[igt-dev] [PATCH i-g-t v2 4/4] gen_opencl_kernel: add script to dynamically create OpenCL kernels

Mauro Carvalho Chehab mauro.chehab at linux.intel.com
Tue Apr 4 07:38:35 UTC 2023

From: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab at kernel.org>

Compute tests can be produced by using OpenCL, by calling ocloc.

While this can be part of IGT building system, for now, let's add
a script for such purpose.

Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab at kernel.org>
 opencl/README            |  30 ++++++++++++
 opencl/gen_opencl_kernel | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 133 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 opencl/README
 create mode 100755 opencl/gen_opencl_kernel

diff --git a/opencl/README b/opencl/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2fd0687a299b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opencl/README
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+This directory contains some OpenCL compute files, and a script to be used
+to produce a header file containing the binaries for the CL against
+multiple platforms.
+For instance, to generate compute square Kernel binaries for TGL and ADL
+variants, use this:
+    opencl/gen_opencl_kernel xe_compute_square opencl/compute_square_kernel.cl \
+	   xe_compute_square_kernels.c build/opencl tgllp adl-s adl-p adl-n
+    cp build/opencl/xe_compute_square_kernels.c lib/xe/
+The opencl/gen_opencl_kernel requires the Intel compute runtime[1].
+[1] https://github.com/intel/compute-runtime
+This is usually shipped with different names on different distributions.
+The above command generate Kernels for both TGL and ADL platforms.
+Modern packages for Ubuntu are provided at github, under releases
+Please notice that the GPU platforms supported by Intel ICD tools depend
+on its version. In order to know what's supported, you can run:
+	$ ocloc compile --help 2>&1|grep -A1 'Target device.'
+	  -device <device_type>         Target device.
+                  <device_type> can be: bdw, skl, kbl, cfl, apl, bxt, glk, whl, aml, cml, icllp, lkf, ehl, jsl, tgllp, rkl, adl-s, adl-p, adl-n, dg1, acm-g10, ats-m150, dg2-g10, acm-g11, ats-m75, dg2-g11, acm-g12, dg2-g12, pvc-sdv, pvc, gen11, gen12lp, gen8, gen9, xe, xe-hp, xe-hpc, xe-hpg, version  or hexadecimal value with 0x prefix
+The above results are for Intel ICD version 22.43.24558, which supports
+both TGL and ADL platforms, plus other newer GPU models.
diff --git a/opencl/gen_opencl_kernel b/opencl/gen_opencl_kernel
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e6f9601e0edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opencl/gen_opencl_kernel
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+trap 'catch $LINENO' ERR
+catch() {
+    echo "error in line $1"
+    exit 1
+# Parse arguments
+if [ $# -lt 5 ]; then
+        echo -e 'Usage:\n\t$0: <Kernel name> <kernel.cl> <header name> <dest_dir> <GPU models>' >&2
+        echo -e "Example:\n\t$0 kernel_foo kernel.cl kernels.c ../build/opencl tgllp rkl\n" >&2
+        exit 1
+if [ "$(xxd --help 2>&1|grep '\-n')" == "" ]; then
+	# Old versions have its own criteria to generate names.
+	# In this specific case, names will be like:
+	# "build_opencl_${GPU_DEVICE}_${kernel_name}_bin"
+	# Not fancy but it works.
+	# Remove bloatware from the names, calling Kernels as:
+	# "${GPU_DEVICE}_${kernel_name}"
+mkdir -p $dest_dir
+args=( "$@" )
+echo $args
+for i in "${args[@]}"; do
+	name="$dest_dir/${i}_${kernel_name}"
+	out="$name.h"
+        echo "Generating $out"
+	ocloc compile -q -file ${kernel_cl} -device ${i} -output ${name}_bin -output_no_suffix
+	if  [ "$USE_NAME_PARM" != "" ]; then
+		xxd -n "${i}_${kernel_name}" -i ${name}_bin >$out
+	else
+		xxd -i ${name}_bin >$out
+	fi
+	sed "s,  ,\t,;s,.*unsigned int.*,,;s,\-,_,g;s,unsigned,static const unsigned," -i $out
+	sed "1 i// Match ID: $(ocloc ids $i|grep -v "Matched ids:")" -i $out
+	out_files+=" $out"
+echo "Generating $output_fname"
+cat << PREFIX >$output_fname
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
+ * This file is auto-generated from $kernel_cl:
+ *
+cat $kernel_cl |sed s,"^"," * ," >>$output_fname
+cat << INCLUDES >>$output_fname
+ */
+#include "intel_chipset.h"
+#include "lib/xe/xe_compute.h"
+cat $out_files >>$output_fname
+echo "const struct xe_compute_kernels ${kernel_name}_kernels[] = {" >>$output_fname
+for i in "${args[@]}"; do
+        out="$dest_dir/${i}_${kernel_name}.h"
+        echo -e "\t{" >>$output_fname; \
+	grep "Match ID:" $out|sed -E "s/.*\s([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/\t\t.ip_ver = IP_VER(\1, \2),/" >>$output_fname;
+	grep unsigned $out|sed -E "s/.*\s+([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\[\].*/\t\t.size = sizeof(\1),/" >>$output_fname;
+	grep unsigned $out|sed -E "s/.*\s+([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\[\].*/\t\t.kernel = \1,/" >>$output_fname;
+	echo -e "\t}," >>$output_fname;
+cat << SUFFIX >>$output_fname
+	{}
+echo "Done."

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