[PATCH evemu 15/19] py: Add base class LibraryWrapper

Daniel Martin consume.noise at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 09:38:15 PST 2014

LibraryWrapper will be a base class for others wrapping a shared
library with ctypes.

And add various functions (i.e. expect_ge_zero()), which will be used as
callback functions to check the return value of an API call.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Martin <consume.noise at gmail.com>
 python/evemu/base.py | 128 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 128 insertions(+)

diff --git a/python/evemu/base.py b/python/evemu/base.py
index 713aec1..3a9de8d 100644
--- a/python/evemu/base.py
+++ b/python/evemu/base.py
@@ -1,11 +1,139 @@
+The base module provides classes wrapping shared libraries.
 import ctypes
 import ctypes.util
 import os
+# Import types directly, so they don't have to be prefixed with "ctypes.".
+from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, c_uint, c_void_p
 import evemu.const
 import evemu.exception
+def expected_or_error(result, func, args, is_expected):
+    """
+    Raise an ExecutionError for an unexpected result (is_expected == True).
+    The exception message includes the API call (name) plus arguments, the
+    unexpected result and, if errno is not zero, text describing the
+    error number.
+    """
+    def get_call_str():
+        """ Returns a str 'function_name(argument_values...)'. """
+        strargs = []
+        for (num, arg) in enumerate(func.argtypes):
+            # convert args to str for readable output
+            if arg == c_char_p:
+                strargs.append('"%s"' % args[num].decode(evemu.const.ENCODING))
+            elif arg == c_void_p:
+                strargs.append(hex(int(args[num])))
+            else:
+                strargs.append(str(args[num]))
+        return "%s(%s)" % (func.__name__, ", ".join(strargs))
+    def get_retval_str():
+        """ Returns a str with the unexpected return value. """
+        return ", Unexpected return value: %s" % result
+    def get_errno_str():
+        """ Returns a str describing the error number or an empty string. """
+        errno = ctypes.get_errno()
+        if errno != 0:
+            return ", errno[%d]: %s" % (errno, os.strerror(errno))
+        else:
+            return ""
+    if is_expected:
+        return args
+    else:
+        msg = "%s%s%s" % (get_call_str(), get_retval_str(), get_errno_str())
+        raise evemu.exception.ExecutionError(msg)
+def expect_eq_zero(result, func, args):
+    """ Expect 'result' being equal to zero. """
+    return expected_or_error(result, func, args, result == 0)
+def expect_ge_zero(result, func, args):
+    """ Expect 'result' being greater or equal to zero. """
+    return expected_or_error(result, func, args, result >= 0)
+def expect_gt_zero(result, func, args):
+    """ Expect 'result' being greater then zero. """
+    return expected_or_error(result, func, args, result > 0)
+def expect_not_none(result, func, args):
+    """ Expect 'result' being not None. """
+    return expected_or_error(result, func, args, result is not None)
+class LibraryWrapper(object):
+    """
+    Base class for wrapping a shared library.
+    """
+    _loaded_lib = None
+        # Class variable containing the instance returned by CDLL(), which
+        # represents the shared library.
+        # Initialized once, shared between all instances of this class.
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(LibraryWrapper, self).__init__()
+        self._load()
+    # Prototypes for the API calls to wrap. Needs to be overwritten by sub
+    # classes.
+    _api_prototypes = {
+        #"API_CALL_NAME": {
+        #    "argtypes": sequence of ARGUMENT TYPES,
+        #    "restype": RETURN TYPE,
+        #    "errcheck": callback for return value checking, optional
+        #    },
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _load(cls):
+        """
+        Returns an instance of the wrapped shared library.
+        If not already initialized: set argument and return types on API
+        calls and optionally a callback function for return value checking.
+        Add the API call as attribute to the class at the end.
+        """
+        if cls._loaded_lib is not None:
+            # Already initialized, just return it.
+            return cls._loaded_lib
+        # Get an instance of the wrapped shared library.
+        cls._loaded_lib = cls._cdll()
+        # Iterate the API call prototypes.
+        for (name, attrs) in cls._api_prototypes.items():
+            # Get the API call.
+            api_call = getattr(cls._loaded_lib, name)
+            # Add argument and return types.
+            api_call.argtypes = attrs["argtypes"]
+            api_call.restype = attrs["restype"]
+            # Optionally, add a callback for return value checking.
+            if "errcheck" in attrs:
+                api_call.errcheck = attrs["errcheck"]
+            # Add the API call as attribute to the class.
+            setattr(cls, name, api_call)
+        return cls._loaded_lib
+    @staticmethod
+    # @abc.abstractmethod - Would be nice here, but it can't be mixed with
+    #                       @staticmethod until Python 3.3.
+    def _cdll():
+        """ Returns a new instance of the wrapped shared library. """
+        raise NotImplementedError
 class EvEmuBase(object):
     A base wrapper class for the evemu functions, accessed via ctypes.

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