
>>+	free(buf);
>>+static void run_test(int fd, const intel_ctx_t *base_ctx, struct test_cfg *cfg,
>>+		     const struct intel_execution_engine2 *e)
>>+	void *src_addr[MAX_CMDS] = { 0 }, *dst_addr = NULL;
>>+	uint32_t src[MAX_CMDS], dst, i, size = cfg->size;
>>+	struct drm_i915_gem_timeline_fence exec_fence[MAX_CTXTS][NUM_FENCES];
>>+	uint32_t shared_vm_id, vm_id[MAX_CTXTS];
>>+	struct mapping map[MAX_CTXTS][MAX_MAP];
>>+	uint32_t num_ctxts = cfg->num_ctxts;
>>+	uint32_t num_cmds = cfg->num_cmds;
>>+	uint32_t npages = size / PAGE_SIZE;
>>+	const intel_ctx_t *ctx[MAX_CTXTS];
>>+	bool share_vm = do_share_vm(cfg);
>>+	uint32_t delta, va_delta = SZ_2M;
>>+	void *batch_addr[MAX_CTXTS];
>>+	uint32_t batch[MAX_CTXTS];
>>+	uint64_t src_va, dst_va;
>>+	delta = size / num_ctxts;
>>+	if (share_vm)
>>+		shared_vm_id = gem_vm_create_in_vm_bind_mode(fd);
>>+	/* Create contexts */
>>+	num_ctxts = min_t(num_ctxts, MAX_CTXTS, num_ctxts);
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		uint32_t vmid;
>>+		if (share_vm)
>>+			vmid = shared_vm_id;
>>+		else
>>+			vmid = gem_vm_create_in_vm_bind_mode(fd);
>>+		ctx[i] = intel_ctx_create(fd, &base_ctx->cfg);
>>+		gem_context_set_vm(fd, ctx[i]->id, vmid);
>>+		vm_id[i] = gem_context_get_vm(fd, ctx[i]->id);
>>+		exec_fence[i][EXEC_FENCE].handle = syncobj_create(fd, 0);
>>+		exec_fence[i][EXEC_FENCE].flags = I915_TIMELINE_FENCE_SIGNAL;
>>+		exec_fence[i][EXEC_FENCE].value = 0;
>>+	}
>>+	/* Create objects */
>>+	num_cmds = min_t(num_cmds, MAX_CMDS, num_cmds);
>>+	create_src_objs(fd, cfg, src, size, num_cmds, src_addr);
>>+	dst = create_dst_obj(fd, cfg, size, &dst_addr);
>>+	/*
>>+	 * mmap'ed addresses are not 64K aligned. On platforms requiring
>>+	 * 64K alignment, use static addresses.
>>+	 */
>>+	if (size < SZ_2M && num_cmds && !HAS_64K_PAGES(intel_get_drm_devid(fd))) {
>>+		src_va = to_user_pointer(src_addr[0]);
>>+		dst_va = to_user_pointer(dst_addr);
>>+	} else {
>>+		src_va = 0xa000000;
>>+		dst_va = 0xb000000;
>>+	}
>>+	pattern_fill_buf(src_addr, size, num_cmds, npages);
>>+	if (num_cmds)
>>+		print_buffer(src_addr[num_cmds - 1], size, "src_obj", false);
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		batch[i] = gem_create_in_memory_regions(fd, PAGE_SIZE, REGION_SMEM);
>>+		igt_info("Batch obj 0x%x created in region 0x%x:0x%x\n", batch[i],
>>+		batch_addr[i] = gem_mmap__cpu(fd, batch[i], 0, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_WRITE);
>Hmm, are there any incoherent platforms (non-llc) that will be 
>entering vm_bind world? I guess nothing currently that is graphics 
>version >= 12? If something does come along we might see some suprises 
>here and elsewhere.

Yah, I too think it should be fine.

>IIRC the old model would be something like mmap__cpu(), 
>set_domain(CPU), do some CPU writes, and then later execbuf would see 
>that the object is dirty and would do any clflushes if required before 
>submit. Maybe the test needs to manually do all clflushing now with 
>new eb3 model? We can also sidestep for now by using __device() or so.

