✗ GitLab.Pipeline: warning for Enable more tests for VKMS

Patchwork patchwork at emeril.freedesktop.org
Wed Mar 6 18:07:30 UTC 2024

== Series Details ==

Series: Enable more tests for VKMS
URL   : https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/130818/
State : warning

== Summary ==

Pipeline status: FAILED.

see https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/pipelines/1121225 for the overview.

build:tests-debian-meson has failed (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/jobs/55955062):
  Checking if the user of the pipeline is allowed...
  Checking if the job's project is part of a well-known group...
  Thank you for contributing to freedesktop.org
  Fetching changes...
  Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/.git/
  Checking out 69fbed73 as detached HEAD (ref is intel/IGTPW_10789)...
  Removing build/
  Removing lib/i915/perf-configs/__pycache__/
  Removing scripts/__pycache__/
  Skipping Git submodules setup
  Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
  Using docker image sha256:ca01fc804bb92e5df42a202dd7e0470610c6711c66a808525defcb8bbb774078 for registry.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build-debian:commit-69fbed7368fcb3c662c803ba0c46d6c7c672dfee with digest registry.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build-debian at sha256:b9fe73c6ff5d68f5692fd18b9076735679c8bfa7ed393e752dd4927a2cdf9874 ...
  Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
  ERROR: Job failed (system failure): Error response from daemon: no such image: docker.io/library/sha256:ca01fc804bb92e5df42a202dd7e0470610c6711c66a808525defcb8bbb774078: image not known (docker.go:570:0s)

build:tests-fedora has failed (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/jobs/55955057):
  [1790/1793] Compiling C object 'runner/527aa9f@@runner_test at exe/runner_tests.c.o'.
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  ninja: Entering directory `build'
  [1/821] Generating version.h with a custom command.
  [2/6] Linking target runner/runner_test.
  [3/6] Generating i915_tests.html with a custom command.
  [4/6] Generating kms_tests.rst with a custom command.
  FAILED: docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst 
  /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/scripts/igt_doc.py --config /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/tests/intel/kms_test_config.json --rest docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst --check-testlist --igt-build-path /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build
  Warning: Documented igt at kms_plane@pixel-format doesn't exist on source files
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-black-white
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-colors
  Please refer: docs/test_documentation.md for more details
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
  ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

build:tests-fedora-clang has failed (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/jobs/55955061):
  [1791/1793] Generating xe_tests.html with a custom command.
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  ninja: Entering directory `build'
  [1/821] Generating version.h with a custom command.
  [2/5] Generating intel-ci-tests with a custom command.
  [3/5] Generating i915_tests.html with a custom command.
  [4/5] Generating kms_tests.rst with a custom command.
  FAILED: docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst 
  /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/scripts/igt_doc.py --config /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/tests/intel/kms_test_config.json --rest docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst --check-testlist --igt-build-path /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build
  Warning: Documented igt at kms_plane@pixel-format doesn't exist on source files
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-black-white
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-colors
  Please refer: docs/test_documentation.md for more details
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
  ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

build:tests-fedora-no-libdrm-nouveau has failed (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/jobs/55955060):
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  ninja: Entering directory `build'
  [1/771] Generating version.h with a custom command.
  [2/6] Linking target runner/runner_test.
  [3/6] Generating i915_tests.html with a custom command.
  [4/6] Generating intel-ci-tests with a custom command.
  [5/6] Generating kms_tests.rst with a custom command.
  FAILED: docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst 
  /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/scripts/igt_doc.py --config /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/tests/intel/kms_test_config.json --rest docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst --check-testlist --igt-build-path /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build
  Warning: Documented igt at kms_plane@pixel-format doesn't exist on source files
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-black-white
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-colors
  Please refer: docs/test_documentation.md for more details
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
  ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

build:tests-fedora-no-libunwind has failed (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/jobs/55955058):
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  ninja: Entering directory `build'
  [1/821] Generating version.h with a custom command.
  [2/6] Linking target runner/runner_test.
  [3/6] Generating i915_tests.html with a custom command.
  [4/6] Generating intel-ci-tests with a custom command.
  [5/6] Generating kms_tests.rst with a custom command.
  FAILED: docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst 
  /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/scripts/igt_doc.py --config /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/tests/intel/kms_test_config.json --rest docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst --check-testlist --igt-build-path /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build
  Warning: Documented igt at kms_plane@pixel-format doesn't exist on source files
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-black-white
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-colors
  Please refer: docs/test_documentation.md for more details
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
  ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

build:tests-fedora-oldest-meson has failed (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/jobs/55955059):
  [1790/1793] Compiling C object 'runner/runner@@runner_test at exe/runner_tests.c.o'.
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  ninja: Entering directory `build'
  [1/821] Generating version.h with a custom command.
  [2/6] Linking target runner/runner_test.
  [3/6] Generating i915_tests.html with a custom command.
  [4/6] Generating kms_tests.rst with a custom command.
  FAILED: docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst 
  /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/scripts/igt_doc.py --config /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/tests/intel/kms_test_config.json --rest docs/testplan/kms_tests.rst --check-testlist --igt-build-path /builds/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/build
  Warning: Documented igt at kms_plane@pixel-format doesn't exist on source files
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-black-white
  Warning: Missing documentation for igt at kms_plane@pixel-format-colors
  Please refer: docs/test_documentation.md for more details
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
  Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
  ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

== Logs ==

For more details see: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/igt-ci-tags/-/pipelines/1121225

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