[Intel-gfx] [RFC v3 1/3] drm/doc/rfc: VM_BIND feature design document

Niranjana Vishwanathapura niranjana.vishwanathapura at intel.com
Fri Jun 10 07:54:35 UTC 2022

On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 09:53:24AM +0300, Lionel Landwerlin wrote:
>On 09/06/2022 22:31, Niranjana Vishwanathapura wrote:
>>On Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 05:49:09PM +0300, Lionel Landwerlin wrote:
>>>  On 09/06/2022 00:55, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
>>>    On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 4:44 PM Niranjana Vishwanathapura
>>>    <niranjana.vishwanathapura at intel.com> wrote:
>>>      On Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 08:33:25AM +0100, Tvrtko Ursulin wrote:
>>>      >
>>>      >
>>>      >On 07/06/2022 22:32, Niranjana Vishwanathapura wrote:
>>>      >>On Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 11:18:11AM -0700, Niranjana 
>>>      wrote:
>>>      >>>On Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 12:12:03PM -0500, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
>>>      >>>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 6:52 PM Niranjana Vishwanathapura
>>>      >>>> <niranjana.vishwanathapura at intel.com> wrote:
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   On Fri, Jun 03, 2022 at 10:20:25AM +0300, Lionel Landwerlin
>>>      wrote:
>>>      >>>>   >   On 02/06/2022 23:35, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >     On Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 3:11 PM Niranjana 
>>>      >>>>   > <niranjana.vishwanathapura at intel.com> wrote:
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       On Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 01:28:36PM -0700, Matthew
>>>      >>>>Brost wrote:
>>>      >>>>   >       >On Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 05:25:49PM +0300, Lionel
>>>      Landwerlin
>>>      >>>>   wrote:
>>>      >>>>   >       >> On 17/05/2022 21:32, Niranjana Vishwanathapura
>>>      wrote:
>>>      >>>>   >       >> > +VM_BIND/UNBIND ioctl will immediately start
>>>      >>>>   binding/unbinding
>>>      >>>>   >       the mapping in an
>>>      >>>>   >       >> > +async worker. The binding and unbinding will
>>>      >>>>work like a
>>>      >>>>   special
>>>      >>>>   >       GPU engine.
>>>      >>>>   >       >> > +The binding and unbinding operations are
>>>      serialized and
>>>      >>>>   will
>>>      >>>>   >       wait on specified
>>>      >>>>   >       >> > +input fences before the operation and 
>>>will signal
>>>      the
>>>      >>>>   output
>>>      >>>>   >       fences upon the
>>>      >>>>   >       >> > +completion of the operation. Due to
>>>      serialization,
>>>      >>>>   completion of
>>>      >>>>   >       an operation
>>>      >>>>   >       >> > +will also indicate that all previous 
>>>      >>>>are also
>>>      >>>>   >       complete.
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> I guess we should avoid saying "will immediately
>>>      start
>>>      >>>>   >       binding/unbinding" if
>>>      >>>>   >       >> there are fences involved.
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> And the fact that it's happening in an async
>>>      >>>>worker seem to
>>>      >>>>   imply
>>>      >>>>   >       it's not
>>>      >>>>   >       >> immediate.
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       Ok, will fix.
>>>      >>>>   >       This was added because in earlier design 
>>>binding was
>>>      deferred
>>>      >>>>   until
>>>      >>>>   >       next execbuff.
>>>      >>>>   >       But now it is non-deferred (immediate in that 
>>>      >>>>But yah,
>>>      >>>>   this is
>>>      >>>>   >       confusing
>>>      >>>>   >       and will fix it.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> I have a question on the behavior of the bind
>>>      >>>>operation when
>>>      >>>>   no
>>>      >>>>   >       input fence
>>>      >>>>   >       >> is provided. Let say I do :
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> VM_BIND (out_fence=fence1)
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> VM_BIND (out_fence=fence2)
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> VM_BIND (out_fence=fence3)
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> In what order are the fences going to be 
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> In the order of VM_BIND ioctls? Or out of order?
