[Intel-gfx] [PULL] more gvt-next-fixes for 4.17

Joonas Lahtinen joonas.lahtinen at linux.intel.com
Tue Mar 27 14:39:53 UTC 2018

Quoting Joonas Lahtinen (2018-03-27 16:42:28)
> Quoting Zhenyu Wang (2018-03-27 11:39:42)
> > 
> > Hi, Joonas
> > 
> > Here's this week's gvt-next-fixes queued for 4.17. One notable change
> > is to revert previous workaround for gvt context preemption, now it
> > has full support for preemption now. 
> I've pulled the patches, but this revert sounds fishy. Is it something
> that should have been done together with a commit in a batch introduced
> to 4.17? To me, this sounds much like a feature patch, "enable
> pre-emption on GVT context" is even written in the tag.
> So I'm inclined to drop this patch from -fixes pull.

On a second thought, I'll drop the whole pull to make it less of a
hassle with rebases. Please send and updated pull with just the fix

Regards, Joonas

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