[Intel-gfx] [PATCH igt] igt/gem_workarounds: Read the workaround registers from the active context

Chris Wilson chris at chris-wilson.co.uk
Tue Sep 26 22:21:24 UTC 2017

The workarounds are only valid whilst the GPU is active. To be sure we
are reading the registers in the right state, issue the reads from the GPU.

Signed-off-by: Chris Wilson <chris at chris-wilson.co.uk>
 tests/gem_workarounds.c | 138 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/gem_workarounds.c b/tests/gem_workarounds.c
index d6641bd5..e5db1b39 100644
--- a/tests/gem_workarounds.c
+++ b/tests/gem_workarounds.c
@@ -44,66 +44,100 @@ struct intel_wa_reg {
 static struct intel_wa_reg *wa_regs;
 static int num_wa_regs;
-static void wait_gpu(void)
-	int fd = drm_open_driver(DRIVER_INTEL);
-	gem_quiescent_gpu(fd);
-	close(fd);
-static void test_hang_gpu(void)
-	int fd = drm_open_driver(DRIVER_INTEL);
-	igt_post_hang_ring(fd, igt_hang_ring(fd, I915_EXEC_DEFAULT));
-	close(fd);
 static void test_suspend_resume(void)
 	igt_info("Suspending the device ...\n");
 	igt_system_suspend_autoresume(SUSPEND_STATE_MEM, SUSPEND_TEST_NONE);
-static int workaround_fail_count(void)
+#define MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM (0x24 << 23)
+static int workaround_fail_count(int fd)
-	int i, fail_count = 0;
+	const int gen = intel_gen(intel_get_drm_devid(fd));
+	struct drm_i915_gem_exec_object2 obj[2];
+	struct drm_i915_gem_relocation_entry *reloc;
+	struct drm_i915_gem_execbuffer2 execbuf;
+	uint32_t result_sz, batch_sz;
+	uint32_t *base, *out;
+	int fail_count = 0;
+	reloc = calloc(num_wa_regs, sizeof(*reloc));
+	igt_assert(reloc);
+	result_sz = 4 * num_wa_regs;
+	result_sz = (result_sz + 4095) & -4096;
+	batch_sz = 16 * num_wa_regs;
+	batch_sz = (batch_sz + 4 + 4095) & -4096;
+	memset(obj, 0, sizeof(obj));
+	obj[0].handle = gem_create(fd, result_sz);
+	gem_set_caching(fd, obj[0].handle, 1);
+	obj[1].handle = gem_create(fd, batch_sz);
+	obj[1].relocs_ptr = to_user_pointer(reloc);
+	obj[1].relocation_count = num_wa_regs;
+	out = base = gem_mmap__cpu(fd, obj[1].handle, 0, batch_sz, PROT_WRITE);
+	for (int i = 0; i < num_wa_regs; i++) {
+		*out++ = MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM | ((gen >= 8 ? 4 : 2) - 2);
+		*out++ = wa_regs[i].addr;
+		reloc[i].target_handle = obj[0].handle;
+		reloc[i].offset = (out - base) * sizeof(*out);
+		reloc[i].delta = i * sizeof(uint32_t);
+		reloc[i].read_domains = I915_GEM_DOMAIN_INSTRUCTION;
+		reloc[i].write_domain = I915_GEM_DOMAIN_INSTRUCTION;
+		*out++ = reloc[i].delta;
+		if (gen >= 8)
+			*out++ = 0;
+	}
+	munmap(base, batch_sz);
+	memset(&execbuf, 0, sizeof(execbuf));
+	execbuf.buffers_ptr = to_user_pointer(obj);
+	execbuf.buffer_count = 2;
+	gem_execbuf(fd, &execbuf);
-	/* There is a small delay after coming ot of rc6 to the correct
-	   render context values will get loaded by hardware (bdw,chv).
-	   This here ensures that we have the correct context loaded before
-	   we start to read values */
