[Intel-gfx] How can I set non-60Hz-Modes?

Oliver Seitz info at vtnd.de
Wed Aug 10 19:58:45 CEST 2011

On 10.08.2011 18:21, Felix Miata wrote:
> On 2011/08/10 14:15 (GMT+0200) Oliver Seitz composed:
>> Configuration of software is not done through conf files anymore, it is
>> done using hardware. If autodetection gives values you do not want, you
>> have to alter the hardware.
> I can't imagine people trying to configure multihead without .conf
> files. How's that supposed to work?

I've been exaggerating a bit, I must confess... But, to keep things 
straight, I really did multihead setup using xrandr in a startup script.


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