[Intel-gfx] [RFC v2 01/22] drm: RFC for Plane Color Hardware Pipeline

Harry Wentland harry.wentland at amd.com
Tue Nov 23 15:05:05 UTC 2021

On 2021-09-06 17:38, Uma Shankar wrote:
> This is a RFC proposal for plane color hardware blocks.
> It exposes the property interface to userspace and calls
> out the details or interfaces created and the intended
> purpose.
> Credits: Ville Syrjälä <ville.syrjala at linux.intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Uma Shankar <uma.shankar at intel.com>
> ---
>  Documentation/gpu/rfc/drm_color_pipeline.rst | 167 +++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 167 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 Documentation/gpu/rfc/drm_color_pipeline.rst
> diff --git a/Documentation/gpu/rfc/drm_color_pipeline.rst b/Documentation/gpu/rfc/drm_color_pipeline.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..0d1ca858783b
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/Documentation/gpu/rfc/drm_color_pipeline.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
> +==================================================
> +Display Color Pipeline: Proposed DRM Properties
> +==================================================
> +
> +This is how a typical display color hardware pipeline looks like:
> + +-------------------------------------------+
> + |                RAM                        |
> + |  +------+    +---------+    +---------+   |
> + |  | FB 1 |    |  FB 2   |    | FB N    |   |
> + |  +------+    +---------+    +---------+   |
> + +-------------------------------------------+
> +       |  Plane Color Hardware Block |
> + +--------------------------------------------+
> + | +---v-----+   +---v-------+   +---v------+ |
> + | | Plane A |   | Plane B   |   | Plane N  | |
> + | | DeGamma |   | Degamma   |   | Degamma  | |
> + | +---+-----+   +---+-------+   +---+------+ |
> + |     |             |               |        |
> + | +---v-----+   +---v-------+   +---v------+ |
> + | |Plane A  |   | Plane B   |   | Plane N  | |
> + | |CSC/CTM  |   | CSC/CTM   |   | CSC/CTM  | |
> + | +---+-----+   +----+------+   +----+-----+ |
> + |     |              |               |       |
> + | +---v-----+   +----v------+   +----v-----+ |
> + | | Plane A |   | Plane B   |   | Plane N  | |
> + | | Gamma   |   | Gamma     |   | Gamma    | |
> + | +---+-----+   +----+------+   +----+-----+ |
> + |     |              |               |       |
> + +--------------------------------------------+
> ++------v--------------v---------------v-------|
> +||                                           ||
> +||           Pipe Blender                    ||
> ++--------------------+------------------------+
> +|                    |                        |
> +|        +-----------v----------+             |
> +|        |  Pipe DeGamma        |             |
> +|        |                      |             |
> +|        +-----------+----------+             |
> +|                    |            Pipe Color  |
> +|        +-----------v----------+ Hardware    |
> +|        |  Pipe CSC/CTM        |             |
> +|        |                      |             |
> +|        +-----------+----------+             |
> +|                    |                        |
> +|        +-----------v----------+             |
> +|        |  Pipe Gamma          |             |
> +|        |                      |             |
> +|        +-----------+----------+             |
> +|                    |                        |
> ++---------------------------------------------+
> +                     |
> +                     v
> +               Pipe Output
> +

This diagram defines what happens before and after the blending
space but did where does scaling fit into it? Scaling can look
different when performed in linear or non-linear space so I think
it is important to define where in the pipeline it sits.

In my view scaling would happen between plane degamma and plane CSC.


