Re: ✗ CI.xeFULL: failure for tests/kms_dirtyfb: few fbc related updates (rev2)
Govindapillai, Vinod
vinod.govindapillai at
Tue Jun 11 08:06:34 UTC 2024
The regression listed here is not because of this series
From: Patchwork <patchwork at>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2024 6:44 PM
To: Govindapillai, Vinod
Cc: igt-dev at
Subject: ✗ CI.xeFULL: failure for tests/kms_dirtyfb: few fbc related updates (rev2)
Patch Details
Series: tests/kms_dirtyfb: few fbc related updates (rev2)
State: failure
CI Bug Log - changes from XEIGT_7880_full -> XEIGTPW_11245_full
Serious unknown changes coming with XEIGTPW_11245_full absolutely need to be
verified manually.
If you think the reported changes have nothing to do with the changes
introduced in XEIGTPW_11245_full, please notify your bug team (I915-ci-infra at to allow them
to document this new failure mode, which will reduce false positives in CI.
Participating hosts (3 -> 2)
Missing (1): shard-adlp
Possible new issues
Here are the unknown changes that may have been introduced in XEIGTPW_11245_full:
IGT changes
Possible regressions
* igt at kms_flip@flip-vs-expired-vblank-interruptible at a-hdmi-a6:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> FAIL<>
* igt at kms_ccs@crc-primary-basic-y-tiled-gen12-mc-ccs:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#787<>) -> ABORT<>
* igt at kms_ccs@crc-primary-basic-y-tiled-gen12-mc-ccs at pipe-a-hdmi-a-6:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#787<>) -> ABORT<>
The following results come from untrusted machines, tests, or statuses.
They do not affect the overall result.
* igt at xe_exec_fault_mode@twice-bindexecqueue-userptr-rebind-imm:
* {shard-lnl}: PASS<> -> INCOMPLETE<>
Known issues
Here are the changes found in XEIGTPW_11245_full that come from known issues:
IGT changes
Issues hit
* igt at kms_big_fb@4-tiled-32bpp-rotate-270:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#316<>)
* igt at kms_big_fb@linear-8bpp-rotate-90:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#316<>)
* igt at kms_big_fb@yf-tiled-addfb:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#619<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_big_fb@yf-tiled-max-hw-stride-64bpp-rotate-0-hflip-async-flip:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1124<> / Intel XE#1201<>) +3 other tests skip
* igt at kms_bw@linear-tiling-3-displays-2160x1440p:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#367<>)
* igt at kms_ccs@bad-rotation-90-4-tiled-xe2-ccs:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#1252<>)
* igt at kms_ccs@ccs-on-another-bo-4-tiled-mtl-rc-ccs at pipe-c-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#787<>) +48 other tests skip
* igt at kms_ccs@crc-primary-basic-yf-tiled-ccs at pipe-b-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#787<>) +6 other tests skip
* igt at kms_ccs@crc-primary-basic-yf-tiled-ccs at pipe-d-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#787<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_ccs@random-ccs-data-4-tiled-mtl-mc-ccs:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#787<>) +13 other tests skip
* igt at kms_cdclk@mode-transition at pipe-c-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#314<>) +3 other tests skip
* igt at kms_chamelium_color@ctm-red-to-blue:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#306<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_chamelium_hpd@hdmi-hpd-storm:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#373<>)
* igt at kms_chamelium_hpd@vga-hpd-for-each-pipe:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#373<>) +8 other tests skip
* igt at kms_content_protection@uevent:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> FAIL<> (Intel XE#1188<>) +1 other test fail
* igt at kms_cursor_crc@cursor-offscreen-512x170:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#308<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_crc@cursor-random-512x512:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#308<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@2x-long-cursor-vs-flip-atomic:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#282<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@cursora-vs-flipa-legacy:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#282<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@flip-vs-cursor-atomic-transitions:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#282<> / Intel XE#910<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@flip-vs-cursor-atomic-transitions-varying-size:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#282<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@short-busy-flip-before-cursor-atomic-transitions-varying-size:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#323<>) +2 other tests skip
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@single-bo at pipe-b:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#282<>) +5 other tests dmesg-warn
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@torture-bo at pipe-b:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#877<>) +1 other test dmesg-warn
* igt at kms_feature_discovery@dp-mst:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1137<> / Intel XE#1201<>)
* igt at kms_flip@2x-flip-vs-rmfb-interruptible at ad-hdmi-a6-dp4:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1195<>) +1 other test incomplete
* igt at kms_flip@2x-flip-vs-suspend-interruptible at ab-hdmi-a6-dp4:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<>) +1 other test dmesg-warn
* igt at kms_flip@flip-vs-expired-vblank-interruptible:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> FAIL<> (Intel XE#301<>)
* igt at kms_flip@flip-vs-suspend-interruptible at d-dp4:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1195<> / Intel XE#2049<>)
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@drrs-1p-primscrn-cur-indfb-onoff:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#651<>) +18 other tests skip
