[Intel-gfx] [CI i-g-t 2/2] intel_gpu_top: Remove clients support

Tvrtko Ursulin tvrtko.ursulin at linux.intel.com
Fri Nov 26 14:20:17 UTC 2021

From: Tvrtko Ursulin <tvrtko.ursulin at intel.com>

When kernel feature was removed the intel_gpu_top part was forgotten.

Signed-off-by: Tvrtko Ursulin <tvrtko.ursulin at intel.com>
Cc: Daniel Vetter <daniel.vetter at ffwll.ch>
Acked-by: Petri Latvala <petri.latvala at intel.com>
 man/intel_gpu_top.rst |   4 -
 tools/intel_gpu_top.c | 810 +-----------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 813 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/intel_gpu_top.rst b/man/intel_gpu_top.rst
index f4dbfc5b44d9..b3b765b05feb 100644
--- a/man/intel_gpu_top.rst
+++ b/man/intel_gpu_top.rst
@@ -56,10 +56,6 @@ Supported keys:
     'q'    Exit from the tool.
     'h'    Show interactive help.
     '1'    Toggle between aggregated engine class and physical engine mode.
-    'n'    Toggle display of numeric client busyness overlay.
-    's'    Toggle between sort modes (runtime, total runtime, pid, client id).
-    'i'    Toggle display of clients which used no GPU time.
-    'H'    Toggle between per PID aggregation and individual clients.
diff --git a/tools/intel_gpu_top.c b/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
index 7311038a39f4..41c59a72c09d 100644
--- a/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
+++ b/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
@@ -627,562 +627,6 @@ static void pmu_sample(struct engines *engines)
-enum client_status {
-	FREE = 0, /* mbz */
-struct clients;
-struct client {
-	struct clients *clients;
-	enum client_status status;
-	int sysfs_root;
-	int busy_root;
-	unsigned int id;
-	unsigned int pid;
-	char name[24];
-	char print_name[24];
-	unsigned int samples;
-	unsigned long total_runtime;
-	unsigned long last_runtime;
-	struct engines *engines;
-	unsigned long *val;
-	uint64_t *last;
-struct clients {
-	unsigned int num_clients;
-	unsigned int active_clients;
-	unsigned int num_classes;
-	struct engine_class *class;
-	char sysfs_root[128];
-	struct client *client;
-#define for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) \
-	for ((tmp) = (clients)->num_clients, c = (clients)->client; \
-	     (tmp > 0); (tmp)--, (c)++)
-static struct clients *init_clients(const char *drm_card)
-	struct clients *clients;
-	const char *slash;
-	ssize_t ret;
-	int dir;
-	clients = malloc(sizeof(*clients));
-	if (!clients)
-		return NULL;
-	memset(clients, 0, sizeof(*clients));
-	if (drm_card) {
-		slash = rindex(drm_card, '/');
-		assert(slash);
-	} else {
-		slash = "card0";
-	}
-	ret = snprintf(clients->sysfs_root, sizeof(clients->sysfs_root),
-		       "/sys/class/drm/%s/clients/", slash);
-	assert(ret > 0 && ret < sizeof(clients->sysfs_root));
-	dir = open(clients->sysfs_root, O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY);
-	if (dir < 0) {
-		free(clients);
-		clients = NULL;
-	} else {
-		close(dir);
-	}
-	return clients;
-static int __read_to_buf(int fd, char *buf, unsigned int bufsize)
-	ssize_t ret;
-	int err;
-	ret = read(fd, buf, bufsize - 1);
-	err = errno;
-	if (ret < 1) {
-		errno = ret < 0 ? err : ENOMSG;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (ret > 1 && buf[ret - 1] == '\n')
-		buf[ret - 1] = '\0';
-	else
-		buf[ret] = '\0';
-	return 0;
-static int
-__read_client_field(int root, const char *field, char *buf, unsigned int bufsize)
-	int fd, ret;
-	fd = openat(root, field, O_RDONLY);
-	if (fd < 0)
-		return -1;
-	ret = __read_to_buf(fd, buf, bufsize);
-	close(fd);
-	return ret;
-static uint64_t
-read_client_busy(struct client *client, unsigned int class)
-	const char *class_str[] = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" };
-	char buf[256], *b;
-	int ret;
-	assert(class < ARRAY_SIZE(class_str));
-	if (class >= ARRAY_SIZE(class_str))
-		return 0;
-	assert(client->sysfs_root >= 0);
-	if (client->sysfs_root < 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (client->busy_root < 0)
-		client->busy_root = openat(client->sysfs_root, "busy",
-	assert(client->busy_root);
-	if (client->busy_root < 0)
-		return 0;
-	ret = __read_client_field(client->busy_root, class_str[class], buf,
-				  sizeof(buf));
-	if (ret) {
-		close(client->busy_root);
-		client->busy_root = -1;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Handle both single integer and key=value formats by skipping
-	 * leading non-digits.