Yah we need to take care of this if we are supporting vm_bind on older
platforms. Worst case, we need loop of vm_bind objects in eb3 and cflush.

>>+	}
>>+	/* Create mappings */
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		uint64_t va_offset = i * va_delta;
>>+		uint64_t offset = i * delta;
>>+		uint32_t j;
>>+		for (j = 0; j < num_cmds; j++)
>>+			SET_MAP(map[i][SRC_MAP + j], src[j], src_va + va_offset, offset, delta, 0);
>>+		SET_MAP(map[i][DST_MAP], dst, dst_va + va_offset, offset, delta, 0);
>>+		SET_MAP(map[i][BATCH_MAP], batch[i], to_user_pointer(batch_addr[i]), 0, PAGE_SIZE, 0);
>>+	}
>>+	/* Bind the buffers to device page table */
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		vm_bind(fd, vm_id[i], &map[i][BATCH_MAP], &exec_fence[i][BATCH_FENCE]);
>>+		vm_bind(fd, vm_id[i], &map[i][DST_MAP], &exec_fence[i][DST_FENCE]);
>>+	}
>>+	/* Have GPU do the copy */
>>+	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_cmds; i++) {
>>+		uint32_t j;
>>+		for (j = 0; j < num_ctxts; j++)
>>+			vm_bind(fd, vm_id[j], &map[j][SRC_MAP + i], &exec_fence[j][SRC_FENCE]);
>>+		i915_gem_copy(fd, src_va, dst_va, va_delta, delta, size, ctx,
>>+			      num_ctxts, batch_addr, e->flags, exec_fence);
>>+		i915_gem_sync(fd, ctx, num_ctxts, exec_fence);
>>+		for (j = 0; j < num_ctxts; j++) {
>>+			syncobj_destroy(fd, exec_fence[j][SRC_FENCE].handle);
>>+			if (do_unbind(cfg))
>>+				vm_unbind(fd, vm_id[j], &map[j][SRC_MAP + i]);
>>+		}
>>+	}
>>+	/*
>>+	 * Unbind buffers from device page table.
>>+	 * If not, it should get unbound while freeing the buffer.
>>+	 */
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		syncobj_destroy(fd, exec_fence[i][BATCH_FENCE].handle);
>>+		syncobj_destroy(fd, exec_fence[i][DST_FENCE].handle);
>>+		if (do_unbind(cfg)) {
>>+			vm_unbind(fd, vm_id[i], &map[i][BATCH_MAP]);
>>+			vm_unbind(fd, vm_id[i], &map[i][DST_MAP]);
>>+		}
>>+	}
>>+	/* Close batch buffers */
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		syncobj_destroy(fd, exec_fence[i][EXEC_FENCE].handle);
>>+		gem_close(fd, batch[i]);
>>+	}
>>+	/* Accessing the buffer will migrate the pages from device to host */
>It shouldn't do that. Do you have some more info?

This comment is a relic from the days when we had system allocator support.
Will remove it.

>>+	print_buffer(dst_addr, size, "dst_obj", false);
>Normally we only want to dump the buffer if the test fails because 
>there is some mismatch when comparing the expected value(s)?

It is dumping it in case of failure. print_buffer uses igt_debug().
Will rename this function to debug_dump_buffer()