-	wait_gpu();
+	gem_set_domain(fd, obj[0].handle, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_CPU, 0);
-	for (i = 0; i < num_wa_regs; ++i) {
-		const uint32_t val = intel_register_read(wa_regs[i].addr);
-		const bool ok = (wa_regs[i].value & wa_regs[i].mask) ==
-			(val & wa_regs[i].mask);
+	out = gem_mmap__cpu(fd, obj[0].handle, 0, result_sz, PROT_READ);
+	for (int i = 0; i < num_wa_regs; i++) {
+		const bool ok =
+			(wa_regs[i].value & wa_regs[i].mask) ==
+			(out[i] & wa_regs[i].mask);
+		char buf[80];
-		igt_debug("0x%05X\t0x%08X\t0x%08X\t0x%08X\t%s\n",
-			  wa_regs[i].addr, wa_regs[i].value, wa_regs[i].mask,
-			  val, ok ? "OK" : "FAIL");
+		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+			 "0x%05X\t0x%08X\t0x%08X\t0x%08X",
+			 wa_regs[i].addr, wa_regs[i].value, wa_regs[i].mask,
+			 out[i]);
 		if (!ok) {
-			igt_warn("0x%05X\t0x%08X\t0x%08X\t0x%08X\t%s\n",
-				 wa_regs[i].addr, wa_regs[i].value,
-				 wa_regs[i].mask,
-				 val, ok ? "OK" : "FAIL");
+			igt_warn("%s\tFAIL\n", buf);
+		} else {
+			igt_debug("%s\tOK\n", buf);
+	munmap(out, result_sz);
+	gem_close(fd, obj[1].handle);
+	gem_close(fd, obj[0].handle);
+	free(reloc);
 	return fail_count;
-static void check_workarounds(enum operation op)
+static void check_workarounds(int fd, enum operation op)
-	igt_assert_eq(workaround_fail_count(), 0);
+	igt_assert_eq(workaround_fail_count(fd), 0);
 	switch (op) {
 	case GPU_RESET:
-		test_hang_gpu();
+		igt_force_gpu_reset(fd);
@@ -117,39 +151,28 @@ static void check_workarounds(enum operation op)
-	igt_assert_eq(workaround_fail_count(), 0);
+	igt_assert_eq(workaround_fail_count(fd), 0);
+	int device = -1;
 	igt_fixture {
-		int device = drm_open_driver_master(DRIVER_INTEL);
-		const int gen = intel_gen(intel_get_drm_devid(device));
-		struct pci_device *pci_dev;
 		FILE *file;
 		char *line = NULL;
 		size_t line_size;
 		int i, fd;
+		device = drm_open_driver(DRIVER_INTEL);
-		pci_dev = intel_get_pci_device();
-		igt_require(pci_dev);
-		intel_register_access_init(pci_dev, 0, device);
 		fd = igt_debugfs_open(device, "i915_wa_registers", O_RDONLY);
 		file = fdopen(fd, "r");
 		igt_assert(getline(&line, &line_size, file) > 0);
 		igt_debug("i915_wa_registers: %s", line);
 		sscanf(line, "Workarounds applied: %d", &num_wa_regs);
-		/* For newer gens, the lri wa list has always something.
-		 * If it doesn't, go and add one. */
-		if (gen >= 8)
-			igt_assert_lt(0, num_wa_regs);
-		else
-			igt_assert_lte(0, num_wa_regs);
+		igt_require(num_wa_regs > 0);
 		wa_regs = malloc(num_wa_regs * sizeof(*wa_regs));
@@ -169,21 +192,14 @@ igt_main
-		close(device);
-		check_workarounds(SIMPLE_READ);
+		check_workarounds(device, SIMPLE_READ);
-		check_workarounds(GPU_RESET);
+		check_workarounds(device, GPU_RESET);
-		check_workarounds(SUSPEND_RESUME);
-	igt_fixture {
-		free(wa_regs);
-		intel_register_access_fini();
-	}
+		check_workarounds(device, SUSPEND_RESUME);

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