-	 */
-	b = buf;
-	while (*b && !isdigit(*b))
-		b++;
-	return strtoull(b, NULL, 10);
-static struct client *
-find_client(struct clients *clients, enum client_status status, unsigned int id)
-	unsigned int start, num;
-	struct client *c;
-	start = status == FREE ? clients->active_clients : 0; /* Free block at the end. */
-	num = clients->num_clients - start;
-	for (c = &clients->client[start]; num; c++, num--) {
-		if (status != c->status)
-			continue;
-		if (status == FREE || c->id == id)
-			return c;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static void update_client(struct client *c, unsigned int pid, char *name)
-	uint64_t val[c->clients->num_classes];
-	unsigned int i;
-	if (c->pid != pid)
-		c->pid = pid;
-	if (strcmp(c->name, name)) {
-		char *p;
-		strncpy(c->name, name, sizeof(c->name) - 1);
-		strncpy(c->print_name, name, sizeof(c->print_name) - 1);
-		p = c->print_name;
-		while (*p) {
-			if (!isprint(*p))
-				*p = '*';
-			p++;
-		}
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < c->clients->num_classes; i++)
-		val[i] = read_client_busy(c, c->clients->class[i].class);
-	c->last_runtime = 0;
-	c->total_runtime = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < c->clients->num_classes; i++) {
-		if (val[i] < c->last[i])
-			continue; /* It will catch up soon. */
-		c->total_runtime += val[i];
-		c->val[i] = val[i] - c->last[i];
-		c->last_runtime += c->val[i];
-		c->last[i] = val[i];
-	}
-	c->samples++;
-	c->status = ALIVE;
-static void
-add_client(struct clients *clients, unsigned int id, unsigned int pid,
-	   char *name, int sysfs_root)
-	struct client *c;
-	assert(!find_client(clients, ALIVE, id));
-	c = find_client(clients, FREE, 0);
-	if (!c) {
-		unsigned int idx = clients->num_clients;
-		clients->num_clients += (clients->num_clients + 2) / 2;
-		clients->client = realloc(clients->client,
-					  clients->num_clients * sizeof(*c));
-		assert(clients->client);
-		c = &clients->client[idx];
-		memset(c, 0, (clients->num_clients - idx) * sizeof(*c));
-	}
-	c->sysfs_root = sysfs_root;
-	c->busy_root = -1;
-	c->id = id;
-	c->clients = clients;
-	c->val = calloc(clients->num_classes, sizeof(c->val));
-	c->last = calloc(clients->num_classes, sizeof(c->last));
-	assert(c->val && c->last);
-	update_client(c, pid, name);
-static void free_client(struct client *c)
-	if (c->sysfs_root >= 0)
-		close(c->sysfs_root);
-	if (c->busy_root >= 0)
-		close(c->busy_root);
-	free(c->val);
-	free(c->last);
-	memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c));
-static int
-read_client_sysfs(char *buf, int bufsize, const char *sysfs_root,
-		  unsigned int id, const char *field, int *client_root)
-	ssize_t ret;
-	if (*client_root < 0) {
-		char namebuf[256];
-		ret = snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "%s/%u",
-			       sysfs_root, id);
-		assert(ret > 0 && ret < sizeof(namebuf));
-		if (ret <= 0 || ret == sizeof(namebuf))
-			return -1;
-		*client_root = open(namebuf, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY);
-	}
-	if (*client_root < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return __read_client_field(*client_root, field, buf, bufsize);
-static int client_last_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
-	const struct client *a = _a;
-	const struct client *b = _b;
-	long tot_a, tot_b;
-	/*
-	 * Sort clients in descending order of runtime in the previous sampling
-	 * period for active ones, followed by inactive. Tie-breaker is client
-	 * id.
