[ANNOUNCE] libevdev 1.6.0

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Fri Oct 26 01:14:07 UTC 2018

libevdev 1.6.0 is now available. A new API to resolve event value names was
added with the functions libevdev_event_value_get_name() and
libevdev_event_value_from_name(). This complements the existing APIs to
resolve event types and event names but realistically it will only work for
the ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPE event code. This code is an enum as opposed to a normal
numeric value.

The various maximum values (e.g. "SW_MAX") now resolve too in

The use of the udpated struct input_event makes libevdev 2038-safe.

libevdev switched to gitlab, all links have been updated accordingly. The
repo is now at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libevdev/libevdev

Some minor improvements to the test suite so we can run those tests
that don't rely on uinput without needing root.

And finally, a kernel header sync so libevdev can resolve the new symbols
added in recent kernels.

Deepa Dinamani (1):
      Update struct input_event

Peter Hutterer (20):
      include: sync event codes with kernel 4.16
      Change all URLs to gitlab.fdo
      test: rename some tests for less ambiguity
      test: automate test suite handling
      test: sort-of autodetect whether we need root privileges
      test: split some non-root tests into separate binaries
      test: check for the device nodes to exist before testing
      test: move the kernel test to the same infrastructure
      test: add LIBEVDEV_SKIP_ROOT_TESTS environment variable check
      configure.ac: fix the gcov linker flags
      configure.ac: remove --disable-test-run
      Add GitLab CI
      GitLab CI: build with the various options
      GitLab CI: actually reference the default artifacts
      test: add a test timeout multiplier for valgrind
      make-event-names: minor cleanups for readability
      Resolve the names "SW_MAX" and friends
      Add libevdev_event_value_get_name() to resolve ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPE values
      include: sync event codes with kernel 4.19
      libevdev 1.6.0

git tag: libevdev-1.6.0

MD5:  154b24f01425c4c82fdc3e11f2c13af6  libevdev-1.6.0.tar.xz
SHA1: ef584a500833fe737bacb89350f93314b07f1c42  libevdev-1.6.0.tar.xz
SHA256: f5005c865987d980cc1279b9ec6131b06a89fd9892f649f2a68262b8786ef814  libevdev-1.6.0.tar.xz
SHA512: 73046da447773716c9f0c9f511f3a0a6ababcf92a146eba363014afcbdb465f4c3cd8be0917f2f01561a72f24f20fe8ecd333467437d9d85c03afcb433d05060  libevdev-1.6.0.tar.xz
PGP:  https://www.freedesktop.org/software/libevdev/libevdev-1.6.0.tar.xz.sig

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