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@fbcdrrs-2p-scndscrn-pri-shrfb-draw-render:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#651<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@fbcpsr-2p-primscrn-spr-indfb-fullscreen:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#653<>) +15 other tests skip
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@psr-2p-primscrn-shrfb-pgflip-blt:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#653<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_hdmi_inject@inject-audio:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#417<>)
* igt at kms_hdr@invalid-hdr:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<>) +15 other tests skip
* igt at kms_pipe_crc_basic@suspend-read-crc:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<>) +3 other tests dmesg-warn
* igt at kms_plane@plane-panning-bottom-right-suspend at pipe-a:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> FAIL<> (Intel XE#616<>)
* igt at kms_plane@plane-panning-bottom-right-suspend at pipe-b:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> DMESG-FAIL<> (Intel XE#1551<>) +1 other test dmesg-fail
* igt at kms_plane_scaling@intel-max-src-size at pipe-a-hdmi-a-6:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> FAIL<> (Intel XE#361<>)
* igt at kms_plane_scaling@plane-downscale-factor-0-25-with-modifiers:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#498<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_plane_scaling@plane-downscale-factor-0-25-with-modifiers at pipe-a-hdmi-a-6:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#498<>) +2 other tests skip
* igt at kms_plane_scaling@planes-downscale-factor-0-25-unity-scaling:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#305<> / Intel XE#455<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_plane_scaling@planes-downscale-factor-0-25-unity-scaling at pipe-a-hdmi-a-6:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#305<>) +2 other tests skip
* igt at kms_psr@fbc-pr-dpms:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#929<>) +2 other tests skip
* igt at kms_psr@fbc-psr2-suspend:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#929<>) +9 other tests skip
* igt at kms_rotation_crc@primary-yf-tiled-reflect-x-90:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#327<>)
* igt at sriov_basic@enable-vfs-autoprobe-off:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1091<> / Intel XE#1201<>)
* igt at xe_compute_preempt@compute-preempt-many:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#1280<> / Intel XE#455<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at xe_copy_basic@mem-set-linear-0xfd:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1126<> / Intel XE#1201<>)
* igt at xe_evict@evict-beng-large-multi-vm-cm:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> FAIL<> (Intel XE#1600<>)
* igt at xe_evict@evict-beng-mixed-many-threads-small:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1195<> / Intel XE#1473<> / Intel XE#402<>)
* igt at xe_evict@evict-beng-mixed-threads-large:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> TIMEOUT<> (Intel XE#1473<> / Intel XE#392<>)
* igt at xe_exec_fault_mode@many-bindexecqueue-rebind:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#288<>) +14 other tests skip
* igt at xe_exec_fault_mode@many-execqueues-bindexecqueue-userptr:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#288<>) +2 other tests skip
* igt at xe_live_ktest@xe_dma_buf:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1192<>)
* igt at xe_module_load@many-reload:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> FAIL<> (Intel XE#2044<>)
* igt at xe_pm@d3cold-basic-exec:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#366<>)
* igt at xe_pm@s2idle-d3hot-basic-exec:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1195<> / Intel XE#1358<>)
* igt at xe_pm@s3-d3hot-basic-exec:
* shard-dg2-set2: PASS<> -> INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1195<> / Intel XE#1358<> / Intel XE#1551<> / Intel XE#569<>)
* igt at xe_query@multigpu-query-cs-cycles:
* shard-dg2-set2: NOTRUN -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#944<>) +1 other test skip
Possible fixes
* igt at kms_async_flips@alternate-sync-async-flip at pipe-a-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: FAIL<> (Intel XE#827<>) -> PASS<> +1 other test pass
* igt at kms_big_fb@4-tiled-max-hw-stride-64bpp-rotate-180-hflip:
* {shard-lnl}: FAIL<> (Intel XE#1659<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at kms_cursor_crc@cursor-alpha-opaque:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#282<>) -> PASS<> +6 other tests pass
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@single-move at pipe-b:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#877<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at kms_dirtyfb@fbc-dirtyfb-ioctl:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at kms_dirtyfb@fbc-dirtyfb-ioctl at a-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#929<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at kms_dirtyfb@fbc-dirtyfb-ioctl at a-hdmi-a-6:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#1927<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at kms_flip@absolute-wf_vblank:
* shard-dg2-set2: INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1195<>) -> PASS<> +3 other tests pass
* igt at kms_flip@flip-vs-suspend at d-dp4:
* shard-dg2-set2: INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#2049<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at kms_invalid_mode@zero-clock:
* {shard-lnl}: INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1960<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at xe_evict@evict-beng-cm-threads-large:
* shard-dg2-set2: TIMEOUT<> (Intel XE#1473<> / Intel XE#392<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at xe_exec_threads@threads-mixed-userptr-invalidate-race:
* {shard-lnl}: FAIL<> (Intel XE#1069<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at xe_live_ktest@xe_dma_buf:
* {shard-lnl}: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1192<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at xe_module_load@reload:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<>) -> PASS<> +6 other tests pass
