[PATCH 1/5] vfio/migration: define kernel interfaces

Yan Zhao yan.y.zhao at intel.com
Tue Feb 19 08:52:14 UTC 2019

- defined 4 device states regions: one control region and 3 data regions
- defined layout of control region in struct vfio_device_state_ctl
- defined 4 device states: running, stop, running&logging, stop&logging
- define 3 device data categories: device config, device memory, system
- defined 2 device data capabilities: device memory and system memory
- defined device state interfaces' version and 12 device state interfaces

Signed-off-by: Yan Zhao <yan.y.zhao at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Kevin Tian <kevin.tian at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Yulei Zhang <yulei.zhang at intel.com>
 linux-headers/linux/vfio.h | 260 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 260 insertions(+)

diff --git a/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h b/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
index ceb6453..a124fc1 100644
--- a/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
+++ b/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
@@ -303,6 +303,56 @@ struct vfio_region_info_cap_type {
+/* Device State region type and sub-type
+ *
+ * A VFIO device driver needs to register up to four device state regions in
+ * total: two mandatory and another two optional, if it plans to support device
+ * state management.
+ *
+ * 1. region CTL :
+ *          Mandatory.
+ *          This is a control region.
+ *          Its layout is defined in struct vfio_device_state_ctl.
+ *          Reading from this region can get version, capabilities and data
+ *          size of device state interfaces.
+ *          Writing to this region can set device state, data size and
+ *          choose which interface to use.
+ * 2. region DEVICE_CONFIG
+ *          Mandatory.
+ *          This is a data region that holds device config data.
+ *          Device config is such kind of data like MMIOs, page tables...
+ *          Every device is supposed to possess device config data.
+ *          Usually the size of device config data is small (no big
+ *          than 10M), and it needs to be loaded in certain strict
+ *          order.
+ *          Therefore no dirty data logging is enabled for device
+ *          config and it must be got/set as a whole.
+ *          Size of device config data is smaller than or equal to that of
+ *          device config region.
+ *          It is able to be mmaped into user space.
+ * 3. region DEVICE_MEMORY
+ *          Optional.
+ *          This is a data region that holds device memory data.
+ *          Device memory is device's internal memory, standalone and outside
+ *          system memory.  It is usually very big.
+ *          Not all device has device memory. Like IGD only uses system
+ *          memory and has no device memory.
+ *          Size of devie memory is usually larger than that of device
+ *          memory region. qemu needs to save/load it in chunks of size of
+ *          device memory region.
+ *          It is able to be mmaped into user space.
+ * 4. region DIRTY_BITMAP
+ *          Optional.
+ *          This is a data region that holds bitmap of dirty pages in system
+ *          memory that a VFIO devices produces.
+ *          It is able to be mmaped into user space.
+ */
+#define VFIO_REGION_TYPE_DEVICE_STATE           (1 << 1)
  * The MSIX mappable capability informs that MSIX data of a BAR can be mmapped
  * which allows direct access to non-MSIX registers which happened to be within
@@ -816,6 +866,216 @@ struct vfio_iommu_spapr_tce_remove {
+/* version number of the device state interface */
+ * For devices that have devcie memory, it is required to expose
+ * DEVICE_MEMORY capability.
+ *
+ * For devices producing dirty pages in system memory, it is required to
+ * expose cap SYSTEM_MEMORY in order to get dirty bitmap in certain range
+ * of system memory.
+ */
+ *
+ * Four states are defined for a VFIO device:
+ * They can be set by writing to device_state field of
+ * vfio_device_state_ctl region.
+ *
+ * RUNNING: In this state, a VFIO device is in active state ready to
+ * receive commands from device driver.
