[Intel-gfx] LID and xrandr bug

ykzhao yakui.zhao at intel.com
Fri Mar 19 01:41:26 CET 2010

On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 22:55 +0800, Lukas Hejtmanek wrote:
> Hello,
> I discovered a bug related to xrandr.
> If I close the LID and run (remotely) xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto, the
> resolution of desktop is set to 320x200.
> This also happens if I close the LID and put running notebook into docking
> station. xfce environment calls something similar to xrandr --output LVDS1
> --auto.
> I have i965GM graphic (Lenovo ThinkPad T61), 2.6.33 vanilla kernel + 1.7.5
> xserver + git intel driver (commit 1730af4437530ab7f6fe6ca74b16efb4a843b3ae).

   Do you attach the external monitor when the LID is closed?
   Please add the boot option of "drm.debug=0x04" and attach the output
of dmesg.


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