-	 */
-	tot_a = a->status == ALIVE ? a->last_runtime : -1;
-	tot_b = b->status == ALIVE ? b->last_runtime : -1;
-	tot_b -= tot_a;
-	if (tot_b > 0)
-		return 1;
-	if (tot_b < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return (int)b->id - a->id;
-static int client_total_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
-	const struct client *a = _a;
-	const struct client *b = _b;
-	long tot_a, tot_b;
-	tot_a = a->status == ALIVE ? a->total_runtime : -1;
-	tot_b = b->status == ALIVE ? b->total_runtime : -1;
-	tot_b -= tot_a;
-	if (tot_b > 0)
-		return 1;
-	if (tot_b < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return (int)b->id - a->id;
-static int client_id_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
-	const struct client *a = _a;
-	const struct client *b = _b;
-	int id_a, id_b;
-	id_a = a->status == ALIVE ? a->id : -1;
-	id_b = b->status == ALIVE ? b->id : -1;
-	id_b -= id_a;
-	if (id_b > 0)
-		return 1;
-	if (id_b < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return (int)b->id - a->id;
-static int client_pid_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
-	const struct client *a = _a;
-	const struct client *b = _b;
-	int pid_a, pid_b;
-	pid_a = a->status == ALIVE ? a->pid : INT_MAX;
-	pid_b = b->status == ALIVE ? b->pid : INT_MAX;
-	pid_b -= pid_a;
-	if (pid_b > 0)
-		return -1;
-	if (pid_b < 0)
-		return 1;
-	return (int)a->id - b->id;
-static int (*client_cmp)(const void *, const void *) = client_last_cmp;
-static struct clients *sort_clients(struct clients *clients,
-				    int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
-	unsigned int active, free;
-	struct client *c;
-	int tmp;
-	if (!clients)
-		return clients;
-	qsort(clients->client, clients->num_clients, sizeof(*clients->client),
-	      cmp);
-	/* Trim excessive array space. */
-	active = 0;
-	for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
-		if (c->status != ALIVE)
-			break; /* Active clients are first in the array. */
-		active++;
-	}
-	clients->active_clients = active;
-	free = clients->num_clients - active;
-	if (free > clients->num_clients / 2) {
-		active = clients->num_clients - free / 2;
-		if (active != clients->num_clients) {
-			clients->num_clients = active;
-			clients->client = realloc(clients->client,
-						  clients->num_clients *
-						  sizeof(*c));
-		}
-	}
-	return clients;
-static bool aggregate_pids = true;
-static struct clients *display_clients(struct clients *clients)
-	struct client *ac, *c, *cp = NULL;
-	struct clients *aggregated;
-	int tmp, num = 0;
-	if (!aggregate_pids)
-		goto out;
-	/* Sort by pid first to make it easy to aggregate while walking. */
-	sort_clients(clients, client_pid_cmp);
-	aggregated = calloc(1, sizeof(*clients));
-	assert(aggregated);
-	ac = calloc(clients->num_clients, sizeof(*c));
-	assert(ac);
-	aggregated->num_classes = clients->num_classes;
-	aggregated->class = clients->class;
-	aggregated->client = ac;
-	for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
-		unsigned int i;
-		if (c->status == FREE)
-			break;
-		assert(c->status == ALIVE);
-		if ((cp && c->pid != cp->pid) || !cp) {
-			ac = &aggregated->client[num++];
-			/* New pid. */
-			ac->clients = aggregated;
-			ac->status = ALIVE;
-			ac->id = -c->pid;
-			ac->pid = c->pid;
-			ac->busy_root = -1;
-			ac->sysfs_root = -1;
-			strcpy(ac->name, c->name);
-			strcpy(ac->print_name, c->print_name);
