[PATCH] drm/i915/gvt: Init PHY related registers for BXT

He, Min min.he at intel.com
Thu Sep 13 06:04:10 UTC 2018

I don’t think emulate_monitor_status_change is a good place to set
the initial values of these MMIOs. It's better to put them into 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: intel-gvt-dev [mailto:intel-gvt-dev-bounces at lists.freedesktop.org] On
> Behalf Of Colin Xu
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:19 AM
> To: intel-gvt-dev at lists.freedesktop.org
> Cc: He, Min <min.he at intel.com>; Xu, Colin <colin.xu at intel.com>
> Subject: [PATCH] drm/i915/gvt: Init PHY related registers for BXT
> Recent patch fixed the call trace
> "ERROR Port B enabled but PHY powered down? (PHY_CTL 00000000)".
> but introduced another similar call trace shown as:
> "ERROR Port C enabled but PHY powered down? (PHY_CTL 00000200)".
> The call trace will appear when host and guest enabled different ports,
> i.e. host using PORT C or neither PORT is enabled, while guest is always
> using PORT B as simulated by gvt. The issue is actually covered previously
> before the commit and reverals now when the commit do the right thing.
> On BXT, some PHY registers are initialized by vbios, before i915 loaded.
> Later i915 will re-program some, or skip some based on the implementation.
> The initialized mmio for guest i915 is done by gvt, based on the snapshot
> taken from host. If host and guest have different PORT enabled, some
> DPIO PHY mmios that gvt initialized for guest i915 will not match the
> simualted monitor for guest, which leads to guest i915 print the calltrace
> when it's trying to enable PHY and PORT.
> The solution is to init these DPIO PHY registers to default value, then
> guest i915 will program them to reasonable value based on the default
> powerwell table and enabled PORT. Together with the old patch, all similar
> call trace in guest kernel on BXT can be resolved.
> Fixes: c8ab5ac30ccc ("drm/i915/gvt: Make correct handling to vreg
> Signed-off-by: Colin Xu <colin.xu at intel.com>
> ---
>  drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/display.c | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 19 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/display.c
> b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/display.c
> index df1e14145747..dc17f1c13d09 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/display.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gvt/display.c
> @@ -172,6 +172,25 @@ static void emulate_monitor_status_change(struct
> intel_vgpu *vgpu)
>  	int pipe;
>  	if (IS_BROXTON(dev_priv)) {
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_P_CR_GT_DISP_PWRON) &= ~(BIT(0)
> | BIT(1));
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PORT_CL1CM_DW0(DPIO_PHY0)) &=
> +			    ~PHY_POWER_GOOD;
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PORT_CL1CM_DW0(DPIO_PHY1)) &=
> +			    ~PHY_POWER_GOOD;
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PHY_CTL_FAMILY(DPIO_PHY0)) &=
> ~BIT(30);
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PHY_CTL_FAMILY(DPIO_PHY1)) &=
> ~BIT(30);
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PHY_CTL(PORT_A)) &=
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PHY_CTL(PORT_A)) |=
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PHY_CTL(PORT_B)) &=
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PHY_CTL(PORT_B)) |=
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PHY_CTL(PORT_C)) &=
> +		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, BXT_PHY_CTL(PORT_C)) |=
>  		vgpu_vreg_t(vgpu, GEN8_DE_PORT_ISR) &=
> --
> 2.18.0
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