[Intel-gfx] [PATCH] drm/i915: Clean up display pipe register accesses

Antti Koskipää antti.koskipaa at linux.intel.com
Fri Jan 24 13:13:11 CET 2014

On 01/22/14 08:50, Barbalho, Rafael wrote:

> BCLRPAT is in the transcoder, not the pipe.

> PIPERSRC is in the transcoder not in the pipe.

> PIPECONF is in the pipe not the transcoder.

> Missing from that patch is also all the DSP* registers (DSPCNTR,DSPADDR, etc...) those should use the new _PIPE2 macro.

Yes, you are correct. Seems that some of the original macros were wrong.
V2 coming up.

- Antti

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