-			ac->engines = c->engines;
-			ac->val = calloc(clients->num_classes,
-					 sizeof(ac->val[0]));
-			assert(ac->val);
-			ac->samples = 1;
-		}
-		cp = c;
-		if (c->samples < 2)
-			continue;
-		ac->samples = 2; /* All what matters for display. */
-		ac->total_runtime += c->total_runtime;
-		ac->last_runtime += c->last_runtime;
-		for (i = 0; i < clients->num_classes; i++)
-			ac->val[i] += c->val[i];
-	}
-	aggregated->num_clients = num;
-	aggregated->active_clients = num;
-	clients = aggregated;
-	return sort_clients(clients, client_cmp);
-static void free_clients(struct clients *clients)
-	struct client *c;
-	unsigned int tmp;
-	for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
-		free(c->val);
-		free(c->last);
-	}
-	free(clients->client);
-	free(clients);
-static struct clients *scan_clients(struct clients *clients)
-	struct dirent *dent;
-	struct client *c;
-	unsigned int id;
-	int tmp;
-	DIR *d;
-	if (!clients)
-		return clients;
-	for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
-		assert(c->status != PROBE);
-		if (c->status == ALIVE)
-			c->status = PROBE;
-		else
-			break; /* Free block at the end of array. */
-	}
-	d = opendir(clients->sysfs_root);
-	if (!d)
-		return clients;
-	while ((dent = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
-		char name[24], pid[24];
-		int ret, root = -1, *pr;
-		if (dent->d_type != DT_DIR)
-			continue;
-		if (!isdigit(dent->d_name[0]))
-			continue;
-		id = atoi(dent->d_name);
-		c = find_client(clients, PROBE, id);
-		if (c)
-			pr = &c->sysfs_root;
-		else
-			pr = &root;
-		ret = read_client_sysfs(name, sizeof(name), clients->sysfs_root,
-					id, "name", pr);
-		ret |= read_client_sysfs(pid, sizeof(pid), clients->sysfs_root,
-					id, "pid", pr);
-		if (!ret) {
-			if (!c)
-				add_client(clients, id, atoi(pid), name, root);
-			else
-				update_client(c, atoi(pid), name);
-		} else if (c) {
-			c->status = PROBE; /* Will be deleted below. */
-		}
-	}
-	closedir(d);
-	for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
-		if (c->status == PROBE)
-			free_client(c);
-		else if (c->status == FREE)
-			break;
-	}
-	return display_clients(clients);
 static const char *bars[] = { " ", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉", "█" };
 static void n_spaces(const unsigned int n)
@@ -1324,18 +768,6 @@ json_close_struct(void)
-static void
-__json_add_member(const char *key, const char *val)
-	assert(json_indent_level < ARRAY_SIZE(json_indent));
-	fprintf(out, "%s%s\"%s\": \"%s\"",
-		json_struct_members ? ",\n" : "",
-		json_indent[json_indent_level], key, val);
-	json_struct_members++;
 static unsigned int
 json_add_member(const struct cnt_group *parent, struct cnt_item *item,
 		unsigned int headers)
@@ -2061,157 +1493,6 @@ print_engines(struct engines *engines, double t, int lines, int w, int h)
 	return lines;
-static int
-print_clients_header(struct clients *clients, int lines,
-		     int con_w, int con_h, int *class_w)
-	if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE) {
-		const char *pidname = "   PID              NAME ";
-		unsigned int num_active = 0;
-		int len = strlen(pidname);
-		if (lines++ >= con_h)
-			return lines;
-		printf("\033[7m");
-		printf("%s", pidname);
-		if (lines++ >= con_h || len >= con_w)
-			return lines;
-		if (clients->num_classes) {
-			unsigned int i;
-			int width;
-			for (i = 0; i < clients->num_classes; i++) {
