[Intel-gfx] [RESEND PATCH v2 0/2] drm: Refactor plane size calculation by core helper functions

Helen Koike helen.koike at collabora.com
Tue Sep 26 14:33:05 UTC 2023

On 26/09/2023 11:15, Carlos Eduardo Gallo Filho wrote:
> There's duplicated functions on drm that do the same job of calculating
> the size of planes from a drm_format_info and the size of its first
> plane. So this patchset throw away the more specific version intended
> to be used from a given framebuffer and make the generic version way
> more portable against the drivers.
> Thanks,
> Carlos

Hey, thanks for your patch.

Do you mind testing on drm/ci and sending here the link of the pipeline 
with the test? It would be awesome to get your feedback on the CI

See instructions on Documentation/gpu/automated_testing.rst

In short you just need an account on gitlab.freedesktop.org, access
https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/janedoe/linux/-/settings/ci_cd), change 
the CI/CD configuration file from .gitlab-ci.yml to 
drivers/gpu/drm/ci/gitlab-ci.yml, now you can execute tests going to 
pipelines (the first one you need to create a new pipeline by hand).

Let me know if you have any questions, I'm koike on irc.


> ---
> v2:
>    - New patch "[PATCH v2 1/2] drm: Remove plane hsub/vsub alignment requirement
>      for core helpers".
> Carlos Eduardo Gallo Filho (2):
>    drm: Remove plane hsub/vsub alignment requirement for core helpers
>    drm: Replace drm_framebuffer plane size functions with its equivalents
>   drivers/gpu/drm/drm_framebuffer.c       | 64 ++-----------------------
>   drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_fb.c |  2 +-
>   include/drm/drm_fourcc.h                |  5 +-
>   include/drm/drm_framebuffer.h           |  5 --
>   4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

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