[Intel-gfx] Dual Monitor Issue. One monitor is partly visible on another

Gabriel Torreiro de Moraes gtmoraes1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 21:47:14 CET 2011

(Original post here:
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10593195#post10593195 )


I love ubuntu, but sometimes it just drives me crazy.

Right now, I need to use a dual-monitor setup. Be it for my casual
desktop usage, or to my projects and programs presentations with a
slideshow. The latter is critical and that's why I'm here.

So, after some Intel Drivers update, some programs started to work
nicely, faster and beautifully. But it corrupted my Dual-Monitor Setup.
I don't know what to say, I'm totally desperate. I had to show one of my
programs to my teacher using a projector, but with the dual monitor
corruption, I called in sick today. I need to use the netbook screen to
make changes on the program and the second monitor/projector to show the
program working.

I'll show some pictures, but I'm without a camera right now, so I'll use
one china-phone that's hanging around here to take a picture. Sorry for
the quality.
Both Monitors, you can see on the right of the bigger one the corruption
I'm talking about.

Mouse pointer misplacement

Part of the primary monitor (LVDS) and an 'accessible' black area. 

It gets corrected when I disable Compiz, but I would like to use the
Compiz with the dual-monitor setup, like I could before

It wasn't like this before updating the graphics. It was plug-and-play,
tottally working, with or without Compiz enabled. What might be the
cause? Do I need to create a Xorg.conf file? Update something?

Please help me =( Thanks

Ubuntu Maverick, Intel 4500 Mobile HD. Projector and my Monitor are
connected thru HDMI. Doesn't matter if I change the resolution, stays
the same.


I tested something here. I've set up the netbook (LVDS) monitor as the
right one
This way, he's the one that becomes bugged, and the big one (now
primary) works beautifully.
So, the left one will always work, the right one will have the problem
Placing monitors on top of another renders a black screen on one of
them. Mouse cursor is still visible moving around even though the screen
is black

I'm lost here =(


I've tried deleting my xorg.conf. No luck, stays the same thing.
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