>>+	/* Validate by comparing the last SRC with DST */
>>+	if (num_cmds)
>>+		igt_assert(memcmp(src_addr[num_cmds - 1], dst_addr, size) == 0);
>>+	/* Free the objects */
>>+	destroy_src_objs(fd, cfg, src, size, num_cmds, src_addr);
>>+	destroy_dst_obj(fd, cfg, dst, size, dst_addr);
>>+	/* Done with the contexts */
>>+	for (i = 0; i < num_ctxts; i++) {
>>+		igt_debug("Destroying context 0x%x\n", ctx[i]->id);
>>+		gem_vm_destroy(fd, vm_id[i]);
>>+		intel_ctx_destroy(fd, ctx[i]);
>>+	}
>>+	if (share_vm)
>>+		gem_vm_destroy(fd, shared_vm_id);
>>+	struct test_cfg *t, tests[] = {
>>+		{"basic", 0, 1, 1, 0},
>>+		{"multi_cmds", 0, MAX_CMDS, 1, 0},
>>+		{"skip_copy", 0, 0, 1, 0},
>>+		{"skip_unbind",  0, 1, 1, TEST_SKIP_UNBIND},
>>+		{"multi_ctxts", 0, 1, MAX_CTXTS, 0},
>>+		{"share_vm", 0, 1, MAX_CTXTS, TEST_SHARE_VM},
>>+		{"64K", (16 * PAGE_SIZE), 1, 1, 0},
>>+		{"2M", SZ_2M, 1, 1, 0},
>>+		{ }
>>+	};
>>+	int fd;
>>+	uint32_t def_size;
>>+	struct intel_execution_engine2 *e;
>>+	const intel_ctx_t *ctx;
>>+	igt_fixture {
>>+		fd = drm_open_driver(DRIVER_INTEL);
>>+		igt_require_gem(fd);
>>+		igt_require(i915_vm_bind_version(fd) == 1);
>>+		def_size = HAS_64K_PAGES(intel_get_drm_devid(fd)) ?
>>+			   SZ_64K : DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE;
>Should be possible to cut over to gtt_alignment, if you feel like it. 
>For example just stick it in gem_memory_region.


>>+		ctx = intel_ctx_create_all_physical(fd);
>>+		/* Get copy engine */
>>+		for_each_ctx_engine(fd, ctx, e)
>>+			if (e->class == I915_ENGINE_CLASS_COPY)
>>+				break;
>Maybe igt_require/assert() at least one copy engine? Dunno.


>>+	}
>>+	/* Adjust test variables */
>>+	for (t = tests; t->name; t++)
>>+		t->size = t->size ? : (def_size * abs(t->num_ctxts));
>num_ctx can be negative?

No, it is a relic from older design. I have restructured the code
here and we no longer will have this loop.

>>+	for (t = tests; t->name; t++) {
>>+		igt_describe_f("VM_BIND %s", t->name);
>>+		igt_subtest_with_dynamic(t->name) {
>>+			for_each_memory_region(r, fd) {
>>+				struct test_cfg cfg = *t;
>>+				if (r->ci.memory_instance)
>>+					continue;
>>+				if (r->ci.memory_class == I915_MEMORY_CLASS_DEVICE)
>>+					cfg.flags |= TEST_LMEM;
>>+				igt_dynamic_f("%s", r->name)
>>+					run_test(fd, ctx, &cfg, e);
>Normally we just pass along the gem_memory_region. Can then fish out 
>useful stuff like gtt_alignment, name, size etc.



>>+			}
>>+		}
>>+	}
>>+	igt_fixture {
>>+		intel_ctx_destroy(fd, ctx);
>>+		close(fd);
>>+	}
>>+	igt_exit();
>>diff --git a/tests/intel-ci/fast-feedback.testlist b/tests/intel-ci/fast-feedback.testlist
>>index 185c2fef54..8a47eaddda 100644
>>--- a/tests/intel-ci/fast-feedback.testlist
>>+++ b/tests/intel-ci/fast-feedback.testlist
>>@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ igt at i915_getparams_basic@basic-eu-total
>>  igt at i915_getparams_basic@basic-subslice-total
>>  igt at i915_hangman@error-state-basic
>>  igt at i915_pciid
>>+igt at i915_vm_bind_basic@basic-smem
>>  igt at i915_vm_bind_sanity@basic
>>  igt at kms_addfb_basic@addfb25-bad-modifier
>>  igt at kms_addfb_basic@addfb25-framebuffer-vs-set-tiling
>>diff --git a/tests/meson.build b/tests/meson.build
>>index d81c6c28c2..1b9529a7e2 100644
>>--- a/tests/meson.build
>>+++ b/tests/meson.build
>>@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ i915_progs = [
>>  	'sysfs_preempt_timeout',
>>  	'sysfs_timeslice_duration',
>>  	'i915_vm_bind_sanity',
>>+	'i915_vm_bind_basic',
>Keep it sorted?
>>  ]
>>  msm_progs = [

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