+ * It is the default state that a VFIO device enters initially.
+ *
+ * STOP: In this state, a VFIO device is deactivated to interact with
+ * device driver.
+ *
+ * LOGGING state is a special state that it CANNOT exist
+ * independently.
+ * It must be set alongside with state RUNNING or STOP, i.e,
+ * It is used for dirty data logging both for device memory
+ * and system memory.
+ *
+ * LOGGING only impacts device/system memory. In LOGGING state, get buffer
+ * of device memory returns dirty pages since last call; outside LOGGING
+ * state, get buffer of device memory returns whole snapshot of device
+ * memory. system memory's dirty page is only available in LOGGING state.
+ *
+ * Device config should be always accessible and return whole config snapshot
+ * regardless of LOGGING state.
+ * */
+/* action to get data from device memory or device config
+ * the action is write to device state's control region, and data is read
+ * from device memory region or device config region.
+ * Each time before read device memory region or device config region,
+ * action VFIO_DEVICE_DATA_ACTION_GET_BUFFER is required to write to action
+ * field in control region. That is because device memory and devie config
+ * region is mmaped into user space. vendor driver has to be notified of
+ * the the GET_BUFFER action in advance.
+ */
+/* action to set data to device memory or device config
+ * the action is write to device state's control region, and data is
+ * written to device memory region or device config region.
+ * Each time after write to device memory region or device config region,
+ * action VFIO_DEVICE_DATA_ACTION_GET_BUFFER is required to write to action
+ * field in control region. That is because device memory and devie config
+ * region is mmaped into user space. vendor driver has to be notified of
+ * the the SET_BUFFER action after data written.
+ */
+/* layout of device state interfaces' control region
+ * By reading to control region and reading/writing data from device config
+ * region, device memory region, system memory regions, below interface can
+ * be implemented:
+ *
+ * 1. get version
+ *   (1) user space calls read system call on "version" field of control
+ *   region.
+ *   (2) vendor driver writes version number of device state interfaces
+ *   to the "version" field of control region.
+ *
+ * 2. get caps
+ *   (1) user space calls read system call on "caps" field of control region.
+ *   (2) if a VFIO device has huge device memory, vendor driver reports
+ *      VFIO_DEVICE_DATA_CAP_DEVICE_MEMORY in "caps" field of control region.
+ *      if a VFIO device produces dirty pages in system memory, vendor driver
+ *      reports VFIO_DEVICE_DATA_CAP_SYSTEM_MEMORY in "caps" field of
+ *      control region.
+ *
+ * 3. set device state
+ *    (1) user space calls write system call on "device_state" field of
+ *    control region.
+ *    (2) device state transitions as:
+ *
+ *    RUNNING -- start dirty data logging --> RUNNING & LOGGING
+ *    RUNNING -- deactivate --> STOP
+ *    RUNNING -- deactivate & start dirty data longging --> STOP & LOGGING
+ *    RUNNING & LOGGING -- stop dirty data logging --> RUNNING
+ *    RUNNING & LOGGING -- deactivate --> STOP & LOGGING
+ *    RUNNING & LOGGING -- deactivate & stop dirty data logging --> STOP
+ *    STOP -- activate --> RUNNING
+ *    STOP -- start dirty data logging --> STOP & LOGGING
+ *    STOP -- activate & start dirty data logging --> RUNNING & LOGGING
+ *    STOP & LOGGING -- stop dirty data logging --> STOP
+ *    STOP & LOGGING -- activate --> RUNNING & LOGGING
+ *    STOP & LOGGING -- activate & stop dirty data logging --> RUNNING
+ *
+ * 4. get device config size
+ *   (1) user space calls read system call on "device_config.size" field of
+ *       control region for the total size of device config snapshot.
+ *   (2) vendor driver writes device config data's total size in
+ *       "device_config.size" field of control region.
+ *
+ * 5. set device config size
+ *   (1) user space calls write system call.
+ *       total size of device config snapshot --> "device_config.size" field
+ *       of control region.
+ *   (2) vendor driver reads device config data's total size from