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> Because you wrote "serialized I assume it's : in
>>>      order
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       Yes, in the order of VM_BIND/UNBIND ioctls. 
>>>Note that
>>>      >>>>bind and
>>>      >>>>   unbind
>>>      >>>>   >       will use
>>>      >>>>   >       the same queue and hence are ordered.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> One thing I didn't realize is that because 
>>>we only
>>>      get one
>>>      >>>>   >       "VM_BIND" engine,
>>>      >>>>   >       >> there is a disconnect from the Vulkan 
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> In Vulkan VM_BIND operations are serialized but
>>>      >>>>per engine.
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> So you could have something like this :
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> VM_BIND (engine=rcs0, in_fence=fence1,
>>>      out_fence=fence2)
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> VM_BIND (engine=ccs0, in_fence=fence3,
>>>      out_fence=fence4)
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> fence1 is not signaled
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> fence3 is signaled
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> So the second VM_BIND will proceed before the
>>>      >>>>first VM_BIND.
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> I guess we can deal with that scenario in
>>>      >>>>userspace by doing
>>>      >>>>   the
>>>      >>>>   >       wait
>>>      >>>>   >       >> ourselves in one thread per engines.
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> But then it makes the VM_BIND input fences 
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> Daniel : what do you think? Should be 
>>>rework this or
>>>      just
>>>      >>>>   deal with
>>>      >>>>   >       wait
>>>      >>>>   >       >> fences in userspace?
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >
>>>      >>>>   >       >My opinion is rework this but make the 
>>>ordering via
>>>      >>>>an engine
>>>      >>>>   param
>>>      >>>>   >       optional.
>>>      >>>>   >       >
>>>      >>>>   >       >e.g. A VM can be configured so all binds are 
>>>      >>>>within the
>>>      >>>>   VM
>>>      >>>>   >       >
>>>      >>>>   >       >e.g. A VM can be configured so all binds accept an
>>>      engine
>>>      >>>>   argument
>>>      >>>>   >       (in
>>>      >>>>   >       >the case of the i915 likely this is a gem context
>>>      >>>>handle) and
>>>      >>>>   binds
>>>      >>>>   >       >ordered with respect to that engine.
>>>      >>>>   >       >
>>>      >>>>   >       >This gives UMDs options as the later likely 
>>>      >>>>more KMD
>>>      >>>>   >       resources
>>>      >>>>   >       >so if a different UMD can live with binds being
>>>      >>>>ordered within
>>>      >>>>   the VM
>>>      >>>>   >       >they can use a mode consuming less resources.
>>>      >>>>   >       >
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       I think we need to be careful here if we are 
>>>      for some
>>>      >>>>   out of
>>>      >>>>   >       (submission) order completion of vm_bind/unbind.
>>>      >>>>   >       In-order completion means, in a batch of binds and
>>>      >>>>unbinds to be
>>>      >>>>   >       completed in-order, user only needs to specify
>>>      >>>>in-fence for the
>>>      >>>>   >       first bind/unbind call and the our-fence for 
>>>the last
>>>      >>>>   bind/unbind
>>>      >>>>   >       call. Also, the VA released by an unbind call 
>>>can be
>>>      >>>>re-used by
>>>      >>>>   >       any subsequent bind call in that in-order batch.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       These things will break if binding/unbinding 
>>>were to
>>>      >>>>be allowed
>>>      >>>>   to
>>>      >>>>   >       go out of order (of submission) and user need to be
>>>      extra
>>>      >>>>   careful
>>>      >>>>   >       not to run into pre-mature triggereing of 
>>>out-fence and
>>>      bind
>>>      >>>>   failing
>>>      >>>>   >       as VA is still in use etc.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       Also, VM_BIND binds the provided mapping on the
>>>      specified
>>>      >>>>   address
>>>      >>>>   >       space
>>>      >>>>   >       (VM). So, the uapi is not engine/context specific.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       We can however add a 'queue' to the uapi 
>>>which can be
>>>      >>>>one from
>>>      >>>>   the
>>>      >>>>   >       pre-defined queues,
>>>      >>>>   >       I915_VM_BIND_QUEUE_0
>>>      >>>>   >       I915_VM_BIND_QUEUE_1
>>>      >>>>   >       ...
