[PATCH i-g-t v3] contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu: add a tool to detect Intel GPUs from their PCI IDs

Mauro Carvalho Chehab mauro.chehab at linux.intel.com
Wed May 22 11:59:40 UTC 2024

From: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab at kernel.org>

Such tool parses the Kernel drivers for both i915 and Xe and
generates a script that helps detecting Intel GPU models.

Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab at kernel.org>
 contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/Makefile  |  57 +++++++
 contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/get_gpu.c | 216 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 273 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/Makefile
 create mode 100644 contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/get_gpu.c

diff --git a/contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/Makefile b/contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ea24307ce19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# Copyright © 2022-2024 Intel Corporation
+# Author: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab at kernel.org>
+# Usage: specify either:
+#  make KERNEL_DIR=<directory to copy files for both i915 and Xe Intel drivers>
+# or:
+#  make XE_DIR=<directory to copy files for Xe Intel driver> I915_DIR=<directory to copy files for i915 Intel driver>
+XE_DIR :=
+I915_DIR :=
+all: intel_detect_gpu.pl
+	rm i915_pciids.h i915_id.h xe_pciids.h xe_pci.c get_gpu intel_detect_gpu.pl
+ifneq ($(KERNEL_DIR),)
+  I915_DIR := $(KERNEL_DIR)
+ifeq ($(XE_DIR),)
+  $(error Need a directory with the XE driver)
+ifeq ($(I915_DIR),)
+  $(error Need a directory with the i915 driver)
+intel_detect_gpu.pl: get_gpu
+	./get_gpu >intel_detect_gpu.pl
+	chmod 755 intel_detect_gpu.pl
+	cp ${I915_DIR}/include/drm/i915_pciids.h .
+	sed s,"(unsigned long) info }","info }", -i i915_pciids.h
+	cp ${XE_DIR}/include/drm/xe_pciids.h .
+	cp ${XE_DIR}/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_pci.c .
+i915_id.h: i915_pciids.h xe_pci.c
+	echo "static struct pci_device_id pci_ids[] = {" > i915_id.h
+	tac i915_pciids.h |grep define|perl -ne 'if (/define\s+INTEL_(\w+)_IDS/) { print "\tINTEL_$$1_IDS(\"$$1\"),\n" }' >> i915_id.h
+	cat xe_pci.c|perl -ne 'if (m/(XE_)([\w_]+)(_IDS\(INTEL_VGA_DEVICE)/) { print "\t$$1$$2$$3, \"$$2\"),\n"}' >> i915_id.h
+	echo "};" >> i915_id.h
+get_gpu: get_gpu.c i915_id.h i915_pciids.h xe_pci_ids.h
+	gcc -g -Wall get_gpu.c -o get_gpu
+.PHONY: i915_id.h i915_pciids.h
diff --git a/contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/get_gpu.c b/contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/get_gpu.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..44fee08d398b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/mk_detect_intel_gpu/get_gpu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ * Copyright © 2022-2024 Intel Corporation
+ * Author: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab at kernel.org>
+ */
+#include "i915_pciids.h"
+#include "xe_pciids.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+struct pci_device_id {
+	unsigned int vendor, device;
+	unsigned int subvendor, subdevice;
+	unsigned int class, class_mask;
+	char *name;
+#include "i915_id.h"
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr)
+#define TGL "TGL_12"
+int cmpfunc (const void *_a, const void *_b) {
+        int ret;
+        const struct pci_device_id *a = _a;
+        const struct pci_device_id *b = _b;
+        ret = strcmp(a->name, b->name);
+        if (ret)
+                return ret;
+        ret = a->vendor - b->vendor;
+        if (ret)
+                return ret;
+        ret = a->device - b->device;
+        if (ret)
+                return ret;
+        ret = a->subvendor - b->subvendor;
+        if (ret)
+                return ret;
+        ret = a->subdevice - b->subdevice;
+        if (ret)
+                return ret;
+        ret = a->class - b->class;
+        if (ret)
+                return ret;
+        ret = a->class_mask - b->class_mask;
+        return ret;
+int main(void)
+	int i;
+	int shown[0x10000] = { [0 ... 0xffff] = -1 };
+	int ignore[ARRAY_SIZE(pci_ids)] = { 0 };
+	int other[ARRAY_SIZE(pci_ids)] = { [0 ... ARRAY_SIZE(pci_ids) - 1] = -1 };
+	char last[80] = "";
+	printf("#!/usr/bin/perl\n\n");
+	printf("$ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C';\n\n");
