[Intel-gfx] Installing intel graphic driver on slackware12.0

chloe_wang chloe_w at ms.usi.com.tw
Tue Jan 17 07:21:23 CET 2012



I am trying to install intel graphic driver on Slackware 12.0.

I use Intel 2010 Q1 graphic package which is need kernel 2.6.33 which differ
from Slackware 12.0

So I update my kernel and install related package for the driver.

However, when I want to initiate X window, the error occurred.

Please see the enclosed log file.


Would you please help me to figure out this problem?

Thank you.


Best regards,

Chloe Wang 

Tel: 886-2-27820366 Ext : 3113

Fax: 886-2-2783-9765
Mobile: 886-933891869    

Addr: 3F, No. 66, Sanchong Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 115, Taiwan


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