[Intel-gfx] [PATCH] kms: Fix LVDS mode list construction.

Adam Jackson ajax at redhat.com
Wed Dec 2 18:05:52 CET 2009

Rather than mangle the EDID block and hope the server does the right
thing, just build a sensible mode list up front.  Do this for LVDS where
there is no EDID or where it does not claim to be continuous-frequency
(since in the latter case, the server will add reasonable modes for us).

Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
 src/drmmode_display.c |  140 ++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/drmmode_display.c b/src/drmmode_display.c
index a469f6c..d5e3c7e 100644
--- a/src/drmmode_display.c
+++ b/src/drmmode_display.c
@@ -682,107 +682,46 @@ static void fill_detailed_lvds_block(struct detailed_monitor_section *det_mon,
 		timing->misc |= 0x01;
-static int drmmode_output_lvds_edid(xf86OutputPtr output,
-				struct fixed_panel_lvds *p_lvds)
+static DisplayModePtr
+drmmode_output_lvds_edid(xf86OutputPtr output, DisplayModePtr modes)
-	drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output = output->driver_private;
-	drmModeConnectorPtr koutput = drmmode_output->mode_output;
-	int i, j;
-	DisplayModePtr pmode;
-	xf86MonPtr	edid_mon;
-	drmModeModeInfo *mode_ptr;
-	struct detailed_monitor_section *det_mon;
-	if (output->MonInfo) {
-		/*
-		 * If there exists the EDID, we will either find a DS_RANGES
-		 * or replace a DS_VENDOR block, smashing it into a DS_RANGES
-		 * block with opern refresh to match all the default modes.
-		 */
-		int edid_det_block_num;
-		edid_mon = output->MonInfo;
-		edid_mon->features.msc |= 0x01;
-		j = -1;
-		edid_det_block_num = sizeof(edid_mon->det_mon) /
-					sizeof(edid_mon->det_mon[0]);
-		for (i = 0; i < edid_det_block_num; i++) {
-			if (edid_mon->det_mon[i].type >= DS_VENDOR && j == -1)
-				j = i;
-			if (edid_mon->det_mon[i].type == DS_RANGES) {
-				j = i;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (j != -1) {
-			struct monitor_ranges	*ranges =
-				&edid_mon->det_mon[j].section.ranges;
-			edid_mon->det_mon[j].type = DS_RANGES;
-			ranges->min_v = 0;
-			ranges->max_v = 200;
-			ranges->min_h = 0;
-			ranges->max_h = 200;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If there is no EDID, we will construct a bogus EDID for LVDS output
-	 * device. This is similar to what we have done in i830_lvds.c
-	 */
-	edid_mon = NULL;
-	edid_mon = xcalloc(1, sizeof(xf86Monitor));
-	if (!edid_mon) {
-		xf86DrvMsg(output->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR,
-			"Can't allocate memory for edid_mon.\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Find the fixed panel mode.
-	 * In theory when there is no EDID, KMS kernel will return only one
-	 * mode. And this can be regarded as fixed lvds panel mode.
-	 * But it will be better to traverse the mode list to get the fixed
-	 * lvds panel mode again as we don't know whether some new modes
-	 * are added for the LVDS output device
-	 */
-	j = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < koutput->count_modes; i++) {
-		mode_ptr = &koutput->modes[i];
-		if ((mode_ptr->hdisplay == p_lvds->hdisplay) &&
-			(mode_ptr->vdisplay == p_lvds->vdisplay)) {
-			/* find the fixed panel mode */
-			j = i;
-			break;
-		}
+    xf86MonPtr mon = output->MonInfo;
+    if (!mon || !GTF_SUPPORTED(mon->features.msc)) {
+	DisplayModePtr i, m, p = NULL;
+	int max_x = 0, max_y = 0;
+	float max_vrefresh = 0.0;
+	for (m = modes; m; m = m->next) {
+	    if (m->type & M_T_PREFERRED)
+		p = m;
+	    max_x = max(max_x, m->HDisplay);
+	    max_y = max(max_y, m->VDisplay);
+	    max_vrefresh = max(max_vrefresh, xf86ModeVRefresh(m));
-	pmode = xnfalloc(sizeof(DisplayModeRec));
-	drmmode_ConvertFromKMode(output->scrn, &koutput->modes[j], pmode);
-	/*support DPM, instead of DPMS*/
-	edid_mon->features.dpms |= 0x1;
-	/*defaultly support RGB color display*/
-	edid_mon->features.display_type |= 0x1;
-	/*defaultly display support continuous-freqencey*/
-	edid_mon->features.msc |= 0x1;
-	/*defaultly  the EDID version is 1.4 */
-	edid_mon->ver.version = 1;
-	edid_mon->ver.revision = 4;
-	det_mon = edid_mon->det_mon;
-	if (pmode) {
-		/* now we construct new EDID monitor,
-		 * so filled one detailed timing block
-		 */
-		fill_detailed_lvds_block(det_mon, pmode);
-		/* the filed timing block should be set preferred*/
-		edid_mon->features.msc |= 0x2;
-		det_mon = det_mon + 1;
+	max_vrefresh = max(max_vrefresh, 60.0);
+	max_vrefresh *= (1 + SYNC_TOLERANCE);
+	m = xf86GetDefaultModes();
+	xf86ValidateModesSize(output->scrn, m, max_x, max_y, 0);
+	for (i = m; i; i = i->next) {
+	    if (xf86ModeVRefresh(i) > max_vrefresh)
+		i->status = MODE_VSYNC;
+	    if (p && i->HDisplay >= p->HDisplay &&
+		i->VDisplay >= p->VDisplay &&
+		xf86ModeVRefresh(i) >= xf86ModeVRefresh(p))
+		i->status = MODE_VSYNC;
-	/* Set wide sync ranges so we get all modes
-	 * handed to valid_mode for checking
-	 */
-	det_mon->type = DS_RANGES;
-	det_mon->section.ranges.min_v = 0;
-	det_mon->section.ranges.max_v = 200;
-	det_mon->section.ranges.min_h = 0;
-	det_mon->section.ranges.max_h = 200;
-	output->MonInfo = edid_mon;
-	return 0;
+	xf86PruneInvalidModes(output->scrn, &m, FALSE);
+	modes = xf86ModesAdd(modes, m);
+    }
+    return modes;
 static DisplayModePtr
@@ -854,8 +793,11 @@ drmmode_output_get_modes(xf86OutputPtr output)
 		if (!p_lvds->hdisplay || !p_lvds->vdisplay)
 			xf86DrvMsg(output->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR,
 				"Incorrect KMS mode.\n");
-		drmmode_output_lvds_edid(output, p_lvds);
+	if (koutput->connector_type ==  DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_LVDS)
+		Modes = drmmode_output_lvds_edid(output, Modes);
 	return Modes;

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