-				if (clients->class[i].num_engines)
-					num_active++;
-			}
-			*class_w = width = (con_w - len) / num_active;
-			for (i = 0; i < clients->num_classes; i++) {
-				const char *name = clients->class[i].name;
-				int name_len = strlen(name);
-				int pad = (width - name_len) / 2;
-				int spaces = width - pad - name_len;
-				if (!clients->class[i].num_engines)
-					continue; /* Assert in the ideal world. */
-				if (pad < 0 || spaces < 0)
-					continue;
-				n_spaces(pad);
-				printf("%s", name);
-				n_spaces(spaces);
-				len += pad + name_len + spaces;
-			}
-		}
-		n_spaces(con_w - len);
-		printf("\033[0m\n");
-	} else {
-		if (clients->num_classes)
-			pops->open_struct("clients");
-	}
-	return lines;
-static bool numeric_clients;
-static bool filter_idle;
-static int
-print_client(struct client *c, struct engines *engines, double t, int lines,
-	     int con_w, int con_h, unsigned int period_us, int *class_w)
-	struct clients *clients = c->clients;
-	unsigned int i;
-	if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE) {
-		if (filter_idle && (!c->total_runtime || c->samples < 2))
-			return lines;
-		lines++;
-		printf("%6u %17s ", c->pid, c->print_name);
-		for (i = 0; c->samples > 1 && i < clients->num_classes; i++) {
-			double pct;
-			if (!clients->class[i].num_engines)
-				continue; /* Assert in the ideal world. */
-			pct = (double)c->val[i] / period_us / 1e3 * 100 /
-			      clients->class[i].num_engines;
-			/*
-			 * Guard against possible time-drift between sampling
-			 * client data and time we obtained our time-delta from
-			 * PMU.
-			 */
-			if (pct > 100.0)
-				pct = 100.0;
-			print_percentage_bar(pct, *class_w, numeric_clients);
-		}
-		putchar('\n');
-	} else if (output_mode == JSON) {
-		char buf[64];
-		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", c->id);
-		pops->open_struct(buf);
-		__json_add_member("name", c->print_name);
-		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", c->pid);
-		__json_add_member("pid", buf);
-		if (c->samples > 1) {
-			pops->open_struct("engine-classes");
-			for (i = 0; i < clients->num_classes; i++) {
-				double pct;
-				snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s",
-					clients->class[i].name);
-				pops->open_struct(buf);
-				pct = (double)c->val[i] / period_us / 1e3 * 100;
-				snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", pct);
-				__json_add_member("busy", buf);
-				__json_add_member("unit", "%");
-				pops->close_struct();
-			}
-			pops->close_struct();
-		}
-		pops->close_struct();
-	}
-	return lines;
-static int
-print_clients_footer(struct clients *clients, double t,
-		     int lines, int con_w, int con_h)
-	if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE) {
-		if (lines++ < con_h)
-			printf("\n");
-	} else {
-		if (clients->num_classes)
-			pops->close_struct();
-	}
-	return lines;
 static bool stop_top;
 static void sigint_handler(int  sig)
@@ -2267,31 +1548,6 @@ static void interactive_stdin(void)
 	assert(ret == 0);
-static void select_client_sort(void)
-	struct {
-		int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *);
-		const char *msg;
-	} cmp[] = {
-		{ client_last_cmp, "Sorting clients by current GPU usage." },
-		{ client_total_cmp, "Sorting clients by accummulated GPU usage." },
-		{ client_pid_cmp, "Sorting clients by pid." },
-		{ client_id_cmp, "Sorting clients by sysfs id." },
