[PATCH v7 1/3] drm/i915/gvt: Add error rating system

Wang, Zhi A zhi.a.wang at intel.com
Mon Sep 18 05:13:05 UTC 2017

It's OK. I can rebase submission re-factor series 2 then, if there is any conflict.

-----Original Message-----
From: Zhenyu Wang [mailto:zhenyuw at linux.intel.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 8:01 AM
To: Gao, Fred <fred.gao at intel.com>; Wang, Zhi A <zhi.a.wang at intel.com>
Cc: intel-gvt-dev at lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Re: [PATCH v7 1/3] drm/i915/gvt: Add error rating system

On 2017.09.15 19:49:51 +0800, fred gao wrote:
> This patch is to implement the error rating system to track the guest 
> cmd scan and prepare workload states, the guest will enter into 
> failsafe mode once it is in unhealthy state.
> Generally, there are 3 internal defined types of errors: a) some 
> commands might be unknown;  b) some cmd access invalid address space;
> c) some unexpected force nonpriv cmd . the healthy state can be judged 
> through the return error.

This series looks much clean to me, but pls fix this patch title and commit message to tell what this really does, and need to add comments somewhere for target error code definition for different cases.

btw, Zhi, I think this could be applied earlier than your submission series, ok for you?

Open Source Technology Center, Intel ltd.

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