[Intel-gfx] ✗ Fi.CI.CHECKPATCH: warning for drm/i915: do not clean GT table on error path

Patchwork patchwork at emeril.freedesktop.org
Tue Nov 14 16:11:00 UTC 2023

== Series Details ==

Series: drm/i915: do not clean GT table on error path
URL   : https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/126385/
State : warning

== Summary ==

Error: dim checkpatch failed
272a68a547e9 drm/i915: do not clean GT table on error path
-:14: WARNING:COMMIT_LOG_LONG_LINE: Prefer a maximum 75 chars per line (possible unwrapped commit description?)
BUG i915_request (...): Objects remaining in i915_request on __kmem_cache_shutdown()

-:27: WARNING:BAD_FIXES_TAG: Please use correct Fixes: style 'Fixes: <12 chars of sha1> ("<title line>")' - ie: 'Fixes: bec68cc9ea42 ("drm/i915: Prepare for multiple GTs")'
Fixes: bec68cc9ea42d8 ("drm/i915: Prepare for multiple GTs")

total: 0 errors, 2 warnings, 0 checks, 16 lines checked

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