* igt at xe_pm_residency@toggle-gt-c6:
* {shard-lnl}: FAIL<> (Intel XE#958<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at xe_vm@mmap-style-bind-either-side-partial-split-page-hammer:
* {shard-lnl}: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#2016<>) -> PASS<>
* igt at kms_big_fb@4-tiled-64bpp-rotate-270:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#316<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#316<>) +3 other tests skip
* igt at kms_big_fb@linear-32bpp-rotate-270:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#316<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#316<>)
* igt at kms_big_fb@y-tiled-max-hw-stride-64bpp-rotate-0-async-flip:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1124<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1124<> / Intel XE#1201<>) +6 other tests skip
* igt at kms_big_fb@yf-tiled-32bpp-rotate-180:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1124<> / Intel XE#1201<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1124<>) +8 other tests skip
* igt at kms_big_joiner@basic:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#346<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#346<>)
* igt at kms_bw@linear-tiling-4-displays-2560x1440p:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#367<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#367<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_ccs@ccs-on-another-bo-y-tiled-gen12-rc-ccs:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#787<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#787<>) +3 other tests skip
* igt at kms_ccs@crc-primary-basic-4-tiled-mtl-rc-ccs at pipe-b-hdmi-a-6:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#787<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#787<>) +48 other tests skip
* igt at kms_ccs@crc-primary-rotation-180-4-tiled-mtl-rc-ccs at pipe-a-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#787<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#787<>) +13 other tests skip
* igt at kms_ccs@missing-ccs-buffer-4-tiled-mtl-mc-ccs at pipe-d-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#787<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#455<> / Intel XE#787<>) +13 other tests skip
* igt at kms_ccs@random-ccs-data-4-tiled-xe2-ccs:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#1252<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1252<>)
* igt at kms_cdclk@mode-transition-all-outputs:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#314<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#314<>)
* igt at kms_cdclk@plane-scaling at pipe-b-dp-4:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1152<> / Intel XE#1201<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1152<>) +3 other tests skip
* igt at kms_chamelium_color@ctm-blue-to-red:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#306<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#306<>)
* igt at kms_chamelium_color@ctm-limited-range:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#306<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#306<>)
* igt at kms_chamelium_frames@hdmi-cmp-planes-random:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#373<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#373<>) +4 other tests skip
* igt at kms_chamelium_hpd@vga-hpd:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#373<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#373<>) +6 other tests skip
* igt at kms_content_protection@dp-mst-lic-type-0:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#307<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#307<>)
* igt at kms_content_protection@dp-mst-lic-type-1:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#307<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#307<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_crc@cursor-random-256x256:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#282<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#282<>) +2 other tests dmesg-warn
* igt at kms_cursor_crc@cursor-rapid-movement-256x256 at pipe-a-hdmi-a-6:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#282<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#282<>) +2 other tests dmesg-warn
* igt at kms_cursor_crc@cursor-sliding-512x512:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#308<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#308<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@basic-busy-flip-before-cursor-atomic:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#323<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#323<>)
* igt at kms_cursor_legacy@single-move:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#282<> / Intel XE#877<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#282<>)
* igt at kms_fbcon_fbt@psr-suspend:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#776<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#776<>)
* igt at kms_feature_discovery@chamelium:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#701<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#701<>)
* igt at kms_feature_discovery@psr2:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1135<> / Intel XE#1201<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1135<>)
* igt at kms_flip@flip-vs-suspend:
* shard-dg2-set2: INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1551<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#1551<>)
* igt at kms_flip@flip-vs-suspend-interruptible:
* shard-dg2-set2: INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1195<>) -> INCOMPLETE<> (Intel XE#1195<> / Intel XE#1551<> / Intel XE#2049<>)
* igt at kms_flip@flip-vs-suspend-interruptible at a-hdmi-a6:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#1551<>) +1 other test dmesg-warn
* igt at kms_flip@flip-vs-suspend at a-hdmi-a6:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1551<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#1551<>)
* igt at kms_flip_scaled_crc@flip-64bpp-yftile-to-16bpp-yftile-upscaling at pipe-a-valid-mode:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#455<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<>) +5 other tests skip
