[CI i-g-t 04/10] runner/settings: Use wrapper macros for each type

Lucas De Marchi lucas.demarchi at intel.com
Fri Feb 7 23:09:38 UTC 2025

Simplify assigning the variables by using functions called by wrapper
macros. This avoids calling atoi() on every iteration and will help
future refactors on functions parsing the values.

The pointer to the value is passed to the parse function since it will
be useful later when parsing a string and leaking it to the settings
struct rather than duplicating.

Reviewed-by: Gustavo Sousa <gustavo.sousa at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <lucas.demarchi at intel.com>
 runner/settings.c | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runner/settings.c b/runner/settings.c
index 89df4990e..340d3802a 100644
--- a/runner/settings.c
+++ b/runner/settings.c
@@ -1153,43 +1153,59 @@ bool serialize_settings(struct settings *settings)
-bool read_settings_from_file(struct settings *settings, FILE *f)
+static int parse_int(char **val)
+	return atoi(*val);
+static unsigned long parse_ul(char **val)
-#define PARSE_LINE(s, name, val, field, write)	\
+	return strtoul(*val, NULL, 10);
+static char *parse_str(char **val)
+	return *val ? strdup(*val) : NULL;
+#define PARSE_LINE(s, name, val, field, _f)	\
 	if (!strcmp(name, #field)) {		\
-		s->field = write;		\
+		s->field = _f(val);		\
 		goto cleanup;			\
+#define PARSE_INT(s, name, val, field) PARSE_LINE(s, name, &val, field, parse_int)
+#define PARSE_UL(s, name, val, field)  PARSE_LINE(s, name, &val, field, parse_ul)
+#define PARSE_STR(s, name, val, field) PARSE_LINE(s, name, &val, field, parse_str)
+bool read_settings_from_file(struct settings *settings, FILE *f)
 	char *name = NULL, *val = NULL;
 	settings->dmesg_warn_level = -1;
 	while (fscanf(f, "%ms : %m[^\n]", &name, &val) == 2) {
-		int numval = atoi(val);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, abort_mask, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, disk_usage_limit, strtoul(val, NULL, 10));
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, test_list, val ? strdup(val) : NULL);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, name, val ? strdup(val) : NULL);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, dry_run, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, allow_non_root, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, facts, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, sync, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, log_level, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, overwrite, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, multiple_mode, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, inactivity_timeout, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, per_test_timeout, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, overall_timeout, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, use_watchdog, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, piglit_style_dmesg, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, dmesg_warn_level, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, prune_mode, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, test_root, val ? strdup(val) : NULL);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, results_path, val ? strdup(val) : NULL);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, enable_code_coverage, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, cov_results_per_test, numval);
-		PARSE_LINE(settings, name, val, code_coverage_script, val ? strdup(val) : NULL);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, abort_mask);
+		PARSE_UL(settings, name, val, disk_usage_limit);
+		PARSE_STR(settings, name, val, test_list);
+		PARSE_STR(settings, name, val, name);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, dry_run);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, allow_non_root);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, facts);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, sync);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, log_level);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, overwrite);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, multiple_mode);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, inactivity_timeout);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, per_test_timeout);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, overall_timeout);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, use_watchdog);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, piglit_style_dmesg);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, dmesg_warn_level);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, prune_mode);
+		PARSE_STR(settings, name, val, test_root);
+		PARSE_STR(settings, name, val, results_path);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, enable_code_coverage);
+		PARSE_INT(settings, name, val, cov_results_per_test);
+		PARSE_STR(settings, name, val, code_coverage_script);
 		printf("Warning: Unknown field in settings file: %s = %s\n",
 		       name, val);
@@ -1211,9 +1227,11 @@ cleanup:
 	return true;
-#undef PARSE_LINE
+#undef PARSE_STR
+#undef PARSE_UL
+#undef PARSE_INT
+#undef PARSE_LINE
  * read_env_vars_from_file() - load env vars from a file

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