xf86-video-intel is broken and with MRs disables we can't fix it

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult info at metux.net
Mon Feb 10 18:58:37 UTC 2025

On 07.02.25 22:25, Ville Syrjälä wrote:


>> xf86-video-intel driver is currently cannot be compiled with released
>> versions of X server. Simple reproduction steps: create Debian Bookworm
>> container, download module sources and all required dependencies and try
>> to build.
> Builds fine on my Gentoo boxes here. What are the actual issues
> you are seeing?

* meson build file is broken (missing Xv deps) - we'll have to add a
   special hack in our pipeline so this driver is built w/ autotools,
   even though meson.build is there
* build breaks on FreeBSD
* using lots of obsolete macros/functions (some need to be reintroduced
   just for this driver to compile)

There're also lots of warnings.

It's also very unfortunate that there haven't been any releases for
over a decade now ... downstreams have to pick random points from
master branch :(

> I've not seen any patches on the list. Care to point them out?

My last attempt must have been many month ago. I had put it aside
(and only using my own branches), since been busy w/ lots of other
things. No idea what went wrong - but let's not start pointing fingers,
instead focus on practical solution :)

IMHO, the most important things we need in short term (for upcoming
xserver release) is:

* merge the fixes from the incubate branch (incl. CI files)
* make an actual release of the driver (distros also desperately
   waiting for it)
* testing on actual HW

In the longer run, I'd highly welcome activating and using MRs,

I know you folks are mostly working on kernel side and so using patch
mails on daily basis (I'm a kernel maintainer, too :p), but for us
(Xorg) this fit well.

> I wouldn't want to deal with mrs for any high volume stuff, but
> since this only gets the occasional fix I guess it could work.

Certainly not high volume :)

OTOH, I can also send you just links to my branches.
Lets start with these:

* Fixes for new Xserver


* Code cleanups (not essential - based on fixes-for-xserver)



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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at metux.net -- +49-151-27565287

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