* igt at kms_flip_scaled_crc@flip-64bpp-ytile-to-32bpp-ytilegen12rcccs-upscaling:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#455<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#455<>) +11 other tests skip
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@fbc-tiling-y:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#658<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#658<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@fbcdrrs-shrfb-scaledprimary:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#651<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#651<>) +11 other tests skip
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@fbcdrrs-tiling-linear:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#651<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#651<>) +18 other tests skip
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@psr-1p-primscrn-shrfb-msflip-blt:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#653<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#653<>) +10 other tests skip
* igt at kms_frontbuffer_tracking@psr-2p-primscrn-spr-indfb-draw-mmap-wc:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#653<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#653<>) +15 other tests skip
* igt at kms_pm_backlight@bad-brightness:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#870<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#870<>)
* igt at kms_pm_backlight@fade-with-dpms:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#870<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#870<>)
* igt at kms_pm_dc@dc6-dpms:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#908<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#908<>)
* igt at kms_psr@pr-basic:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#929<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#929<>) +4 other tests skip
* igt at kms_psr@pr-cursor-plane-onoff:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#929<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#929<>) +6 other tests skip
* igt at kms_rotation_crc@primary-rotation-270:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#327<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#327<>)
* igt at kms_rotation_crc@primary-y-tiled-reflect-x-270:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#327<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#327<>)
* igt at kms_tiled_display@basic-test-pattern:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#362<>) -> FAIL<> (Intel XE#1729<>)
* igt at kms_tiled_display@basic-test-pattern-with-chamelium:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#1500<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#362<>)
* igt at kms_writeback@writeback-fb-id-xrgb2101010:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#756<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#756<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at kms_writeback@writeback-pixel-formats:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#756<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#756<>)
* igt at sriov_basic@enable-vfs-bind-unbind-each:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1091<> / Intel XE#1201<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1091<>)
* igt at xe_copy_basic@mem-copy-linear-0x369:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1123<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1123<> / Intel XE#1201<>)
* igt at xe_copy_basic@mem-set-linear-0x369:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1126<> / Intel XE#1201<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1126<>)
* igt at xe_exec_fault_mode@once-basic-imm:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#288<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#288<>) +12 other tests skip
* igt at xe_exec_fault_mode@once-userptr-imm:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#288<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#288<>) +13 other tests skip
* igt at xe_exec_reset@gt-reset-stress:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#1638<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#1638<> / Intel XE#2056<>)
* igt at xe_huc_copy@huc_copy:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#255<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#255<>)
* igt at xe_module_load@load:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#378<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#378<>)
* igt at xe_pat@pat-index-xelpg:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#979<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#979<>)
* igt at xe_pm@d3cold-mmap-system:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#366<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#366<>) +1 other test skip
* igt at xe_pm@s3-basic-exec:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1551<>)
* igt at xe_pm@s3-vm-bind-prefetch:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#1551<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<>)
* igt at xe_query@multigpu-query-topology:
* shard-dg2-set2: SKIP<> (Intel XE#1201<> / Intel XE#944<>) -> SKIP<> (Intel XE#944<>) +2 other tests skip
* igt at xe_wedged@basic-wedged:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#1760<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1760<>)
* igt at xe_wedged@wedged-at-any-timeout:
* shard-dg2-set2: DMESG-FAIL<> (Intel XE#1760<>) -> DMESG-WARN<> (Intel XE#1214<> / Intel XE#1760<>)
{name}: This element is suppressed. This means it is ignored when computing
the status of the difference (SUCCESS, WARNING, or FAILURE).
Build changes
* IGT: IGT_7880 -> IGTPW_11245
* Linux: xe-1413-cb97aa28be4f4b914c751ed27bae7782e027826c -> xe-1431-f77410971f976997970e5534c434683bc7ace23b
IGTPW_11245: 92cc104734559082230efa07605068f7c1738154 @
IGT_7880: 73618605b4370cf902267aaf1d25666ff5e26112 @
xe-1413-cb97aa28be4f4b914c751ed27bae7782e027826c: cb97aa28be4f4b914c751ed27bae7782e027826c
xe-1431-f77410971f976997970e5534c434683bc7ace23b: f77410971f976997970e5534c434683bc7ace23b
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