[Intel-gfx] Blank screen with 82852/855GM

Daniel I. Applebaum intel-gfx at danapple.com
Sun Jan 23 18:26:28 CET 2011

Hello, all.  I'm having a puzzling problem getting Xorg to work with the 
Intel 82852/855GM in my "Twister 852" computer using the "intel" driver 
in Debian 5 "squeeze" (testing)  (I also tried lenny/stable with similar 
results) .  I have used this system for the last few years on Debian 
etch(?) with the Intel embedded drivers, which worked OK.  This time I 
figured I would try a more "stock" configuration, as getting the 
embedded drivers to work took quite some time.

The graphics outputs are connected to an LCD TV (Westinghouse LVM-37w3) 
via DVI and VGA.

I do boot the machine in "kernel mode switching" mode, which means that 
the console output disappears very quickly on boot and none of the 
virtual terminals are usable.  That's problem one (but non-critical for 
now)  X will not start when KMS is disabled.

The second (and more important) problem is that I can only get X to work 
using the VGA output, which is not very good (for one thing, the TV 
underscans, so I don't get the full display area). 

Using xrandr, I can get VGA output to work:
xrandr --output VGA1 --off --output LVDS1 --off --output DVI1 --off
xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080

However, doing this:
xrandr --output VGA1 --off --output LVDS1 --off --output DVI1 --off
xrandr --output DVI1 --mode 1920x1080
does not result in usable DVI output.  However, I can change the color 
of the display using xsetroot!
xsetroot -solid \#555    # results in grey
xsetroot -solid \#faa     # results in pink
The mouse cursor is not visible, and other programs, such as xterm, do 
not appear.

I am running without an xorg.conf file, have tried running with an 
xorg.conf and tried using the "vesa" driver.  With the "vesa" driver, 
the KDE login appears on the DVI output, but does not take the full 
screen.  It is a narrow strip down the center of the monitor.  (Seems 
like the scan rates are wrong and I have not tried getting them right.)

I have attached the xrandr output, the Xorg.0.log from a startup of Xorg 
without an xorg.conf, and the XF86Config-4 that works with Debian etch & 
IEGD.  In this configuration, I use 915resolution with "MODE=auto"

I'd be happy to try almost anything that does not require soldering!


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