Greetings to you,

James Morgan jamesmorganmhu at
Tue Nov 5 12:38:10 UTC 2019

Greetings to you,
My name is Mr.James Morgan, from Toulouse France. I have been suffering from cancer disease and the doctor says that I have just a short time to live. For the past Twelve years, I have being dealing on gold exportation, before falling ill due to the Cancer. I made a lot of money from the sales of Gold and cotton, I married to my late wife after many years of marriage we had no child of our own.  I am very sick and according to the doctor, I will not survive the sickness.
The worst of it all is that I do not have any family members or children to inherit my wealth.I am writing this letter now through the help of the computer beside my sick bed.I have $2.5 Million US Dollars deposited in the Financial House Overseas and I am willing to instruction to transfer the said fund to you as my foreign Trustee. You will apply to the Financial House for claiming of the fund, that they should release the fund to you, but you will assure me that you will take 50% of the fund and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my soul to rest after i have gone. In my next email, I will send you the copy of the Certificate of Deposit which will enable you apply and receive the money with ease.Please respond to me immediately on my private email address where i am able to access my emails quickly (jamesmorganw at for further details and instructions since I am in the end times of my life due to the cancer disease many damages of organs in my body. Hoping to receive your response as soon as possible.
My Regards,
Mr James Morgan
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