+ *       "device_config.size" field of control region.
+ *
+ * 6 get device config buffer
+ *   (1) user space calls write system call.
+ *       "GET_BUFFER" --> "device_config.action" field of control region.
+ *   (2) vendor driver
+ *       a. gets whole snapshot for device config
+ *       b. writes whole device config snapshot to region
+ *       DEVICE_CONFIG.
+ *   (3) user space reads the whole of device config snapshot from region
+ *       DEVICE_CONFIG.
+ *
+ * 7. set device config buffer
+ *   (1) user space writes whole of device config data to region
+ *       DEVICE_CONFIG.
+ *   (2) user space calls write system call.
+ *       "SET_BUFFER" --> "device_config.action" field of control region.
+ *   (3) vendor driver loads whole of device config from region DEVICE_CONFIG.
+ *
+ * 8. get device memory size
+ *   (1) user space calls read system call on "device_memory.size" field of
+ *       control region for device memory size.
+ *   (2) vendor driver
+ *       a. gets device memory snapshot (in state RUNNING or STOP), or
+ *          gets device memory dirty data (in state RUNNING & LOGGING or
+ *          state STOP & LOGGING)
+ *       b. writes size in "device_memory.size" field of control region
+ *
+ * 9. set device memory size
+ *   (1) user space calls write system call on "device_memory.size" field of
+ *       control region to set total size of device memory snapshot.
+ *   (2) vendor driver reads device memory's size from "device_memory.size"
+ *       field of control region.
+ *
+ *
+ * 10. get device memory buffer
+ *   (1) user space calls write system.
+ *       pos --> "device_memory.pos" field of control region,
+ *       "GET_BUFFER" --> "device_memory.action" field of control region.
+ *       (pos must be 0 or multiples of length of region DEVICE_MEMORY).
+ *   (2) vendor driver writes N'th chunk of device memory snapshot/dirty data
+ *       to region DEVICE_MEMORY.
+ *       (N equals to pos/(region length of DEVICE_MEMORY))
+ *   (3) user space reads the N'th chunk of device memory snapshot/dirty data
+ *       from region DEVICE_MEMORY.
+ *
+ * 11. set device memory buffer
+ *   (1) user space writes N'th chunk of device memory snapshot/dirty data to
+ *       region DEVICE_MEMORY.
+ *       (N equals to pos/(region length of DEVICE_MEMORY))
+ *   (2) user space writes pos to "device_memory.pos" field and writes
+ *       "SET_BUFFER" to "device_memory.action" field of control region.
+ *   (3) vendor driver loads N'th chunk of device memory snapshot/dirty data
+ *       from region DEVICE_MEMORY.
+ *
+ * 12. get system memory dirty bitmap
+ *   (1) user space calls write system call to specify a range of system
+ *       memory that querying dirty pages.
+ *       system memory's start address --> "system_memory.start_addr" field
+ *       of control region,
+ *       system memory's page count --> "system_memory.page_nr" field of
+ *       control region.
+ *   (2) if device state is not in RUNNING or STOP & LOGGING,
+ *       vendor driver returns empty bitmap; otherwise,
+ *       vendor driver checks the page_nr,
+ *       if it's larger than the size that region DIRTY_BITMAP can support,
+ *       error returns; if not,
+ *       vendor driver returns as bitmap to specify dirty pages that
+ *       device produces since last query in this range of system memory .
+ *   (3) usespace reads back the dirty bitmap from region DIRTY_BITMAP.
+ *
+ */
+struct vfio_device_state_ctl {
+	__u32 version;		  /* ro versio of devcie state interfaces*/
+	__u32 device_state;       /* VFIO device state, wo */
+	__u32 caps;		 /* ro */
+        struct {
+		__u32 action;  /* wo, GET_BUFFER or SET_BUFFER */
+		__u64 size;    /*rw, total size of device config*/
+	} device_config;
+	struct {
+		__u32 action;    /* wo, GET_BUFFER or SET_BUFFER */
+		__u64 size;     /* rw, total size of device memory*/
+        __u64 pos;/*chunk offset in total buffer of device memory*/
+	} device_memory;
+	struct {
+		__u64 start_addr; /* wo */
+		__u64 page_nr;   /* wo */
+	} system_memory;
 /* ***************************************************************** */
 #endif /* VFIO_H */

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