[PATCH libevdev 0/2] Fixing SYN_DROPPED handling

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Mon Feb 24 20:26:07 PST 2014

Our current SYN_DROPPED handling isn't correct, mainly due to a
misunderstanding of how I read the various bits in the kernel. While recent
kernels (3.7, iirc) will submit event frames in one packet (i.e. up to the
EV_SYN), a SYN_DROPPED may still occur at any point during that package,
depending on the evdev buffer. In the current implementation, we may pass
incomplete event sequences to the caller.

This patchset avoids this and discards incomplete sequences altogether,
guaranteeing that the client will either see a complete sequence terminated
by EV_SYN, or a SYN_DROPPED event.


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