[PATCH i-g-t 5/5] tests/intel/xe_render_copy: Render under copy stress

Francois Dugast francois.dugast at intel.com
Wed Mar 5 09:06:15 UTC 2025

These new tests are meant to observe the impact of stressing the copy
engines with multiple copy jobs on a rendering job running in parallel.

Add the following tests:
* "render-stress-0-copies"
* "render-stress-1-copies"
* "render-stress-2-copies"
* "render-stress-4-copies"
* "render-stress-16-copies"

Signed-off-by: Francois Dugast <francois.dugast at intel.com>
 tests/intel/xe_render_copy.c | 202 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 202 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/intel/xe_render_copy.c b/tests/intel/xe_render_copy.c
index 2125e0667..03d7986bf 100644
--- a/tests/intel/xe_render_copy.c
+++ b/tests/intel/xe_render_copy.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "intel_bufops.h"
 #include "xe/xe_ioctl.h"
 #include "xe/xe_query.h"
+#include "xe/xe_util.h"
  * TEST: Copy memory using 3d engine
@@ -438,6 +439,188 @@ static int render(struct buf_ops *bops, uint32_t tiling,
 	return fails;
+ * TEST: Render while stressing copy functions
+ * Category: Core
+ * Mega feature: Render
+ * Sub-category: 3d
+ * Functionality: copy
+ * Test category: stress test
+ *
+ * SUBTEST: render-stress-%s-copies
+ * Description: Render while running %arg[1] parallel copies per supported engine
+ *
+ * arg[1]:
+ * @0: 0 parallel copies
+ * @1: 1 parallel copies
+ * @2: 2 parallel copies
+ * @4: 4 parallel copies
+ * @16: 16 parallel copies
+ */
+ * Copy parameters
+ */
+#define COPY_SIZE		SZ_16M
+#define COPY_N_SEQ_BLT_MEM	200
+#define COPY_MAX_THREADS	64
+ * Render parameters
+ */
+static void stress_copy(int fd, uint32_t size, uint32_t region,
+			struct drm_xe_engine_class_instance *hwe, int ncopies)
+	uint32_t src_handle, dst_handle, vm, exec_queue, src_size;
+	uint32_t bo_size = ALIGN(size, xe_get_default_alignment(fd));
+	intel_ctx_t *ctx;
+	src_handle = xe_bo_create(fd, 0, bo_size, region, 0);
+	dst_handle = xe_bo_create(fd, 0, bo_size, region, 0);
+	vm = xe_vm_create(fd, 0, 0);
+	exec_queue = xe_exec_queue_create(fd, vm, hwe, 0);
+	ctx = intel_ctx_xe(fd, vm, exec_queue, 0, 0, 0);
+	src_size = bo_size;
+	blt_bo_copy(fd, src_handle, dst_handle, ctx, src_size, size, 1, region, ncopies);
+	gem_close(fd, src_handle);
+	gem_close(fd, dst_handle);
+	xe_exec_queue_destroy(fd, exec_queue);
+	xe_vm_destroy(fd, vm);
+	free(ctx);
+typedef struct {
+	int fd;
+	uint32_t size;
+	uint32_t region;
+	struct drm_xe_engine_class_instance *hwe;
+	uint32_t ncopies;
+} data_thread_stress_copy;
+static void *run_thread_stress_copy(void *arg)
+	data_thread_stress_copy *data = (data_thread_stress_copy *)arg;
+	stress_copy(data->fd, data->size, data->region, data->hwe, data->ncopies);
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+static void data_thread_stress_copy_init(data_thread_stress_copy *data, int fd)
+	data->fd = fd;
+	data->size = COPY_SIZE;
+	data->ncopies = COPY_N_SEQ_BLT_MEM;
+typedef struct {
+	int fd;
+	uint32_t render_width;
+	uint32_t render_height;
+	uint32_t render_tiling;
+	enum render_copy_testtype render_testtype;
+	uint32_t iterations;
+	uint64_t duration_total;
+	uint64_t duration_min;
+	uint64_t duration_max;
+} data_thread_render;
+static void *run_thread_render(void *arg)
+	data_thread_render *data = (data_thread_render *)arg;
+	struct buf_ops *bops;
+	bops = buf_ops_create(data->fd);
+	for (int i = 0; i < data->iterations; i++) {
+		uint64_t duration;
