[igt-dev] ✗ GitLab.Pipeline: warning for tests/kms_plane: test odd size planar yuv (rev2)

Patchwork patchwork at emeril.freedesktop.org
Tue Oct 10 11:57:43 UTC 2023

== Series Details ==

Series: tests/kms_plane: test odd size planar yuv (rev2)
URL   : https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/124848/
State : warning

== Summary ==

Pipeline status: FAILED.

see https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/pipelines/1006577 for the overview.

build:tests-fedora has failed (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/jobs/50109493):
  Getting source from Git repository
  $ /host/bin/curl -s -L --cacert /host/ca-certificates.crt --retry 4 -f --retry-delay 60 https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freedesktop/helm-gitlab-infra/-/raw/main/runner-gating/runner-gating.sh | sh -s -- pre_get_sources_script
  Checking if the user of the pipeline is allowed...
  Checking if the job's project is part of a well-known group...
  Thank you for contributing to freedesktop.org
  Fetching changes...
  Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/.git/
  Checking out 5656b3f4 as detached HEAD (ref is intel/IGTPW_9960)...
  Skipping Git submodules setup
  Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
  Using docker image sha256:4b3054d89ef79f9be95501786fbbbe22857d02c867fff99693808cd80909939f for registry.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build-fedora:commit-5656b3f4f35c70e55ba74bf30234d1f3b915c8ea with digest registry.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build-fedora at sha256:17d64607d998df2bf29a56b88922d3a598e6f1daa3b51ece2a892c2f293daf83 ...
  Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
  ERROR: Job failed (system failure): Error response from daemon: container 54863190d82b97e021469b4e5cbd03a95149c9b79b7505496a4ef99790fb42d2 does not exist in database: no such container (exec.go:78:0s)

== Logs ==

For more details see: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/pipelines/1006577

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