>>>      >>>>   >       I915_VM_BIND_QUEUE_(N-1)
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       KMD will spawn an async work queue for each 
>>>queue which
>>>      will
>>>      >>>>   only
>>>      >>>>   >       bind the mappings on that queue in the order of
>>>      submission.
>>>      >>>>   >       User can assign the queue to per engine or anything
>>>      >>>>like that.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       But again here, user need to be careful and not
>>>      >>>>deadlock these
>>>      >>>>   >       queues with circular dependency of fences.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       I prefer adding this later an as extension based on
>>>      >>>>whether it
>>>      >>>>   >       is really helping with the implementation.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >     I can tell you right now that having everything on a
>>>      single
>>>      >>>>   in-order
>>>      >>>>   >     queue will not get us the perf we want.  What vulkan
>>>      >>>>really wants
>>>      >>>>   is one
>>>      >>>>   >     of two things:
>>>      >>>>   >      1. No implicit ordering of VM_BIND ops.  They just
>>>      happen in
>>>      >>>>   whatever
>>>      >>>>   >     their dependencies are resolved and we ensure 
>>>      >>>>ourselves
>>>      >>>>   by
>>>      >>>>   >     having a syncobj in the VkQueue.
>>>      >>>>   >      2. The ability to create multiple VM_BIND 
>>>queues.  We
>>>      need at
>>>      >>>>   least 2
>>>      >>>>   >     but I don't see why there needs to be a limit besides
>>>      >>>>the limits
>>>      >>>>   the
>>>      >>>>   >     i915 API already has on the number of engines.  
>>>      could
>>>      >>>>   expose
>>>      >>>>   >     multiple sparse binding queues to the client if 
>>>it's not
>>>      >>>>   arbitrarily
>>>      >>>>   >     limited.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   Thanks Jason, Lionel.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   Jason, what are you referring to when you say "limits 
>>>the i915
>>>      API
>>>      >>>>   already
>>>      >>>>   has on the number of engines"? I am not sure if there 
>>>is such
>>>      an uapi
>>>      >>>>   today.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>> There's a limit of something like 64 total engines 
>>>today based on
>>>      the
>>>      >>>> number of bits we can cram into the exec flags in 
>>>execbuffer2.  I
>>>      think
>>>      >>>> someone had an extended version that allowed more but I 
>>>ripped it
>>>      out
>>>      >>>> because no one was using it.  Of course, execbuffer3 
>>>might not
>>>      >>>>have that
>>>      >>>> problem at all.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>
>>>      >>>Thanks Jason.
>>>      >>>Ok, I am not sure which exec flag is that, but yah, execbuffer3
>>>      probably
>>>      >>>will not have this limiation. So, we need to define a
>>>      >>>and somehow export it to user (I am thinking of embedding it in
>>>      >>>I915_PARAM_HAS_VM_BIND. bits[0]->HAS_VM_BIND, bits[1-3]->'n'
>>>      meaning 2^n
>>>      >>>queues.
>>>      >>
>>>      >>Ah, I think you are waking about I915_EXEC_RING_MASK 
>>>(0x3f) which
>>>      execbuf3
>>>    Yup!  That's exactly the limit I was talking about.
>>>      >>will also have. So, we can simply define in vm_bind/unbind
>>>      structures,
>>>      >>
>>>      >>#define I915_VM_BIND_MAX_QUEUE   64
>>>      >>        __u32 queue;
>>>      >>
>>>      >>I think that will keep things simple.
>>>      >
>>>      >Hmmm? What does execbuf2 limit has to do with how many engines
>>>      >hardware can have? I suggest not to do that.
