✗ Fi.CI.BUILD: failure for Fix several issues when producing Intel CI testlists

Patchwork patchwork at emeril.freedesktop.org
Fri Feb 9 11:37:38 UTC 2024

== Series Details ==

Series: Fix several issues when producing Intel CI testlists
URL   : https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/129708/
State : failure

== Summary ==

Applying: scripts/test_list.py: fix a typo on default-if-not-excluded
Applying: scripts/igt_doc.py: better handle issues with empty testlists
Applying: scripts/igt_doc.py: handle empty run_type
Applying: scripts/igt_doc.py: only create dict if subtest will be added
Applying: scripts/igt_doc.py: better handle default gpu
Applying: scripts/igt_doc.py: remove some unused logic
Applying: scripts/igt_doc.py: use an ancillary function to simplify the code
Patch failed at 0007 scripts/igt_doc.py: use an ancillary function to simplify the code
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