> +Proposal is to have below properties for a plane:
> +
> +* Plane Degamma or Pre-Curve:
> +	* This will be used to linearize the input framebuffer data.
> +	* It will apply the reverse of the color transfer function.
> +	* It can be a degamma curve or OETF for HDR.
> +	* This linear data can be further acted on by the following
> +	* color hardware blocks in the display hardware pipeline
> +
> +Description: Enum property with values as blob_id's which advertizes the
> +	    possible degamma modes and lut ranges supported by the platform.
> +	    This  allows userspace to query and get the plane degamma color
> +	    caps and choose the appropriate degamma mode and create lut values
> +	    accordingly.
> +
> +Description: Blob property which allows a userspace to provide LUT values
> +	     to apply degamma curve using the h/w plane degamma processing
> +	     engine, thereby making the content as linear for further color
> +	     processing. Userspace gets the size of LUT and precision etc
> +	
> +* Plane CTM
> +	* This is a Property to program the color transformation matrix.
> +	* This can be used to perform a color space conversion like
> +	* BT2020 to BT709 or BT601 etc.
> +	* This block is generally kept after the degamma unit so that
> +	* linear data can be fed to it for conversion.
> +
> +Description: Blob property which allows a userspace to provide CTM coefficients
> +	     to do color space conversion or any other enhancement by doing a
> +	     matrix multiplication using the h/w CTM processing engine
> +
> +* Plane Gamma or Post-Curve
> +	* This can be used to perform 2 operations:
> +		* non-lineralize the framebuffer data. Can be used for
> +		* non linear blending. It can be a gamma curve or EOTF
> +		* for HDR.
> +		* Perform Tone Mapping operation. This is an operation
> +		* done when blending is done with HDR and SDR content.
> +
> +Description: Enum property with values as blob_id's which advertizes the
> +	    possible gamma modes and lut ranges supported by the platform.
> +	    This  allows userspace to query and get the plane gamma color
> +	    caps and choose the appropriate gamma mode and create lut values
> +	    accordingly.
> +
> +Description: Blob property which allows a userspace to provide LUT values
> +	     to apply gamma curve or perform tone mapping using the h/w plane
> +	     gamma processing engine, thereby making the content as linear
> +	     for further color processing. Userspace gets the size of LUT and
> +	     precision etc from PLANE_GAMA_MODE_PROPERTY
> +	
> +This is part of one plane engine. Data from multiple planes will be
> +then fed to pipe where it will get blended. There is a similar set of
> +properties available at crtc level which acts on this blended data.
> +
> +Below is a sample usecase:
> +
> +  ┌────────────┐      ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐
> +  │FB1         │      │Degamma Block│     │ CTM Matrix  │     │ Gamma Block │
> +  │            ├─────►│Linearize-   ├────►│ BT709 to    ├────►│ SDR to HDR  │
> +  │BT709 SDR   │      │BT709 inverse│     │ BT2020      │     │ Tone Mapping├────────┐
> +  └────────────┘      └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘        │
> +                                                                                     │
> +  ┌────────────┐      ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐        │
> +  │FB2         │      │Degamma Block│     │ CTM Matrix  │     │ Gamma Block │        │
> +  │            ├─────►│Linearize-   ├────►│ BT601 to    ├────►│ SDR to HDR  ├─────┐  │
> +  │BT601 SDR   │      │BT601 inverse│     │ BT2020      │     │ Tone Mapping│     │  │
> +  └────────────┘      └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘     │  │
> +                                                                                  │  │
> +  ┌────────────┐      ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐     │  │
> +  │FB3         │      │Degamma Block│     │ CTM Matrix  │     │ Gamma Block │     │  │
> +  │            ├─────►│Linearize-   ├────►│ NOP (Data in├────►│ NOP (Data in├───┐ │  │
> +  │BT2020 HDR  │      │HDR OETF     │     │ BT2020)     │     │ HDR)        │   │ │  │
> +  └────────────┘      └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘   │ │  │
> +                                                                                │ │  │
> +                                                                                │ │  │
> +                                                                                │ │  │
> +┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─┴──┘
> +│
> +│ ┌─────────────┐      ┌─────────────┐      ┌───────────────┐
> +│ │ CRTC Degamma│      │ CRTC CTM    │      │ CRTC Gamma    │
> +└─┤ Use to make ├─────►│ Use for any ├─────►│ Use for Tone  ├─────► TO Port
> +  │ data linear │      │ Color Space │      │ Mapping/apply │
> +  │ after blend │      │ Conversion  │      │ transfer func │
> +  └─────────────┘      └─────────────┘      └───────────────┘
> +
> +
> +This patch series adds properties for plane color features. It adds
> +properties for degamma used to linearize data and CSC used for gamut
> +conversion. It also includes Gamma support used to again non-linearize
> +data as per panel supported color space. These can be utilize by user
> +space to convert planes from one format to another, one color space to
> +another etc.
> +
> +Userspace can take smart blending decisions and utilize these hardware
> +supported plane color features to get accurate color profile. The same
> +can help in consistent color quality from source to panel taking
> +advantage of advanced color features in hardware.
> +
> +These patches add the property interfaces and enable helper functions.
> +This series adds Intel's XE_LPD hw specific plane gamma feature. We
> +can build up and add other platform/hardware specific implementation
> +on top of this series.
> +
> +Credits: Special mention and credits to Ville Syrjala for coming up
> +with a design for this feature and inputs. This series is based on
> +his original design and idea.

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