>>>      >
>>>      >Change with added this:
>>>      >
>>>      >       if (set.num_engines > I915_EXEC_RING_MASK + 1)
>>>      >               return -EINVAL;
>>>      >
>>>      >To context creation needs to be undone and so let users 
>>>create engine
>>>      >maps with all hardware engines, and let execbuf3 access them all.
>>>      >
>>>      Earlier plan was to carry I915_EXEC_RING_MAP (0x3f) to 
>>>execbuff3 also.
>>>      Hence, I was using the same limit for VM_BIND queues (64, or 
>>>65 if we
>>>      make it N+1).
>>>      But, as discussed in other thread of this RFC series, we are 
>>>      to drop this I915_EXEC_RING_MAP in execbuff3. So, there won't be
>>>      any uapi that limits the number of engines (and hence the vm_bind
>>>      queues
>>>      need to be supported).
>>>      If we leave the number of vm_bind queues to be arbitrarily large
>>>      (__u32 queue_idx) then, we need to have a hashmap for queue (a wq,
>>>      work_item and a linked list) lookup from the user specified queue
>>>      index.
>>>      Other option is to just put some hard limit (say 64 or 65) and use
>>>      an array of queues in VM (each created upon first use). I 
>>>prefer this.
>>>    I don't get why a VM_BIND queue is any different from any 
>>>other queue or
>>>    userspace-visible kernel object.  But I'll leave those details up to
>>>    danvet or whoever else might be reviewing the implementation.
>>>    --Jason
>>>  I kind of agree here. Wouldn't be simpler to have the bind queue 
>>>  like the others when we build the engine map?
>>>  For userspace it's then just matter of selecting the right queue 
>>>ID when
>>>  submitting.
>>>  If there is ever a possibility to have this work on the GPU, it 
>>>would be
>>>  all ready.
>>I did sync offline with Matt Brost on this.
>>We can add a VM_BIND engine class and let user create VM_BIND 
>>engines (queues).
>>The problem is, in i915 engine creating interface is bound to 
>>So, in vm_bind ioctl, we would need both context_id and queue_idx 
>>for proper
>>lookup of the user created engine. This is bit ackward as vm_bind is an
>>interface to VM (address space) and has nothing to do with gem_context.
>A gem_context has a single vm object right?
>Set through I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_VM at creation or given a default one if not.
>So it's just like picking up the vm like it's done at execbuffer time 
>right now : eb->context->vm

Are you suggesting replacing 'vm_id' with 'context_id' in the VM_BIND/UNBIND
ioctl and probably call it CONTEXT_BIND/UNBIND, because VM can be obtained
from the context?
I think the interface is clean as a interface to VM. It is only that we
don't have a clean way to create a raw VM_BIND engine (not associated with
any context) with i915 uapi.
May be we can add such an interface, but I don't think that is worth it
(we might as well just use a queue_idx in VM_BIND/UNBIND ioctl as I mentioned
Anyone has any thoughts?

>>Another problem is, if two VMs are binding with the same defined engine,
>>binding on VM1 can get unnecessary blocked by binding on VM2 (which 
>>may be
>>waiting on its in_fence).
>Maybe I'm missing something, but how can you have 2 vm objects with a 
>single gem_context right now?

No, we don't have 2 VMs for a gem_context.
Say if ctx1 with vm1 and ctx2 with vm2.
First vm_bind call was for vm1 with q_idx 1 in ctx1 engine map.
Second vm_bind call was for vm2 with q_idx 2 in ctx2 engine map. 
If those two queue indicies points to same underlying vm_bind engine,
then the second vm_bind call gets blocked until the first vm_bind call's
'in' fence is triggered and bind completes.

With per VM queues, this is not a problem as two VMs will not endup
sharing same queue.

BTW, I just posted a updated PATCH series.


>>So, my preference here is to just add a 'u32 queue' index in 
>>ioctl, and the queues are per VM.
