[Intel-gfx] [PATCH] i915/gem: Force HW tracking to exit PSR

Chris Wilson chris at chris-wilson.co.uk
Fri Aug 7 12:00:06 UTC 2020

Quoting Gaurav K Singh (2020-08-07 12:56:33)
> Instead of calling i915_gem_object_invalidate_frontbuffer(),
> call i915_gem_object_flush_frontbuffer() which will eventually
> call psr_force_hw_tracking_exit(). This will force HW tracking
> to exit PSR instead of disabling and re-enabling.

set-domain is before the frontbuffer is dirtied. This is meant to be
followed by either sw_finish (primarily for direct CPU access to the
frontbuffer) or the more modern approach of marking the framebuffer

If you following the API, then we have a problem. But it sounds like
it could be circumventing an important step.

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