[Intel-gfx] xf86-video-intel 2.5 release planning

Lukas Hejtmanek xhejtman at ics.muni.cz
Thu Jul 31 21:45:29 CEST 2008


On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 11:56:06AM -0700, Jesse Barnes wrote:
> 1. Usable EXA support
> Carl recently pushed some fixes that should make EXA better than XAA 
> (finally): http://cworth.org/blog/technical/.  Assuming the users reporting 
> performance regressions with EXA vs. XAA are happy with the changes, things 
> are looking good here.

With 1.4.99 Xserver I do not get 208000glyphs/sec as Carl states.

Also, the default X server's pattern is displayed slower with EXA without
migration heuristics. I can take a look with profiler to find the problem. 

> 4. No more video tearing
> One of our #1 complaints since adding textured video support is tearing.  It 
> seems to occur in both composited and non-composited configurations, 
> depending on what else is going on in the system.  With recent changes to 
> Mesa, hopefully the composited case can be solved by making the compositing 
> manager use scheduled buffer swaps (i.e. using glxSwapBuffers with 
> vblank_mode=3 or similar), but in the non-composited case we'll need to make 
> our Xv and XvMC code a bit smarter.

You may consider to support deinterlacing by the driver, for example using Bob
method, i.e., play interlaced frames at double speed which would require
precise vertical sync to be aligned with LCD refresh at the same (or near
the same) speed as FPS.
Lukáš Hejtmánek

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