[Intel-gfx] GM45 and Full-HD video

Claudio claudiomkd at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 16:36:26 CET 2010

Hello again,

Thank you for the information. I just tried it, now the video goes fine, but
the audio is getting desynced all the time. Even if I adjust it with the AV
delay setting, I get it out of sync every few seconds.

Anyway, I guess I will have to wait for a more proper solution. So nothing
planned for Intel 2.12?

Thank you for your quick and helpful reply.

Best regards,

2010/3/21 Niccolò Belli <darkbasic4 at gmail.com>

> 2010/3/21 Claudio <claudiomkd at gmail.com>:
> >Do I need driver 2.11.0 for
> > playing back Full-HD video on my Debian Sid?
> No, there is still no way to accelerate h264 video decoding with the
> gpu on linux.
> You will have to wait few months until it will be implemented, in the
> meanwhile you can use mplayer-mt (mplayer with built-in ffmpeg-mt) if
> you have a dual core.
> I can play 1080p videos flawlessly with my core 2 duo 1.4 Ghz ultra
> low voltage and mplayer-mt.
> Cheers,
> Darkbasic
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Claudio M. Camacho
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