[Intel-gfx] Is 945GM graphic core compatible with other chipset, for example 965 or G45?

Liu Xin xin.liu at autosoft.com.cn
Wed Oct 28 09:36:37 CET 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are using 945GM and investigate the driver performance, but we only saw PRM of G45 and 965/G35, it seems that graphic core of 965 and G35 are compabible, but G45 is different, is it correct? I wonder if graphic core of 945GM is compatible with any of the others. From readme of the downloaded xf86 driver, it seems that 945's driver is contained in 915 driver, would you please explain how can I get the necessary information if I want to modify the 945GM driver?
Thanks and B.R.
Liu Xin
Room2501, Tower A, Ocean Express Building,
No.66 Xiaguangli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, China

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