[Intel-gfx] [PATCH v2 8/9] drm/i915/perf: Add engine class instance parameters to perf

Umesh Nerlige Ramappa umesh.nerlige.ramappa at intel.com
Fri Feb 17 23:37:30 UTC 2023

On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 04:58:49PM -0800, Umesh Nerlige Ramappa wrote:
>Current implementation of perf defaults to render and configures the
>default OAG unit. Since there are more OA units on newer hardware, allow
>user to pass engine class and instance to program specific OA units.
>UMD specific changes for GPUvis support:

GPUvis PR is here - https://github.com/mikesart/gpuvis/pull/81


>Signed-off-by: Umesh Nerlige Ramappa <umesh.nerlige.ramappa at intel.com>
> drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_perf.c | 49 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
> include/uapi/drm/i915_drm.h      | 20 +++++++++++++
> 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_perf.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_perf.c
>index d3a1892c93be..f028df812067 100644
>--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_perf.c
>+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_perf.c
>@@ -4035,40 +4035,29 @@ static int read_properties_unlocked(struct i915_perf *perf,
> 	struct drm_i915_gem_context_param_sseu user_sseu;
> 	u64 __user *uprop = uprops;
> 	bool config_sseu = false;
>+	u8 class, instance;
> 	u32 i;
> 	int ret;
> 	memset(props, 0, sizeof(struct perf_open_properties));
> 	props->poll_oa_period = DEFAULT_POLL_PERIOD_NS;
>-	if (!n_props) {
>-		drm_dbg(&perf->i915->drm,
>-			"No i915 perf properties given\n");
>-		return -EINVAL;
>-	}
>-	/* At the moment we only support using i915-perf on the RCS. */
>-	props->engine = intel_engine_lookup_user(perf->i915,
>-						 0);
>-	if (!props->engine) {
>-		drm_dbg(&perf->i915->drm,
>-			"No RENDER-capable engines\n");
>-		return -EINVAL;
>-	}
> 	/* Considering that ID = 0 is reserved and assuming that we don't
> 	 * (currently) expect any configurations to ever specify duplicate
> 	 * values for a particular property ID then the last _PROP_MAX value is
> 	 * one greater than the maximum number of properties we expect to get
> 	 * from userspace.
> 	 */
>-	if (n_props >= DRM_I915_PERF_PROP_MAX) {
>+	if (!n_props || n_props >= DRM_I915_PERF_PROP_MAX) {
> 		drm_dbg(&perf->i915->drm,
>-			"More i915 perf properties specified than exist\n");
>+			"Invalid no. of i915 perf properties given\n");
> 		return -EINVAL;
> 	}
>+	/* Defaults when class:instance is not passed */
>+	class = I915_ENGINE_CLASS_RENDER;
>+	instance = 0;
> 	for (i = 0; i < n_props; i++) {
> 		u64 oa_period, oa_freq_hz;
> 		u64 id, value;
>@@ -4189,7 +4178,13 @@ static int read_properties_unlocked(struct i915_perf *perf,
> 			}
> 			props->poll_oa_period = value;
> 			break;
>-		case DRM_I915_PERF_PROP_MAX:
>+			class = (u8)value;
>+			break;
>+			instance = (u8)value;
>+			break;
>+		default:
> 			MISSING_CASE(id);
> 			return -EINVAL;
> 		}
>@@ -4197,6 +4192,17 @@ static int read_properties_unlocked(struct i915_perf *perf,
> 		uprop += 2;
> 	}
>+	props->engine = intel_engine_lookup_user(perf->i915, class, instance);
>+	if (!props->engine) {
>+		drm_dbg(&perf->i915->drm,
>+			"OA engine class and instance invalid %d:%d\n",
>+			class, instance);
>+		return -EINVAL;
>+	}
>+	if (!engine_supports_oa(props->engine))
>+		return -EINVAL;
> 	if (config_sseu) {
> 		ret = get_sseu_config(&props->sseu, props->engine, &user_sseu);
> 		if (ret) {
>@@ -5208,8 +5214,11 @@ int i915_perf_ioctl_version(void)
> 	 *
> 	 * 5: Add DRM_I915_PERF_PROP_POLL_OA_PERIOD parameter that controls the
> 	 *    interval for the hrtimer used to check for OA data.
>+	 *
> 	 */
>-	return 5;
>+	return 6;
> }
>diff --git a/include/uapi/drm/i915_drm.h b/include/uapi/drm/i915_drm.h
>index 8df261c5ab9b..b6922b52d85c 100644
>--- a/include/uapi/drm/i915_drm.h
>+++ b/include/uapi/drm/i915_drm.h
>@@ -2758,6 +2758,26 @@ enum drm_i915_perf_property_id {
> 	 */
>+	/**
>+	 * In platforms with multiple OA buffers, the engine class instance must
>+	 * be passed to open a stream to a OA unit corresponding to the engine.
>+	 * Multiple engines may be mapped to the same OA unit.
>+	 *
>+	 * In addition to the class:instance, if a gem context is also passed, then
>+	 * 1) the report headers of OA reports from other engines are squashed.
>+	 * 2) OAR is enabled for the class:instance
>+	 *
>+	 * This property is available in perf revision 6.
>+	 */
>+	/**
>+	 * This parameter specifies the engine instance.
>+	 *
>+	 * This property is available in perf revision 6.
>+	 */
> 	DRM_I915_PERF_PROP_MAX /* non-ABI */
> };

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