[PATCH 0/5] drm: Introduce DRM client library

Thomas Zimmermann tzimmermann at suse.de
Mon Sep 30 12:27:13 UTC 2024


Am 30.09.24 um 13:46 schrieb Jocelyn Falempe:
> On 27/09/2024 16:37, Thomas Zimmermann wrote:
>> With the next DRM client coming soon (drm_log) and most of DRM's
>> fbdev emulation consolidated in a few places, it's time to provide
>> a single place for the clients.
>> The new module drm_client_lib.ko stores most of the common client
>> code. It's designed such that drivers can opt into client support,
>> but the presence of the client module depends on the user's kernel
>> configuration. Without selected clients, no client module will be
>> build.
> Thanks for this work, I've rebased drm_log on top of this, and it 
> works great.

I got a warning from some CI script about a circular module dependency. 
I need to investigate this before I can merge it, but I'll do soon-ish.

> My only nitpick is I would prefer it to be called drm_client.ko, to be 
> a little shorter. So that the kernel parameter to change the default 
> client can be "drm_client.default=fbdev".

Yeah, naming is a bit unfortunate. There's drm_client.o (from 
drm_client.c) already, which would conflict with drm_client.ko. And 
there's no better name for drm_client.c either. Hence drm_client_lib.ko. 
I also thought about drm_client_helper and drm_client_mod. Neither 
seemed better.

Thanks for looking over it.

Best regards

> Best regards,

Thomas Zimmermann
Graphics Driver Developer
SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
Frankenstrasse 146, 90461 Nuernberg, Germany
GF: Ivo Totev, Andrew Myers, Andrew McDonald, Boudien Moerman
HRB 36809 (AG Nuernberg)

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