+        qsort(pci_ids, ARRAY_SIZE(pci_ids), sizeof(*pci_ids), cmpfunc);
+	/*
+	 * Step 1: Handle non-subvendor specific devices, discovering duplicates
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pci_ids); i++) {
+		if (pci_ids[i].subvendor != (unsigned int)-1)
+			continue;
+		if (!strncmp(pci_ids[i].name, TGL, strlen(TGL))) {
+			char *tmp = strdup(pci_ids[i].name);
+			pci_ids[i].name = tmp;
+			strcpy(pci_ids[i].name + 3, tmp + strlen(TGL));
+		}
+		if (shown[pci_ids[i].device] >= 0) {
+			ignore[i] = i;
+                        // If it is duplicated, just ignore it
+                        if (!cmpfunc(&pci_ids[i], &pci_ids[shown[pci_ids[i].device]]))
+                                continue;
+			fprintf(stderr, "PCI ID: %04x:%04x %s is a subtype of %s\n",
+			        pci_ids[i].vendor, pci_ids[i].device,
+			        pci_ids[i].name,
+				pci_ids[shown[pci_ids[i].device]].name);
+			other[shown[pci_ids[i].device]] = i;
+			continue;
+		}
+		shown[pci_ids[i].device] = i;
+		if (pci_ids[i].device == 0x56c0)
+			pci_ids[i].name = "ATS_M1";
+		if (pci_ids[i].device == 0x56c1)
+			pci_ids[i].name = "ATS_M3";
+		fprintf(stderr, "Adding: %s: vendor: %04x:%04x\n",
+		        pci_ids[i].name,
+		        pci_ids[i].vendor, pci_ids[i].device);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Step 2: output array with all other devices
+	 */
+	printf("my %%intel_pci_id = (");
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pci_ids); i++) {
+		if (ignore[i] > 0)
+			continue;
+		if (strcmp(last, pci_ids[i].name)) {
+			strcpy(last, pci_ids[i].name);
+			printf("\n");
+		}
+		printf("\t\"%04x:%04x\" => \"%s\",\n",
+		       pci_ids[i].vendor, pci_ids[i].device,
+		       pci_ids[i].name
+		);
+	}
+	printf(");\n\n");
+	/*
+	 * Step 3: output array with all other devices
+	 */
+	printf("my %%intel_pci_id_alt_name = (");
+	last[0] = '\0';
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pci_ids); i++) {
+		if (ignore[i] > 0)
+			continue;
+		if (other[i] < 0)
+			continue;
+		if (strcmp(last, pci_ids[i].name)) {
+			strcpy(last, pci_ids[i].name);
+			printf("\n\t# %s alternative names\n", pci_ids[i].name);
+		}
+		printf("\t\"%04x:%04x\" => \"%s\",\n",
+		       pci_ids[i].vendor, pci_ids[i].device,
+		       pci_ids[other[i]].name
+		);
+	}
+	printf(");\n\n");
+	/*
+	 * Step 4: output array for devices with subvendor/subdevice
+	 */
+	printf("my %%intel_pci_subvendor_id = (\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pci_ids); i++) {
+		if (pci_ids[i].subvendor == (unsigned int) -1)
+			continue;
+		fprintf(stderr, "Adding: %s: vendor: %04x:%04x, subvendor: %04x:%04x\n",
+		        pci_ids[i].name,
+		        pci_ids[i].vendor, pci_ids[i].device,
+		        pci_ids[i].subvendor, pci_ids[i].subdevice);
+		printf("\t\"%04x:%04x %04x:%04x\" => \"%s\",\n",
+		       pci_ids[i].vendor, pci_ids[i].device,
+		       pci_ids[i].subvendor, pci_ids[i].subdevice,
+		       pci_ids[i].name
+		);
+		ignore[i] = 1;
+	}
+	printf(");\n\n");
+	printf("sub fix_id($) {\n");
+	printf("\tmy $id = shift;\n");
+	printf("\t$id = $intel_pci_id{$id} if defined($intel_pci_id{$id});\n");
+	printf("\treturn $id;\n}\n\n");
+	printf("my @gpus;\n");
+	printf("my $id;\n\n");
+	printf("open IN, \"lspci -nm|\";\n");
+	printf("while (<IN>) {\n");
+	printf("\tif (m/\"(8086)\"\\s\"([\\da-f]+)\".*\"([^\\\"]*)\"\\s\"([^\\\"]*\")/) {\n");
+	printf("\t\tmy $pci_id_sub = \"$1:$2 $3:$4\";\n");
+	printf("\t\tmy $pci_id = \"$1:$2\";\n");
+	printf("\t\tif (defined($intel_pci_subvendor_id{$pci_id_sub})) {\n");
+	printf("\t\t\t$id = $intel_pci_subvendor_id{$pci_id};\n");
+	printf("\t\t} elsif (defined($intel_pci_id{$pci_id})) {\n");
+	printf("\t\t\t$id = $intel_pci_id{$pci_id};\n");
+	printf("\t\t}\n");
+	printf("\t\tif ($id) {\n");
+	printf("\t\t\tmy $subtype = \"\";\n");
+	printf("\t\t\t$subtype = \" (\" . $intel_pci_id_alt_name{$pci_id} .\")\" if defined($intel_pci_id_alt_name{$pci_id});\n");
+	printf("\t\t\tprint \"Detected GPU PCI device: $id$subtype, PCI ID: $pci_id\\n\";\n");
+	printf("\t\t\tundef($id);\n");
+	printf("\t\t\tpush @gpus, $id;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n");
+	printf("close IN;\n\n");
+	printf("if (@gpus == 0) {\n");
+	printf("\tprint STDERR \"Warning: No Intel GPUs detected.\\n\";\n");
+	printf("} elsif (@gpus > 1) {\n");
+	printf("\tprint STDERR \"Warning: More than one Intel GPUs detected.\\n\";\n");
+	printf("}\n");

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