>>>  Thanks,
>>>  -Lionel
>>>      Niranjana
>>>      >Regards,
>>>      >
>>>      >Tvrtko
>>>      >
>>>      >>
>>>      >>Niranjana
>>>      >>
>>>      >>>
>>>      >>>>   I am trying to see how many queues we need and don't 
>>>want it to
>>>      be
>>>      >>>>   arbitrarily
>>>      >>>>   large and unduely blow up memory usage and complexity 
>>>in i915
>>>      driver.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>> I expect a Vulkan driver to use at most 2 in the vast 
>>>      >>>>of cases. I
>>>      >>>> could imagine a client wanting to create more than 1 sparse
>>>      >>>>queue in which
>>>      >>>> case, it'll be N+1 but that's unlikely. As far as complexity
>>>      >>>>goes, once
>>>      >>>> you allow two, I don't think the complexity is going up by
>>>      >>>>allowing N.  As
>>>      >>>> for memory usage, creating more queues means more 
>>>memory.  That's
>>>      a
>>>      >>>> trade-off that userspace can make. Again, the expected number
>>>      >>>>here is 1
>>>      >>>> or 2 in the vast majority of cases so I don't think you 
>>>need to
>>>      worry.
>>>      >>>
>>>      >>>Ok, will start with n=3 meaning 8 queues.
>>>      >>>That would require us create 8 workqueues.
>>>      >>>We can change 'n' later if required.
>>>      >>>
>>>      >>>Niranjana
>>>      >>>
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   >     Why?  Because Vulkan has two basic kind of bind
>>>      >>>>operations and we
>>>      >>>>   don't
>>>      >>>>   >     want any dependencies between them:
>>>      >>>>   >      1. Immediate.  These happen right after BO 
>>>creation or
>>>      >>>>maybe as
>>>      >>>>   part of
>>>      >>>>   >     vkBindImageMemory() or VkBindBufferMemory().  These
>>>      >>>>don't happen
>>>      >>>>   on a
>>>      >>>>   >     queue and we don't want them serialized with 
>>>anything.       To
>>>      >>>>   synchronize
>>>      >>>>   >     with submit, we'll have a syncobj in the 
>>>VkDevice which
>>>      is
>>>      >>>>   signaled by
>>>      >>>>   >     all immediate bind operations and make submits 
>>>wait on
>>>      it.
>>>      >>>>   >      2. Queued (sparse): These happen on a VkQueue 
>>>which may
>>>      be the
>>>      >>>>   same as
>>>      >>>>   >     a render/compute queue or may be its own 
>>>queue.  It's up
>>>      to us
>>>      >>>>   what we
>>>      >>>>   >     want to advertise.  From the Vulkan API PoV, 
>>>this is like
>>>      any
>>>      >>>>   other
>>>      >>>>   >     queue.  Operations on it wait on and signal 
>>>semaphores.       If we
>>>      >>>>   have a
>>>      >>>>   >     VM_BIND engine, we'd provide syncobjs to wait and
>>>      >>>>signal just like
>>>      >>>>   we do
>>>      >>>>   >     in execbuf().
>>>      >>>>   >     The important thing is that we don't want one type of
>>>      >>>>operation to
>>>      >>>>   block
>>>      >>>>   >     on the other.  If immediate binds are blocking 
>>>on sparse
>>>      binds,
>>>      >>>>   it's
>>>      >>>>   >     going to cause over-synchronization issues.
