✓ CI.xeBAT: success for intel_reg: Stop warning if register spec is not there

Patchwork patchwork at emeril.freedesktop.org
Thu Apr 11 02:12:36 UTC 2024

== Series Details ==

Series: intel_reg: Stop warning if register spec is not there
URL   : https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/132306/
State : success

== Summary ==

CI Bug Log - changes from XEIGT_7805_BAT -> XEIGTPW_11006_BAT



  No regressions found.


Participating hosts (5 -> 5)

  No changes in participating hosts

Known issues

  Here are the changes found in XEIGTPW_11006_BAT that come from known issues:

### IGT changes ###

#### Issues hit ####

  * igt at xe_exec_threads@threads-mixed-fd-basic:
    - bat-dg2-oem2:       [PASS][1] -> [TIMEOUT][2] ([Intel XE#1167] / [Intel XE#1356])
   [1]: https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/intel-xe/IGT_7805/bat-dg2-oem2/igt@xe_exec_threads@threads-mixed-fd-basic.html
   [2]: https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/intel-xe/IGTPW_11006/bat-dg2-oem2/igt@xe_exec_threads@threads-mixed-fd-basic.html

  [Intel XE#1167]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/xe/kernel/issues/1167
  [Intel XE#1356]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/xe/kernel/issues/1356

Build changes

  * IGT: IGT_7805 -> IGTPW_11006

  IGTPW_11006: 11006
  IGT_7805: 7805
  xe-1073-72c79c9b20ced92d5c10230bb50fca29c9f387f9: 72c79c9b20ced92d5c10230bb50fca29c9f387f9

== Logs ==

For more details see: https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/intel-xe/IGTPW_11006/index.html
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