+		render(bops, data->render_tiling, data->render_width, data->render_height,
+		       data->render_testtype, &duration);
+		data->duration_total += duration;
+		if (duration < data->duration_min)
+			data->duration_min = duration;
+		if (duration > data->duration_max)
+			data->duration_max = duration;
+	}
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+static void data_thread_render_init(data_thread_render *data, int fd)
+	data->fd = fd;
+	data->duration_total = 0;
+	data->duration_min = -1;
+	data->duration_max = 0;
+	data->render_width = WIDTH;
+	data->render_height = HEIGHT;
+	data->render_tiling = RENDER_TILING;
+	data->render_testtype = RENDER_TEST_TYPE;
+	data->iterations = RENDER_ITERATIONS;
+static bool has_copy_function(struct drm_xe_engine_class_instance *hwe)
+	return hwe->engine_class == DRM_XE_ENGINE_CLASS_COPY;
+static void render_stress_copy(int fd, struct igt_collection *set,
+			       uint32_t nparallel_copies_per_engine)
+	struct igt_collection *regions;
+	struct drm_xe_engine_class_instance *hwe;
+	data_thread_stress_copy data_stress_copy[COPY_MAX_THREADS];
+	pthread_t threads_stress_copy[COPY_MAX_THREADS];
+	int count_threads_stress_copy = 0;
+	data_thread_render data_render;
+	pthread_t thread_render;
+	data_thread_render_init(&data_render, fd);
+	igt_assert(pthread_create(&thread_render,
+				  NULL,
+				  run_thread_render,
+				  &data_render) == 0);
+	for_each_variation_r(regions, 1, set) {
+		xe_for_each_engine(fd, hwe) {
+			if (!has_copy_function(hwe))
+				continue;
+			for (int i = 0; i < nparallel_copies_per_engine; i++) {
+				data_thread_stress_copy_init(
+					&data_stress_copy[count_threads_stress_copy], fd);
+				data_stress_copy[count_threads_stress_copy].region =
+					igt_collection_get_value(regions, 0);
+				data_stress_copy[count_threads_stress_copy].hwe = hwe;
+				igt_assert(pthread_create(
+						   &threads_stress_copy[count_threads_stress_copy],
+						   NULL,
+						   run_thread_stress_copy,
+						   &data_stress_copy[count_threads_stress_copy])
+					   == 0);
+				count_threads_stress_copy++;
+				igt_assert_lt(count_threads_stress_copy, COPY_MAX_THREADS);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for (int i = 0; i < count_threads_stress_copy; i++)
+		pthread_join(threads_stress_copy[i], NULL);
+	pthread_join(thread_render, NULL);
+	igt_info("Render duration: avg = %ld ns, min = %ld ns, max = %ld ns\n",
+		 data_render.duration_total / data_render.iterations,
+		 data_render.duration_min, data_render.duration_max);
 static int opt_handler(int opt, int opt_index, void *data)
 	switch (opt) {
@@ -478,11 +661,25 @@ igt_main_args("dpiW:H:", NULL, help_str, opt_handler, NULL)
 	struct buf_ops *bops;
 	const char *tiling_name;
 	int tiling;
+	struct igt_collection *set;
+	const struct section {
+		const char *name;
+		unsigned int nparallel_copies_per_engine;
+	} sections[] = {
+		{ "0", 0 },
+		{ "1", 1 },
+		{ "2", 2 },
+		{ "4", 4 },
+		{ "16", 16 },
+		{ NULL },
+	};
 	igt_fixture {
 		xe = drm_open_driver(DRIVER_XE);
 		bops = buf_ops_create(xe);
+		set = xe_get_memory_region_set(xe,
 	for (int id = 0; id <= COPY_FULL_COMPRESSED; id++) {
@@ -502,6 +699,11 @@ igt_main_args("dpiW:H:", NULL, help_str, opt_handler, NULL)
+	for (const struct section *s = sections; s->name; s++)
+		igt_subtest_f("render-stress-%s-copies", s->name) {
+			render_stress_copy(xe, set, s->nparallel_copies_per_engine);
+		}
 	igt_fixture {

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