>>>      >>>>   >     In terms of the internal implementation, I know that
>>>      >>>>there's going
>>>      >>>>   to be
>>>      >>>>   >     a lock on the VM and that we can't actually do these
>>>      things in
>>>      >>>>   >     parallel.  That's fine.  Once the dma_fences have
>>>      signaled and
>>>      >>>>   we're
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   Thats correct. It is like a single VM_BIND engine with
>>>      >>>>multiple queues
>>>      >>>>   feeding to it.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>> Right.  As long as the queues themselves are independent and
>>>      >>>>can block on
>>>      >>>> dma_fences without holding up other queues, I think 
>>>we're fine.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   >     unblocked to do the bind operation, I don't care if
>>>      >>>>there's a bit
>>>      >>>>   of
>>>      >>>>   >     synchronization due to locking.  That's 
>>>expected.  What
>>>      >>>>we can't
>>>      >>>>   afford
>>>      >>>>   >     to have is an immediate bind operation suddenly 
>>>      on a
>>>      >>>>   sparse
>>>      >>>>   >     operation which is blocked on a compute job 
>>>that's going
>>>      to run
>>>      >>>>   for
>>>      >>>>   >     another 5ms.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   As the VM_BIND queue is per VM, VM_BIND on one VM 
>>>doesn't block
>>>      the
>>>      >>>>   VM_BIND
>>>      >>>>   on other VMs. I am not sure about usecases here, but just
>>>      wanted to
>>>      >>>>   clarify.
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>> Yes, that's what I would expect.
>>>      >>>> --Jason
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   Niranjana
>>>      >>>>
>>>      >>>>   >     For reference, Windows solves this by allowing
>>>      arbitrarily many
>>>      >>>>   paging
>>>      >>>>   >     queues (what they call a VM_BIND engine/queue).  That
>>>      >>>>design works
>>>      >>>>   >     pretty well and solves the problems in 
>>>question.       >>>>Again, we could
>>>      >>>>   just
>>>      >>>>   >     make everything out-of-order and require using 
>>>      >>>>to order
>>>      >>>>   things
>>>      >>>>   >     as userspace wants. That'd be fine too.
>>>      >>>>   >     One more note while I'm here: danvet said 
>>>something on
>>>      >>>>IRC about
>>>      >>>>   VM_BIND
>>>      >>>>   >     queues waiting for syncobjs to materialize.  We don't
>>>      really
>>>      >>>>   want/need
>>>      >>>>   >     this.  We already have all the machinery in 
>>>userspace to
>>>      handle
>>>      >>>>   >     wait-before-signal and waiting for syncobj fences to
>>>      >>>>materialize
>>>      >>>>   and
>>>      >>>>   >     that machinery is on by default.  It would actually
>>>      >>>>take MORE work
>>>      >>>>   in
>>>      >>>>   >     Mesa to turn it off and take advantage of the kernel
>>>      >>>>being able to
>>>      >>>>   wait
>>>      >>>>   >     for syncobjs to materialize. Also, getting that 
>>>right is
>>>      >>>>   ridiculously
>>>      >>>>   >     hard and I really don't want to get it wrong in 
>>>      >>>>space.     When we
>>>      >>>>   >     do memory fences, wait-before-signal will be a 
>>>thing.  We
>>>      don't
>>>      >>>>   need to
>>>      >>>>   >     try and make it a thing for syncobj.
>>>      >>>>   >     --Jason
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >   Thanks Jason,
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >   I missed the bit in the Vulkan spec that we're 
>>>allowed to
>>>      have a
>>>      >>>>   sparse
>>>      >>>>   >   queue that does not implement either graphics or 
>>>      >>>>operations
>>>      >>>>   :
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >     "While some implementations may include
>>>      >>>>   >     support in queue families that also include
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >      graphics and compute support, other 
>>>implementations may
>>>      only
>>>      >>>>   expose a
>>>      >>>>   > VK_QUEUE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT-only queue
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >      family."
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >   So it can all be all a vm_bind engine that just does
>>>      bind/unbind
>>>      >>>>   >   operations.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >   But yes we need another engine for the 
>>>      >>>>   operations.
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >   -Lionel
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >         >
>>>      >>>>   >       Daniel, any thoughts?
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       Niranjana
>>>      >>>>   >
>>>      >>>>   >       >Matt
>>>      >>>>   >       >
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> Sorry I noticed this late.
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >> -Lionel
>>>      >>>>   >       >>
>>>      >>>>   >       >>

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