-	};
-	static unsigned int client_sort;
-	if (++client_sort >= ARRAY_SIZE(cmp))
-		client_sort = 0;
-	client_cmp = cmp[client_sort].cmp;
-	header_msg = cmp[client_sort].msg;
-	/* Sort by client id makes no sense with pid aggregation. */
-	if (aggregate_pids && client_cmp == client_id_cmp)
-		goto bump;
 static bool in_help;
 static void process_help_stdin(void)
@@ -2334,29 +1590,9 @@ static void process_normal_stdin(void)
 				header_msg = "Showing physical engines.";
-		case 'i':
-			filter_idle ^= true;
-			if (filter_idle)
-				header_msg = "Hiding inactive clients.";
-			else
-				header_msg = "Showing inactive clients.";
-			break;
-		case 'n':
-			numeric_clients ^= true;
-			break;
-		case 's':
-			select_client_sort();
-			break;
 		case 'h':
 			in_help = true;
-		case 'H':
-			aggregate_pids ^= true;
-			if (aggregate_pids)
-				header_msg = "Aggregating clients.";
-			else
-				header_msg = "Showing individual clients.";
-			break;
@@ -2384,10 +1620,6 @@ static void show_help_screen(void)
 "Help for interactive commands:\n\n"
 "    '1'    Toggle between aggregated engine class and physical engine mode.\n"
-"    'n'    Toggle display of numeric client busyness overlay.\n"
-"    's'    Toggle between sort modes (runtime, total runtime, pid, client id).\n"
-"    'i'    Toggle display of clients which used no GPU time.\n"
-"    'H'    Toggle between per PID aggregation and individual clients.\n"
 "    'h' or 'q'    Exit interactive help.\n"
@@ -2396,7 +1628,6 @@ static void show_help_screen(void)
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	unsigned int period_us = DEFAULT_PERIOD_MS * 1000;
-	struct clients *clients = NULL;
 	int con_w = -1, con_h = -1;
 	char *output_path = NULL;
 	struct engines *engines;
@@ -2530,23 +1761,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	clients = init_clients(card.pci_slot_name[0] ? card.card : NULL);
-	if (clients) {
-		clients->num_classes = engines->num_classes;
-		clients->class = engines->class;
-	}
-	scan_clients(clients);
 	codename = igt_device_get_pretty_name(&card, false);
 	while (!stop_top) {
-		struct clients *disp_clients;
 		bool consumed = false;
-		int j, lines = 0;
 		struct winsize ws;
-		struct client *c;
+		int lines = 0;
 		double t;
 		/* Update terminal size. */
@@ -2565,8 +1788,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		t = (double)(engines->ts.cur - engines->ts.prev) / 1e9;
-		disp_clients = scan_clients(clients);
 		if (stop_top)
@@ -2586,41 +1807,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 			lines = print_engines(engines, t, lines, con_w, con_h);
-			if (disp_clients) {
-				int class_w;
-				lines = print_clients_header(disp_clients, lines,
-							     con_w, con_h,
-							     &class_w);
-				for_each_client(disp_clients, c, j) {
-					assert(c->status != PROBE);
-					if (c->status != ALIVE)
-						break; /* Active clients are first in the array. */
-					if (lines >= con_h)
-						break;
-					lines = print_client(c, engines, t,
-							     lines, con_w,
-							     con_h, period_us,
-							     &class_w);
-				}
-				lines = print_clients_footer(disp_clients, t,
-							     lines, con_w,
-							     con_h);
-			}
 		if (stop_top)
-		if (disp_clients != clients)
-			free_clients(disp_clients);
 		if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE)

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