[Intel-gfx] Dual Monitor Issue. One monitor is partly visible on another

Gabriel Torreiro de Moraes gtmoraes1 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 03:43:41 CET 2011

With 2.6.38-4, it is working 99,9% =) There is no more mouse
misplacement or partial desktop, but I'm having another little issue
(more like a paper-cut)
All my system notifications (User came online on emesene, volume level,
brightness level, etc..) are being shown on the second monitor. Also
there's some dead space on top of the left monitor (LVDS).
Resolutions are 1366x768 (LVDS - left | Primary) and 1920x1080 (HDMI -
right). Is there any way to limit the upper space and show the
notifications on the primary monitor? (I've set the LVDS as primary on
xrandr; folders and GNOME panel are shown on LVDS, but notifications.)
Sorry for the newb question, but I'm still learning my way through
Linux. I'll be helping people with similar questions, also

Thanks =)

Em Qui, 2011-03-24 às 00:57 +0100, Marc Deop escreveu:

> On Wednesday 23 March 2011 17:59:47 Gabriel Torreiro de Moraes wrote:
> > But, how should I proceed? I've installed everything on the 2010Q4 link
> > on the site. As far as I know, it's the latest ones, right?
> What kernel version are you running?

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