[intel-gvt-linux:topic/gvt-xengt 6/45] include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:38:5: error: unknown type name 'uint64_t'

kbuild test robot lkp at intel.com
Fri Jul 26 11:19:10 UTC 2019

tree:   https://github.com/intel/gvt-linux topic/gvt-xengt
head:   2fb2c8e06ea0ffc81376f05208e1d98d71a19c67
commit: ee9b0092eda5440079854c4347bc7d585b08fcef [6/45] arch/x86/xen: add infrastruction in xen to support gvt
config: m68k-allmodconfig (attached as .config)
compiler: m68k-linux-gcc (GCC) 7.4.0
        wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intel/lkp-tests/master/sbin/make.cross -O ~/bin/make.cross
        chmod +x ~/bin/make.cross
        git checkout ee9b0092eda5440079854c4347bc7d585b08fcef
        # save the attached .config to linux build tree
        GCC_VERSION=7.4.0 make.cross ARCH=m68k 

If you fix the issue, kindly add following tag
Reported-by: kbuild test robot <lkp at intel.com>

All errors (new ones prefixed by >>):

   In file included from <command-line>:0:0:
>> include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:38:5: error: unknown type name 'uint64_t'
        uint64_t addr;          /* physical address */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:39:5: error: unknown type name 'uint64_t'
        uint64_t data;          /* data (or paddr of data) */
>> include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:40:5: error: unknown type name 'uint32_t'
        uint32_t count;         /* for rep prefixes */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:41:5: error: unknown type name 'uint32_t'
        uint32_t size;          /* size in bytes */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:42:5: error: unknown type name 'uint32_t'
        uint32_t vp_eport;      /* evtchn for notifications to/from device model */
>> include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:43:5: error: unknown type name 'uint16_t'
        uint16_t _pad0;
>> include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:44:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t state:4;
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:45:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t data_is_ptr:1;  /* if 1, data above is the guest paddr
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:47:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t dir:1;          /* 1=read, 0=write */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:48:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t df:1;
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:49:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t _pad1:1;
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:50:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t type;           /* I/O type */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:60:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t  type;   /* I/O type                    */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:61:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t  pad:1;
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:62:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t  dir:1;  /* 1=read, 0=write             */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:63:5: error: unknown type name 'uint8_t'
        uint8_t  size:2; /* 0=>1, 1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>8. If 8, use two buf_ioreqs */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:64:5: error: unknown type name 'uint32_t'
        uint32_t addr:20;/* physical address            */
   include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h:65:5: error: unknown type name 'uint32_t'
        uint32_t data;   /* data                        */

vim +/uint64_t +38 include/xen/interface/hvm/ioreq.h

    32	/*
    33	 * VMExit dispatcher should cooperate with instruction decoder to
    34	 * prepare this structure and notify service OS and DM by sending
    35	 * virq
    36	 */
    37	struct ioreq {
  > 38	    uint64_t addr;          /* physical address */
    39	    uint64_t data;          /* data (or paddr of data) */
  > 40	    uint32_t count;         /* for rep prefixes */
  > 41	    uint32_t size;          /* size in bytes */
    42	    uint32_t vp_eport;      /* evtchn for notifications to/from device model */
  > 43	    uint16_t _pad0;
  > 44	    uint8_t state:4;
    45	    uint8_t data_is_ptr:1;  /* if 1, data above is the guest paddr
    46	                             * of the real data to use. */
    47	    uint8_t dir:1;          /* 1=read, 0=write */
    48	    uint8_t df:1;
    49	    uint8_t _pad1:1;
    50	    uint8_t type;           /* I/O type */
    51	};
    52	typedef struct ioreq ioreq_t;

0-DAY kernel test infrastructure                Open Source Technology Center
https://lists.01.org/pipermail/kbuild-all                   Intel Corporation
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