[Intel-gfx] [maintainer-tools PATCH v2] dim: Add examples section to dim.rst

Sean Paul seanpaul at chromium.org
Wed Apr 5 19:59:52 UTC 2017

Along with a recipe for creating a topic branch and sending a pull
request from it.

Signed-off-by: Sean Paul <seanpaul at chromium.org>

Changes in v2:
  - Address danvet's comments
    - added paragraph about selecting a baseline
    - s_origin/master_*baseline*_
    - s/build test/test/
    - add breadcrumb in drm-misc docs

 dim.rst      | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drm-misc.rst |  3 ++-
 2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/dim.rst b/dim.rst
index b99248e..3dd19f9 100644
--- a/dim.rst
+++ b/dim.rst
@@ -472,6 +472,63 @@ listed using the **list-aliases** subcommand.
 The alias functionality requires **bash(1)** version 4.3 or later to work.
+Cross-subsystem topic branches
+So you want to send a pull request to another subsystem? Maintainers will likely
+get cranky if you ask them to pull a swath of unrelated drm patches, so we'll
+use a topic branch based upon Linus' tree with only the relevant patches.
+First select a suitable *baseline* for your topic branch. For topic
+branches shared within the gpu/drm subsystem, base it on the latest
+drm-next branch. For anything else, base it on the latest -rc tag from
+Upstream (not just any random position). In very rare cases you might need
+to apply topic branch pull requests from other maintainers before you can
+apply patches to construct a suitable baseline first.
+Next, create the topic branch using dim. Use whichever dim remote is most
+applicable, and name the branch in a manner that describes the set of patches
+you want pulled. The upstream will be Linus' tree.
+  $ dim create-branch *dim-remote*/topic/*topic-branch* *baseline*
+Once the branch is created, you can apply the patches to be pulled.
+  $ dim apply-branch topic/*topic-branch*
+Test your new topic branch and push it.
+  $ dim push-branch topic/*topic-branch*
+Ensure that your topic branch was merged into drm-tip. The drm-tip tree is
+located in $DIM_PREFIX/drm-tip, test it to ensure the new topic branch
+didn't break anything.
+Once you're satisfied that nothing is broken, create the pull request.
+  $ dim pull-request topic/*topic-branch* *baseline*
+You'll be prompted to enter a tag description and your mail user agent will open
+with the pull request email. Change names and emails as appropriate to reflect
+who the sender and recipient of the pull is, and send it.
+Once the pull has been acked by your maintainer counterpart, you can pull it
+into the appropriate local dim branch.
+  $ dim apply-pull *dim-branch*
+Perform a final test, and push *dim-branch* to *dim-remote*.
+  $ dim push-branch *dim-branch*
+You can now remove the topic branch, as it is no longer useful (you could remove
+it any time after the pull request, since it creates a tag, but this is as good
+a place as any).
+  $ dim remove-branch topic/*topic-branch*
diff --git a/drm-misc.rst b/drm-misc.rst
index 8c6e4bf..45ea795 100644
--- a/drm-misc.rst
+++ b/drm-misc.rst
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ Right now the only hard merge criteria are:
 * Any non-linear actions (backmerges, merging topic branches and sending out
   pull requests) are only done by the official drm-misc maintainers (currently
-  Daniel, Jani and Sean, see MAINTAINERS), and not by committers.
+  Daniel, Jani and Sean, see MAINTAINERS), and not by committers. See the
+  `examples section in dim <dim.html#examples>`_ for more info
 * All the x86, arm and arm64 DRM drivers need to still compile. To simplify this
   we track defconfigs for all three platforms in the `drm-intel-rerere` branch.

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