[ANNOUNCE] libevdev

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Sun Aug 24 17:53:58 PDT 2014

[apologies, I forgot to sign the first email]

Second RC for libevdev 1.3 is now available. A larger number of patches than
expected, but nothing much to worry about.

New APIs:
libevdev_property_from_name() and libevdev_property_from_name_n(). Both
return the integer property value from the given "INPUT_PROP_..." string.

A few patches to address issues found by Coverity (leaking fd in an error
case, bad errno passed to strerror), a few general cleanup patches and fixes
in the test code.

A bug caused by statically linking libevdev triggered a few changes. We
leaked two symbols that clashed with libinput. These have been renamed, and
some documentation and checks have been added to avoid this in the future.
Static linking is still not recommended though.

Give it a spin, I plan to release 1.3 final in a couple of days.

Peter Hutterer (17):
      uinput: check errno against the positive value
      uinput: preserve the errno before cleaning up
      test: use ck_assert_int_eq() where comparing integers
      test: drop include of libevdev-int.h
      configure: move the python check down to re-unite the gcov check outputs
      Add libevdev_property_from_name()
      Rename symbols leaking from static library to avoid name clashes
      uinput: close the managed fd on error
      tools: pass -rc to strerror, not rc
      uinput: explicitly ignore the UI_DEV_DESTROY return value
      test: add basic static link test
      test: override check-local instead of check
      test: handle the GCOV_LDFLAGS in all tests
      Hook up nm to check for leaking symbols in the static library
      Add some minimal documentation about static linking
      test: fix EVIOCREVOKE test on non-supporting kernels
      libevdev 1.3RC2

git tag: libevdev-

MD5:  e2e58f597601d6ec94225b0d7a0eb466  libevdev-
SHA1: 1d55fb19fd24d786137fb8edde74efd5728cf379  libevdev-
SHA256: 4e3e00db7014d2c177becf212b13faae2918071b729a583ebcde77a59aeaa57a  libevdev-
PGP:  http://www.freedesktop.org/software/libevdev/libevdev-

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